whats your favorite sam and max music

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
just wondering I like the C.O.P.S. motivation song


  • edited September 2010
    Anton Papierwaite's boss theme at the end of 302. What IS the official name for that? I call it The Big Reward (cause that's the name of the reel)
  • edited September 2010
    The Devil's Playhouse intro theme.
  • edited September 2010
    I like Fugue and Dies Irae from season 2 in their special room in Hell. It just felt like their definitive number when it comes to trashing bad guys.
  • edited September 2010
    All themes similar to the main bit of 'Pounding Fathers'.
  • edited September 2010
    Since Hit the Road was the last one I completed I'll say for that one. It'll have to be the Mt Rushmore Dino Bungee National Park. When I was stuck I kept going there so I could listen to the music whilst trying to figure out my next move!
  • edited September 2010
    That's an easy one. The Office :D
  • edited September 2010
    Jurgen's Inner Sanctum and the Oompah music in the boss fight with Jurgen.
  • edited September 2010
    My favourite tune is "Twilight Eternal" from season 2 (the music that plays in the subway station to hell), and my favourite song is World of Max.
  • edited September 2010
    I really have no clue. There are way too many great songs to choose.
    My favorite tracks from this Season are:

    *The Opening
    *Skunkape battle theme
    *The City Streets theme
    *The Disorient Express Themes (all 3)
    *Papierwaite battle theme
    *Sammun-Mak's Throne room
    *Both of Stinky's themes (before and after the clone siege)
    *The Cloning Chamber theme
    *All of Charlie's Piano songs.
    *The City streets theme (from 305)
    *All of the music inside Max's body
    *The End Credits Song.

    I really like all of the music from this season, but these ones are the most likely to get stuck in my head.
  • edited September 2010
    I love Dino Bungee, Savage Jungle Inn, and the Largest Ball of Twine from Sam & Max Hit the Road!
  • edited September 2010
    The Theme from Skunkape's Ship (Modern Major General?)
    The Office
    La Oficina Del Futuro
    The Sphunx Challenge (the theme that plays in Papierwaite's first appearance)

    And, of course:
    War (What is it Good For?)
  • edited September 2010
    S1 had so many memorable songs, not so much in S2, and the only music that *really* struck me in S3 was that final piece
    when lonely Sam is walking down the street mourning max's death

    I used to love the C.O.P.S. theme but it'g gotten annoying over time... so...

    Tossup between World of Max and Mob the Mole and the Meatball end-theme...
  • edited September 2010
    *Papierwaite's boss music at the end of 302
    *The Friendly Demon song
    *The Toybox Song in 301
  • edited September 2010
    The office!
  • edited October 2010
    Wow. There are just too many to say only one...

    (All versions of The Office, You and Me (& Ted E. Bear), Woo!, Eternal Twilight, Little Arctic Circle, all the Sam on the Streets songs from 303, Stinky's Under Seige at the start of 304, & Max's Legs/Gym song from 305)

    But, I have to say one of my close personal favorites is actually "Attack the Dog" (the Brady Culture boss fight song) from Culture Shock.

    There is just something about that one that always gets my toe tappin'.
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