Brain inconsistency (Spoilers)

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
it just occurred to me that there's an inconsistency with the brain-swapping that occurs in this season. There were two cases, Sammun-Mak's brain inside Max, and Grandpa Stinky/Space Ape inside each other's bodies, but they appear to have been done differently. Someone may remember a thread I made a while ago, about how voice is controlled by Vocal chords and doesn't change depending who's brain it is, since Sammun-Mak's voice always sounds the same no matter what his circumstance is, same with Max. But when Stinky and the Space Ape swapped bodies, Grandpa Stinky had the Space Ape's regular voice and the space ape had Stinky's voice. While this make more sense, considering voice is generated by vocal chords and not by the brain itself, it creates an inconsistency between the two situations.

tl;dr: Sammun-Mak's voice didn't change in Max's body, Stinky's did in the Ape's body. Why?

Any explanations?


  • edited September 2010
    Sammun-Mak speaks psychically, perhaps?
  • edited September 2010
    It may be about the Gift. I mean, they may go with it if they want to avoid a plothole.

    But why not having Stinky's regular voice after the brain swapping, really? I'll so miss his accent...
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah, that inconsistency kind of bugged me too.

    Really, now that Stinky's in the Ape's body, he should have the Ape's vocal quality, because that's produced by the vocal chords, but he should still probably have his Scottish accent, because that's the set of phonemes his brain knows how to produce.
  • edited September 2010
    It's possible that the second case wasn't a physical brain swap so much as a thought transferal through radio waves or something
  • edited September 2010
    I always thought it was because SammunMak and Max both have a sort of squeaky, high pitched voice, but the gorillas have a voice that's too deep to be mistaken for Grampa Stinky's.
  • edited September 2010
    Max's voice isn't high pitched at all, at least not to the degree that sammun-mak's is
  • edited September 2010
    Wasn't this because the Space Ape and Granpa Stinky were mind swapped by a machine, as in, transferring their brains from one to the other using SCIENCE! Rather than just a basic grab brain, throw it in Body kind of thing.
  • edited September 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Wasn't this because the Space Ape and Granpa Stinky were mind swapped by a machine, as in, transferring their brains from one to the other using SCIENCE! Rather than just a basic grab brain, throw it in Body kind of thing.

    Why would you need SCIENCE! if you can do the thing you want using your basic kitchenware?
  • edited September 2010
    All you really need for brain transplants are funnels and someone willing to stay still for a really long time, SCIENCE! or no.

    I think if you tried actually asking anyone from Telltale, they'd just tell you that someone with the Gift is able to speak telepathically or something in their own voice, so Sammun-Mak and Max always sounded like themselves.
    But the REAL reason is probably that there were a few scenes where Sammun-Mak and Max's brain were together, and it would be too confusing to hear the same voice coming from both of them.
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