Sam Theory [[SPOILERS]]

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Specifically, PAST Sam. After he and Past Max jumped into the time machine, they traveled to the part in time between 106 and 201, and stole the Hugh Bliss talismans. These talismans, related to prismatology (which is related to colors, ie, ELECTROMAGNETISM), started Past Sam on the path to giant monster-dom. Past Max didn't see the need to mention that they were related to Hugh Bliss because present Sam, having used the powers twice thanks to time travel, would worry, or worse, hunt them down and cause all sorts of problems to the time stream.

Admit it. It makes a lot of sense.


  • edited September 2010
    Good theory, I kind of would have liked it with Sam fell on a powerline and that's how he got electromagnetic powers. More hilarity I think.
  • edited September 2010
    season 3 has shone that sam had the powers in him from the start of it you max gives out a lightning when he gets powers that whey sam can control max wheel short of and see vis-hones and Astral projection with max and you he didn't die buy teaching mas's tumour remember it shock him
  • edited September 2010
    I'm sorry, you lost me at "colors ie ELECTROMAGNETISM".
  • edited September 2010
    kane wrote: »
    season 3 has shone that sam had the powers in him from the start of it you max gives out a lightning when he gets powers that whey sam can control max wheel short of and see vis-hones and Astral projection with max and you he didn't die buy teaching mas's tumour remember it shock him

    English (I think):

    Season 3 has shown that Sam had the powers in him from the start of it, Max gives out lightning when he gets powers, that's why Sam can control the Max wheel sort of and see visions and Astral project with Max and he didn't die by touching Max's tumor remember? It shocked him.

    That spelling makes me want to throw up.
  • edited September 2010
    Kane's theory...actually makes a lot of sense. o__o
  • edited September 2010
    When I read the title, the first thing I thought of was a theory of all motion in the universe being caused by tiny Sams dancing the rumba inside quarks.

    But electromagnetism is cool, too. :D
  • edited September 2010
    Skunkape and Sam are both able to use the Cthonic Destroyer, and Skunkape can use Future Vision, even though they're both said not to have any powers.
  • edited September 2010
    Season 3 has shown that Sam had the powers in him from the start of it, Max gives out lightning when he gets powers, that's why Sam can control the Max wheel sort of and see visions and Astral project with Max and he didn't die by touching Max's tumor remember? It shocked him.

    Except... it doesn't. Past Sam and Present Max clearly develop different powers, the lightning is just for effect. Present Sam DOESN'T control the wheel, you have to switch over to Max mode for that. Visions and projection are explainable in the same way that teleportation is. Surviving the shock is definitely evidence of Present Sam's latent powers, but Past Sam actually used them.
    I'm sorry, you lost me at "colors ie ELECTROMAGNETISM".

    Colors are LIGHT. Light is one of the important bits of the fundamental force of electromagnetism.
    Teeth wrote:
    Skunkape and Sam are both able to use the Cthonic Destroyer, and Skunkape can use Future Vision, even though they're both said not to have any powers.

    When does Skunkape use the Cthonic Destroyer, again? Sam uses it in Max's brain, so he gets a free pass. Future Vision probably actually used by Gordon, but Skunkape hitched a ride like Sam does with Max.
  • edited September 2010
    Sam also survived the electrocution he got on Skunkape's ship after using astral projection....
    Just thought I'd mention that.
  • edited September 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    Sam also survived the electrocution he got on Skunkape's ship after using astral projection....
    Just thought I'd mention that.

    He was using a loaner body. The actual owner of the body is the one to get the pain (I think)
  • edited September 2010
    Teeth wrote: »
    Skunkape and Sam are both able to use the Cthonic Destroyer, and Skunkape can use Future Vision, even though they're both said not to have any powers.

    I don't remember Skunkape ever using the Cthonic Destroyer to shoot lasers. Still, you may have a that totally canon Origins video, it is implied that Skunkape had electromagnetic powers.
  • edited September 2010
    Legendary wrote: »
    Colors are LIGHT. Light is one of the important bits of the fundamental force of electromagnetism.
    But electromagnetism is one of the four fundemental forces so any other force would derive from it not the other way round. So if you wished to control it you would need to control electromagnetism to control colors, light, chemical bonding, friction and human invention using electric currents.
  • edited September 2010
    I think your all digging a little too deep into the whole "I'm an alternate timeline max and we had to kill you in my timeline" plot...

    and here I thought this would be a psycological theory of why sam thinks and acts the way he does...
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    He was using a loaner body. The actual owner of the body is the one to get the pain (I think)

    Hmm... If I recall Sam said he could still feel the pain even if it is a loaner body. I'm still curious why Sam had electromagnetic abilities though. That's a cool power.
  • edited September 2010
    If I wasn't half brain-dead right now, I'd shoop Sam's head on that guy from InFamous.
  • edited September 2010
    AussieEvil wrote: »
    If I wasn't half brain-dead right now, I'd shoop Sam's head on that guy from InFamous.

    That is a brilliant idea and you have reminded me I need to pick up where I left off in that game.
  • edited September 2010
    AussieEvil wrote: »
    If I wasn't half brain-dead right now, I'd shoop Sam's head on that guy from InFamous.

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