Which underused characters should be used more?? (Spoilers!!)

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
***Remember, view this thread at your own risk if you haven't played through the whole series!!!***

After the death-filled carnage that was the mind-blowing season finale and the loss of many great characters; (RIP Girl Stinky :() I thought of some of the more underused characters who haven't been killed off yet, and how they should be given a-lot more material before they too reach an untimely demise…(feel free also to post your own lists/personal thoughts!)

Satan - More involvement? - Yes! :D

Satan’s a fantastic character, despite only having two (albeit brief) appearances in the series. Aside from his humoruous personality and exaggerated appearance, he also has a great running gag attached to him - where he's always mistaken to being the season's villan, and he always tells Sam & Max at the end of a season that he's not directly involved in all this villianry.

I'm hoping that there's some build-up to this, where either the third time's the charm - Sam & Max lazily asks if he's involved with season 4's plot and he shocks them by saying he is {or} Sam & Max don't even bother asking him, therefore letting all chaos run amok. All in all, whether he is the centre of the plot or not, Satan needs to be involved more next season. He’s a must!

Jurgen - More involvement? - Certainly.

I admit I only fell head-over-heels with William Kasten’s creation this season with the excellent TTOSAM, which provided a wonderful backdrop of character development for the gothic vampire. His plot-related role in NOTRD was inspired and pretty enjoyable, and for me wins a silver ribbon, but in my opinion his other appearances are just strikingly average and wasteful, if he’s just going to have those underused appearances next season, then there’s no point in using him at all.

As for the others…

Bosco - Great character, but Telltale were right to axe him as a main one as they’ve got to keep the material fresh after all…as for a cameo appearance, I definitely wouldn’t say no to that…as Sybil’s baby bumped return proved that a reunion of old friends can make an episode so much better.
Sybil - I’m really interested if Telltale will work in the Abe Lincoln baby into the next season (e.g. Sam and Max babysitting it xD), aside from that and maybe one more cameo appearance, I think her character’s gone far enough.
Mr. Featherly - Great character, I enjoy his brief and random but funny appearances, however there is no need to extend his role in the series - Situation: Comedy was far enough and look what happened there.
Superball - After being using so frequently for many random guarding roles, he’s sadly started to lose his magical touch for me, he’s still a fun character but I’m just hoping he’ll fade into the shadows for season 4, just so we can all get a breather from him.
Harry Moleman - Possibly one of my favourite characters of the series, what’s more he’s perfectly used in seasons…never underused or overused, just a terrific source for comedy.
Yog-Saggoth and Paperwaite - Average duo, surprisingly over hyped by everyone. Their role in the series is just fine at the moment.
The COPS - A must! A definite must!!
Mama Bosco - She did quite well this season, being brought more into the limelight…for now, I think her role is just fine.
Flint Paper - Neither underused or overused.
Abe Lincoln - Like Superball’s character, his charm is declining, but unlike Superball I wouldn’t mind a cameo or two from Lincoln next season.


  • edited September 2010
    I would definitely love to see more of Flint Paper. It's a very unusual character because Sam and Max are FANS of him. Plus as I love Noir I'd love to see more Sam & Flint interrogations.

    I vote for the return of Bosco and the COPS, but I think Bluster Blaster should return with the COPS.

    I agree that Satan is dreadfully underused, and Jurgen too.

    I personally think that for Season 4 it would be nice to get a rest from the Mole people.
  • edited September 2010
    In a Sam and Max story, Sam and Max should be the main focus. Other characters should only exist and be used to facilitate their adventures, not to meet some "fan demand usage quota". Use a character if they make sense, if they work in a scene, but there is no reason(creatively, anyway) to include characters if they don't specifically add something to the adventure, the joke(s), the structure, etc. Characters used when they matter, not when they would be "fun to see again".
  • edited September 2010
    True, but since Sam and Max don't really interact with each other, they need the secondary characters to have someone they can bounce the weirdness off. Sam and Max are awesome ALWAYS, but you can't really say it's the same them having a conversation with Bosco or the COPS, or a conversation with the Moai Blues babies or the Xmas elves. It will be a million times better in the first case.
  • edited September 2010
    Personally, I'd like to see more of T.H.E.M and Brady Culture.

