Odd Character Question on Sam...

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Working on a project that has Sam (or rather one of his ancestors) in olden times... just curious on the community's feedback on this aspect...

Does anyone think that (back when it wasnt "deadly" or was even by some considered "healthy") Sam would smoke a pipe?


  • edited September 2010
    I'm not sure he fits the type. And it makes sense. Dogs have very sensitive noses, they hate smoke.
  • edited September 2010
    An ancestor of Sam's would probably smoke a pipe. I don't think Sam himself would.
  • edited September 2010
    There ARE tobaccos with different flavors/scents, so it's plausible to say that he would smoke them FOR the smell (maybe it's some outrageous flavor like McGuffin or Fudgey Freeze, or he just needs to drown out his Max's stench >>) -- which is just as well, since I can't picture any Sam smoking just because.
  • edited September 2010
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    An ancestor of Sam's would probably smoke a pipe. I don't think Sam himself would.

    I highly doubt that since I just can't see Sameth curling up to the fireplace with a pipe under his mustache, so if Sam wouldn't, why would Sameth?
  • edited September 2010
    lol Sameth... that's a few dozen generations too modern...

    Tho honestly, I *can* imagine Sameth by the fire with a pipe ala Sherlock Holmes, but your right it seems a tad off...

    also for what it's worth the pipe in question is an old 1' long stem (20-something cm for you Europeans) with a small cylindrical bowl on the end

    and I LOVE the idea that he is doing it to get away from Max's smell! lol (and I can see modern sam duo's comments

    Max: I cant smell that bad, you dont smoke, sam!

    Sam: if it werent for all the carcenogens, the risk of heart dissease and lung dissease and my worry about what you'd do with the lighter, I would for the same reason, little buddy

    or (alternate joke)

    Sam: it helps that in modern times we bathe much more often, little buddy
  • edited September 2010
    I'd picture an old-timey Sam with a Sherlock Holmes Hat and Trenchcoat. I couldn't actually picture him smoking tobacco out of a pipe, but I'd picture him with one of those fake pipes that blow bubbles.
  • edited September 2010
    I was sure I'd seen concept art of Sammeth holding a pipe o.o
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