quick 2 questions

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
have 2 questions that i need anwers to

Question 1: Will Mr purcell ever do anymore Sam and max comics again. the only 1 i have in my possession is the updated version of surfin the highway(i was either to young or was nort born when the originals were in production) Surfin the highway has quickly become one of my top 4 books in my library(up there with Bone one volume how ironic) and even though i have read it more then 10 times it still intrestin each time so i wonder if he's gonna do more, the comic won numerous awards so i just thought.

Question 2: I heard of these two sam and max sketch books By steve purcell and i wonder if they are ever gona reprint them them tey wre called. "The Age of S&M - A Sam & Max Sketchbook " and " The Effigy Mound: A Sam & Max Sketchbook" i wish i had interent when these were in circullatios but alas i was not and these two books sliped by my fingers. i tried to find them but 1 since im a fan i prefer to buy it from telltale and 2 i found them on amazon and......yeah 500 bucks i think not. so i just wanted to kow if they are gona reprint them anytime soon. since im young compared to other sam and max fans i missed out on these to books.

And those are my 2 questions please leave any answers or comments


  • edited September 2010
    alik44 wrote: »
    Question 2: I heard of these two sam and max sketch books By steve purcell and i wonder if they are ever gona reprint them them tey wre called. "The Age of S&M - A Sam & Max Sketchbook " and " The Effigy Mound: A Sam & Max Sketchbook" i wish i had interent when these were in circullatios but alas i was not and these two books sliped by my fingers. i tried to find them but 1 since im a fan i prefer to buy it from telltale and 2 i found them on amazon and......yeah 500 bucks i think not. so i just wanted to kow if they are gona reprint them anytime soon. since im young compared to other sam and max fans i missed out on these to books.

    This. I would do so many horrible things just to get my hands on those.
  • edited September 2010
    First question: Nothing official about Steve writing any new comics, have your read the webcomic 'The Big Sleep'? If not, it's in the comic section of the Telltale blog and is the most recent comic. You should also see Steves blog Spudvision, it contains alot of his art and the two of his Toybox comics.
    Second question: I doubt they will rerelease the sketchbooks, I think they ocasionly appear on line and sometimes are sold in limited numbers at comicon. I feel for you I to missed out on the sketchbooks and the prises on the web are criminal.
  • edited September 2010
    Second question: I doubt they will rerelease the sketchbooks, I think they ocasionly appear on line and sometimes are sold in limited numbers at comicon. I feel for you I to missed out on the sketchbooks and the prises on the web are criminal.

    Kind of sucks for people who don't live in America and can't attend the conventions.
  • edited September 2010
    girlycard wrote: »
    Kind of sucks for people who don't live in America and can't attend the conventions.

    I llive in america but sadly on the east coast and comicon is set all the way in california. i wish they had it over in DC just once
  • edited September 2010
    I would seriously love to own those sketchbooks. I've tried finding them on the web a few times, but to no avail. :(. Even if I did find one available, I bet I wouldn't be able to afford it. :( x2.
  • edited September 2010
    alik44 wrote: »
    have 2 questions that i need anwers to

    Question 1: Will Mr purcell ever do anymore Sam and max comics again. the only 1 i have in my possession is the updated version of surfin the highway(i was either to young or was nort born when the originals were in production) Surfin the highway has quickly become one of my top 4 books in my library(up there with Bone one volume how ironic) and even though i have read it more then 10 times it still intrestin each time so i wonder if he's gonna do more, the comic won numerous awards so i just thought.

    Question 2: I heard of these two sam and max sketch books By steve purcell and i wonder if they are ever gona reprint them them tey wre called. "The Age of S&M - A Sam & Max Sketchbook " and " The Effigy Mound: A Sam & Max Sketchbook" i wish i had interent when these were in circullatios but alas i was not and these two books sliped by my fingers. i tried to find them but 1 since im a fan i prefer to buy it from telltale and 2 i found them on amazon and......yeah 500 bucks i think not. so i just wanted to kow if they are gona reprint them anytime soon. since im young compared to other sam and max fans i missed out on these to books.

    And those are my 2 questions please leave any answers or comments

    that is already on the comic forums
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