A Mac Conclave
I'm a little disappointed I can't find a Mac thread, a little conclave of Mac users appreciating that TellTell has actually created great adventure games for Mac, fending off PC users telling them to buy PC, and asking for more ports.
If no one has done it here yet (and even if they have), let me say thanks to TellTale for creating Mac versions of Puzzle Agent, Tales of Monkey Island and the latest Sam & Max.
I hope you continue to support the platform. You have no idea how much I'm dying to play the Wallace & Gromit and Strongbad games. I'm certainly willing to put my money where my mouth is and continue to buy. I'm willing to put my mouth where my money is and continue to tell my Mac friends about your games.
If no one has done it here yet (and even if they have), let me say thanks to TellTale for creating Mac versions of Puzzle Agent, Tales of Monkey Island and the latest Sam & Max.
I hope you continue to support the platform. You have no idea how much I'm dying to play the Wallace & Gromit and Strongbad games. I'm certainly willing to put my money where my mouth is and continue to buy. I'm willing to put my mouth where my money is and continue to tell my Mac friends about your games.
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Besides, I would gladly buy a PC just for gaming had I the money, my Mac is old.
I wonder if many Halo fans are Mac haters. That would be ironic, considering what the Marathon series was exclusively developed for before the Microsoft buyout
Well, I was trying to get a laugh, although I've certainly seen the anti-Mac thing happen.
I wonder when we'll see the next seasons beeing ported to the Mac.
Given I'm moving to the U.K. in two days and can't pack my PS2 or Gamecube (which are region locked anyways, so it's a bit moot), having Tales of Monkey Island on my trusty Macbook Pro is a big blessing, especially since I have a 11-12 hour flight to look forward to.
I have the non-pro, got it on eBay for just under $400 (came with an un-seated Wifi antennia that nuked reception, but my local Apple Store fixed it FOR FREE!) but it wont handle the S+M S3, not tried S2/ToMI/etc yet bc I already played them
really? I get 4 hours from my 1.86ghz CoreDuo macbook, it actually BEATS my EEE 900a netbook on battery life!
Only thing that seems odd... is it just me or are the Mac versions of all the games bigger (MB) than the Windows versions? I downloaded on my PC for around 2 hours @ 200-300kbps, and for 3-4 hours @ 500+ kbps on my Mac...
I got about 6-7 hours out of the lappy before it croaked. Then I switched to my mom's iPod Touch to play SMI: SE. That lasted me until we got on the train to York, so that was probably....7-8 hours. I was supremely grateful to Monkey Island (and my electronics) at that point too, as I was stuck with a bunch of jerks on my flight who were super noisy and didn't let me get any sleep. ToMI was all that kept me from threatening them with bodily harm.
As soon as you stress it a bit with a normal usage, battery times reduce to something about 2-2.5 hours, with Flash beeing enabled it's even worse. Now you can stretch that up to dunno 6-7 hours by not using 3d, by lowering the brightness and so on but i don't see a real reason in a system i barely can't use anymore.
I don't think they are worse than others, it's just that the technology isn't advanced enough so that it's of a daily practical no brainer usage like my toothbrush for instance, not yet.