It's not the same... (Spoilers)

edited December 2010 in Sam & Max
I just finished 305, and despite the supposed return to status-quo, I still feel that it's not the same, that's not OUR max, it's just a replacement, the real max, the one we've loved for 3 seasons, is dead... which leaves a tiny hole in my soul...

Anyone else feel this way? or are you all just glad there's a replacement max so the series will go one as if our max was still alive?


  • edited September 2010
    Monster Max and Monster Sam are in hell wrecking up ****. I'm fine with this.
  • edited September 2010
    Monster Max and Monster Sam are in hell wrecking up ****. I'm fine with this.

    I'm imagining their personal hell is some kind of brutal fight to the death.
  • edited September 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    I just finished 305, and despite the supposed return to status-quo, I still feel that it's not the same, that's not OUR max, it's just a replacement, the real max, the one we've loved for 3 seasons, is dead... which leaves a tiny hole in my soul...

    Anyone else feel this way? or are you all just glad there's a replacement max so the series will go one as if our max was still alive?

    You are mistaken, this is the Max from season 1 and the start of season 2.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah it's Max from episode 204, and considering Max doesn't remember a lot according to Sam, it's even better than a clone.
  • edited September 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    I just finished 305, and despite the supposed return to status-quo, I still feel that it's not the same, that's not OUR max, it's just a replacement, the real max, the one we've loved for 3 seasons, is dead... which leaves a tiny hole in my soul...

    Anyone else feel this way? or are you all just glad there's a replacement max so the series will go one as if our max was still alive?


    It's still Max. Better a different max than no Max.
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »

    It's still Max. Better a different max than no Max.

    I would have rather had that model of Max at the end of 304, I'm sure you know which one and not Demon Max or Psychicly Amped up Max.
  • edited September 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    I would have rather had that model of Max at the end of 304, I'm sure you know which one and not Demon Max or Psychicly Amped up Max.

    Ummm......half-demon Max? When he's got the colour scheme of Maxzilla but his normal size?
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    Ummm......half-demon Max? When he's got the colour scheme of Maxzilla but his normal size?

    He looked kinda like Stitch then. He was so cute I wanted to cuddle him! For reals.
  • edited September 2010
    Monster Max and Monster Sam are in hell wrecking up ****. I'm fine with this.

    I think you missed the point here... Thou on that note, I think your confusing (monster) S+M's heaven and their hell ;)
    crfh wrote: »
    Yeah it's Max from episode 204, and considering Max doesn't remember a lot according to Sam, it's even better than a clone.

    So basically Max just forgot about Season 3... (at least OUR season 3, his seemed kinda... similar-but-different... would be a fun extra if TTG showed us a glimpse of his S3...) I find that explanation a little more comforting, but it doesn't negate the fact that our max was blown to hell by Superball (But at least he took Stinky and Skun'ka'pe with him! what a noble little guy, I'm as shocked as the narrator was, happy, but shocked)
    Hatley wrote: »

    It's still Max. Better a different max than no Max.

    Being a different max doesn't mean we (I) wont learn to love him just as much as the original or stop buying the series... (though I think TTG could have pulled it off a little better by giving sam a *hint* that max was alive and S4 could have been spent saving him...)

    No max would have meant the end of the S+M franchise (and until the last moment I actually was worried it was going to end like that) I was a little suspicious TTG would end it with just sam and make 401 "Sam [strike] and Max[/strike]" only revealing at the end that Max was somehow alive. ...Of course I dont think TTG is that cruel and heartless...
    Hatley wrote: »
    Ummm......half-demon Max? When he's got the colour scheme of Maxzilla but his normal size?
    He looked kinda like Stitch then. He was so cute I wanted to cuddle him! For reals.

    I actually kinda expected that to happen and the last half of 305 to be trying to return him to his pure-rabbit form...
  • edited September 2010
    Chuck stated Max has a hive mind and knows the presence of all Maxes. So this Max knows the memory of old Max in a way(he also said all the wierd pictures you see while playing as Max is him remembering adventures of the other Maxes)
  • edited September 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Chuck stated Max has a hive mind and knows the presence of all Maxes. So this Max knows the memory of old Max in a way(he also said all the wierd pictures you say while playing as Max is him remembering adventures of the other Maxes)

    Maybe; By the way:p. If TTG decides to take this route I'm fine as long a it gets explained/fleshed out. It does simplify things. But what about Sam....?
  • edited September 2010
    I think it was pretty established that not only Superball blew Max, Max was basically doomed because his head was already on fire and about to explode and take half the city with him.

    Nothing could have saved Max.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, New Max not only missed all Season 3, he was from the original timeline in "Situation: Comedy". That's when Past Max and Past Sam steal the time machine, and Original Sam and Max get stranded in time and have to solve all the cases they have already solved (Hugh Bliss, etc). So in truth, that's Max from 102.

    However, like I have said, Original Max didn't really remember a lot of things anyway. When they're trying to get Grampa Stinky to give them their demon broth, Sam states he needs to do constant recaps for Max. "AARGH talking dog!"

