Question about Season One case file

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
When I joined the Telltale comunity, either season one case file had already ran out, or I didn't noticed it.
If Telltale wants to make me very happy (and get some of my money), they can relaunch it (maybe taking advantage of the launch of Season Three case file?).
In any case, I'm just curious: What was inside that season case file? I'm searching old threads on the forum, but the links to the store information don't work aymore, and the images are lost (with the Great Image Loss that also affected some of "Your Games" page icons, the Bone soundtrack covers, etc..., I suposse), and I don't find a complete list of items, just loose references to some items.
It had any special item like the time card from season two case file (they were six of them, you had to buy AT LEAST six separated case files to have the whole set)?


  • edited September 2010
    Here's a list of the items in the case file (+ pictures):

    Also, I don't think telltale will re-release the case file for season one, but if they do, I too would buy it!
  • edited September 2010
    If anyone wants, I can probably get a pretty high quality scan of the Love Triangle Times. By, you know, scanning it.

    Oh, and yeah, it was definitely out by the time you joined, Javi.
  • edited September 2010
    I wish they would re-release it because I missed it by a long shot. All I really want is the Max pin, though.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, it's pretty frustrating hearing about this awesome piece of merch that I had absolutely no opportunity to get, seeing as I didn't know or care about it until long after it was gone.

    It's even more frustrating that I could've gotten the season two case file, but I held off because I was going to pick it up with my Devil's Playhouse DVD, then it got yanked from the store in the same update as the DVD being put up for pre-order.
  • edited September 2010
    If you want Telltale to rerelease the season one case file or the season two case file say aye! I never got the chance to buy the season one case file.
  • edited September 2010
    Nay! I'm still waiting for my Season One case file and Season Two case files to increase enough in value to earn me a small fortune in gold!
  • edited September 2010
    Nay! I'm still waiting for my Season One case file and Season Two case files to increase enough in value to earn me a small fortune in gold!

    I'll give ya a sack of barley and a half-dead goat for the Season One case file right now!
  • edited September 2010
    If anyone still has a season one case file they are willing to give up for some cash, I will buy it from you.:cool: Send me a message if you are interested in selling it to me!
  • edited September 2010
    If someone has a case file(season 1 OR 2), I have a free episode and 1$ off codes from the TOMI treasure hunt I'm willing to part with, just send me a PM. (Doubt it will happen, but worth a shot.)
  • edited October 2010
    I also didn't find out about the Case Files until it was too late and would love the opportunity to purchase it. It would be so awesome if Telltale brought it back.
    The Season 2 Case File, by the way, is still in the store; its page is here. I bought mine a couple days ago and got it today, and seeing the contents further cemented my desire to own it for Season 1 as well. :)
  • edited October 2010
    I would have bought that a while ago if I knew it was still there! Thanks!
  • edited October 2010
    I also didn't know this was still available and was convinced it wasn't. So thanks for letting me know - I've now got one on order. :-)
  • edited October 2010
    No problem; glad I could help. :)
  • edited October 2010
    I saw it was there, but I thought maybe it was a mistake or something, so since you got one, I quickly ordered mine. Along with the Season 1 and 2 DVDs, TOMI DVD and Strong Bad DVD. Now to wait for it....
  • edited October 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    I saw it was there, but I thought maybe it was a mistake or something . . .
    No mistake. It used to be only shown on the Season 2 DVD page, but for some reason you couldn't add it to your cart from there, and when I informed TTG of this they gave it its own store page.
  • edited October 2010
    Excellent! Now I just need the Season 3 soundtrack to be released to help make it worth the shipping!
  • edited October 2010
    It would be great for a season 3 OST release, but not good on my bank balance.

    I keep making the mistake of ordering one item, paying for shipping, then realising there's another item I want.

    In the last 3 weeks, I think I've paid for four sets of shipping (to the UK, no less). I really ought not to get so tempted - I blame Telltale and their far too tempting Sam & Max items! :D
  • edited October 2010
    In the last 3 weeks, I think I've paid for four sets of shipping (to the UK, no less). I really ought not to get so tempted - I blame Telltale and their far too tempting Sam & Max items! :D

    I've done that twice so far. I bought S3 (download) and then bought the S3 disc. I bought the GaB, then as soon as it was available I ordered the S2 disc, and now I'm planning to buy the S1 disc.

    What really annoys me is I keep forgetting I have coupon codes from the ToMI treasure hunt! T_T
  • edited October 2010
    If anyone wants, I can probably get a pretty high quality scan of the Love Triangle Times. By, you know, scanning it.

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