Sam and Max's true friends...

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Which characters would you actually consider Sam and Max's friends? Most of the characters you only see are there for an episode or so and some them are actually villains so who do you count? Sybil been in the series since Culture Shock where Sam and Max saved her from Peepers under Brady's hypnosis and saved her from Peepers/or one of the other poppers (can't remember) when he was trying to seduce her under a trance. She helped out a lot with her jobs and the equipment she had from the jobs. Momma Bosco help them a few times in season 2 and she helped out more in season 3.


  • edited September 2010
    The C.O.P.S, apart from when they were sub-villains in 105, they've been helping throughout most of the other games by giving Sam & Max things they need via the fun driving challenges in season 2, and having the crime-tron in 2 episodes, and bluster blaster in 304 6 of the episodes (201, 202, 203, 301, 303, bluster blaster on his own in 304) so, they're a bit useless, really. But they are at least in good terms with Sam & Max.
  • edited September 2010
    DeSoto, Flint Paper, Sybil, Bosco, old Stinky.
  • edited September 2010
    I think the only friendship that exists in the Sam and Max universe is between Sam and Max....
  • edited September 2010
    Excluding each other, they're obviously friends with Flint Paper, and I think they can be considered friends with Sybil and Bosco.

    Actually, everyone who was present during 305 could be considered their friends, too, because they were all together, waiting to see if Max could be brought back - Grandpa Stinky, Momma Bosco, Abe, etc. - and they expressed their condolensces to Sam when it didn't work out. So I think they actually have a lot of friends.

    (But they only seem to really care about each other.)
  • edited September 2010
    I wouldn't consider Grandpa Stinky a friend, he practically hates them. Well also from the comics Ratso and the Rubber-Pants Commandoes.
  • edited September 2010
    Bosco becuase of all the trouble they went through to save him in Season 2. Really missed him this season...
  • edited September 2010
    Sybil, Bosco, Flint and Abe.
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