    Plus you sorta need to remind Original Max of the things with the clones (for the astral projector thing), for example, meaning he doesn't even remember events from the PAST week.

    I'm not really sad because I think Max would be in a funk over losing his psychic powers, and also because THIS Max probably doesn't have a deadly tumor inside his head :(
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    Ummm......half-demon Max? When he's got the colour scheme of Maxzilla but his normal size?

    Yep that's the one. Wouldn't it be awesome, having that model of Max running around the streets with Sam solving crimes with his awesome evil teeth?
  • edited September 2010
    *sings* If you cant be with the Max you love honey, love the Max your with! :o
  • edited September 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    Anyone else feel this way? or are you all just glad there's a replacement max so the series will go one as if our max was still alive?
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Chuck stated Max has a hive mind and knows the presence of all Maxes. So this Max knows the memory of old Max in a way(he also said all the wierd pictures you say while playing as Max is him remembering adventures of the other Maxes)

    I like Chuck's explanation very much - not because it explains anything (it doesn't), but because it provides a different way to observe Sam & Max that is much more apt to their universe than seeking logical connections from one act to another. Some of you guys are trying way too hard to rationalize events in a universe that wasn't meant to be rational in the first place.
    Gohaku wrote: »
    Maybe; By the way:p. If TTG decides to take this route I'm fine as long a it gets explained/fleshed out. It does simplify things. But what about Sam....?

    And this, too. I'd be surprised (even disappointed) if too much explanation was attached. I'd love to see (control? ooooooooooh!) Huge Electromagnetic Sam, though - not to piece together unknown events, but for the fun of it.
  • edited September 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    Maybe; By the way:p. If TTG decides to take this route I'm fine as long a it gets explained/fleshed out. It does simplify things. But what about Sam....?

    I guess I'm wondering as to why it would need to be fleshed out. Much like the whole deal with Max's death in Bad Day on the Moon, it follows very classic Sam and Max comedic timing. ie: drama gets amped up, things do not look good, then in the next panel it switches to a completely different scene where everything got fine and dandy again, with little to no explanation, and it's never referred to again. It's supposed to be underplayed. That's the point.
  • edited September 2010
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    I guess I'm wondering as to why it would need to be fleshed out. Much like the whole deal with Max's death in Bad Day on the Moon, it follows very classic Sam and Max comedic timing. ie: drama gets amped up, things do not look good, then in the next panel it switches to a completely different scene where everything got fine and dandy again, with little to no explanation, and it's never referred to again. It's supposed to be underplayed. That's the point.

    In that comic it was ok because it was clear what had just happened. This 305 end scenario just felt a little ambiguous....
    We've been playing a straight line so far and there have even been moments of nostalgia even though continuity was not the focus. I'm not one to judge anyone's style of storytelling, but Max's death and return hasn't occurred enough to be the comedic standard in the series. Or rather, the manner in which it happened this time

    I thought it was a bold move to delve into a more dramatic side of Sam&Max which I found fun and intriguing. Sam's and Max's characters seem a lot more complex than we've previously known. However, the ending made it seem as though this Max is different and will take the story in an obscure direction. But, since Chuck mentioned that Max is a hive mind, I'm not sure what to think now. :confused:
  • edited September 2010
    To be honest, the other max coming through the time machine seems like a somewhat sneaky way to get people to buy season 2, so they understand what was going on. To me, anyway.
  • edited October 2010
    For whatever reason, I keep transposing Brazil's ending to Max's return at the end of 305. For the uninitiated, Terry Gilliam has a penchant for including twists-for-the-worse at the end of his films (I'm spoiling endings here); in Brazil, the main character is about to be tortured when all of a sudden he's rescued by a supporting character, then there's the happy ending, but there's one final scene that the guy went insane and the rescue was all in his mind. So I'm [probably mistakenly] thinking Max's return is all in Sam's mind.
  • edited December 2010
    When the credits rolled, I thought it was like CMI where the credits stop and Max is really alive. But when they kept going on, I felt so sad. I don't like the idea of old Max officially dead for some reason.
  • edited December 2010
    I keep seeing people suggesting that the fourth season be about getting the old Max back. Problem is, if we go through an entire series trying to save Old Max, we'll end up slowly bonding with New Max, and then we'll miss him once we get the Old One back and say it's not the same.

    Actually, that'd be kind of funny if Telltale did that. Especially if they kept making fun of that in the future Sam and Max seasons.
  • edited December 2010
    I keep seeing people suggesting that the fourth season be about getting the old Max back. Problem is, if we go through an entire series trying to save Old Max, we'll end up slowly bonding with New Max, and then we'll miss him once we get the Old One back and say it's not the same.

    Actually, that'd be kind of funny if Telltale did that. Especially if they kept making fun of that in the future Sam and Max seasons.

    Or... we could end up with two Maxes. Which the world really, REALLY does not need. One causes enough destruction already!
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