Superego & Watchmen

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
I've been brousing the reactions to "The City that Dares Not Sleep and it doesn't look like anyone's commented on this yet:

Superego is a total reference to Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias) from the Watchmen comic.

Superego's plot: Blow up New York by exploding a giant, purple psychic teleporting rabbity thing.

Adrian Veidt's plot: Blow up New York by exploding a giant, purple psychic teleporting thing.

Did anyone else catch this? What do you think?


  • edited September 2010
    I think the motives are a bit different.

    One wanted to create unity through disaster.
    The other wanted wanted to create chaos because he was being ignored.
  • edited September 2010
    Bunnyman wrote: »
    I think the motives are a bit different.

    One wanted to create unity through disaster.
    The other wanted wanted to kill himself and his 'host'/ end it all because he was being ignored.

    I think this is a little more accurate.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah I don't see it either. I mean, let's face it, probably 85% of all supervillains who have ever existed have had a plan to unleash a giant monster on New York at some point. Besides, I'd say Maxthulu is more green than purple.
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