    In a Sam and Max story, Sam and Max should be the main focus. Other characters should only exist and be used to facilitate their adventures, not to meet some "fan demand usage quota". Use a character if they make sense, if they work in a scene, but there is no reason(creatively, anyway) to include characters if they don't specifically add something to the adventure, the joke(s), the structure, etc. Characters used when they matter, not when they would be "fun to see again".

    Well, please pardon us for believing we had the right to voice our opinions about what we would enjoy seeing in future projects. Clearly we are a bunch of bumbling idiots, and you are a great genius who knows everything and we should worship. Oh please forgive us great master tigremalf.
  • edited September 2010
    MOAR C.O.P.S.! They're my favourite secondary characters, though I'll admit that the main reason I love them are the voices. I'd like to see Bluster Blaster re-join them as well, though it might be a bit harder to fit him into the DeSoto.

    I really like Superball, but I do think he's a bit over-used at this point. I'd like to see more of Momma Bosco though, she could keep Sam and Max supplied with weapons/gadgets after all. And I just like the character.

    I'd also like to see Paperwaite reappear, but that's mainly because he sounds like a higher-pitched De Cava, (probably because it's the same VA) and that amuses me.
  • edited September 2010
    Hatley wrote: »
    Well, please pardon us for believing we had the right to voice our opinions about what we would enjoy seeing in future projects. Clearly we are a bunch of bumbling idiots, and you are a great genius who knows everything and we should worship. Oh please forgive us great master tigremalf.

    Well, please pardon him for believing he had the right to voice his opinions about what he would enjoy seeing in future projects. Clearly he is a stupid jerk who doesn't know nothing about these games, and you are an oppressed people who have the only opinion worth spouting. Oh please forgive him on my behalf great master tigremalfs.

    Now that didn't seem off-topic and overly-defensive, did it? Oh wait, it did? Huh. Well.
  • edited September 2010
    If there is a new series I think they should get rid of the COPS (not funny in my opinion) and have Jurgen's monster as a semi-recurring character.
  • edited September 2010
    I don't get the feeling that any character is over or under played. I agree with RD in that characters should be used in accordance to what would work with the plot rather than what the fans would want to see. And though it was surprising to see Jurgen in season 3, and I enjoyed that, he was implemented perfectly so that he worked with the plot and wasn't over done. In the last episode, however, it just seemed like they threw everyone together, and it seemed kinda awkward for it. But you know, whatever.
  • edited September 2010
    The characters I would like to see return in Season 4 (if there is going to be one. Please Telltale, make it happen!) would be:

    Papierwaite (Yog-Soggoth too, if he is still there)- Not used too much. Maybe three or two episodes.

    Bosco - A cameo. Bigger than Bluster Blaster (I was disappointed with that in 304. I was looking foward to that so much...) in one episode. He is awesome, and I did miss him a bit.

    Grandpa Stinky! - I loved him A LOT this season. Three or four or whatever episodes please, if he has his old body and accent back. There is just something about him, and withought his body and accent, he just won't be the same...

    Sybil & Lincoln - If just to see their baby. I did like Sybil more in 305, and was disappointed Lincoln had one speaking part... and that was it. Not too many episodes for these two either maybe.

    Mamma Bosco - She seemed attracted to Sam, so that is fine, as long as they can find more jokes about it, and also just imply it... (SHUDDER) I think I just made myself picture something I shouldn't have pictured...

    Flint Paper - That end fight in 305 was awesome! It seemed true to the comics (from what I've seen. I'm getting Surfin' The Highway soon). More fight sequnces like that please. Myabe some more team ups, for one or two puzzles perhaps.

    That is all I can think of at the moment.
  • edited September 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    Sybil & Lincoln - If just to see their baby. I did like Sybil more in 305, and was disappointed Lincoln had one speaking part... and that was it. Not too many episodes for these two either maybe.

    Mamma Bosco - She seemed attracted to Sam, so that is fine, as long as they can find more jokes about it, and also just imply it... (SHUDDER) I think I just made myself picture something I shouldn't have pictured...

    Flint Paper - That end fight in 305 was awesome! It seemed true to the comics (from what I've seen. I'm getting Surfin' The Highway soon). More fight sequnces like that please. Myabe some more team ups, for one or two puzzles perhaps.

    That is all I can think of at the moment.

    I love the Sam + Max + Momma B love triangle. I know Max is probably playing it for laughs, but it still makes me laugh so hard when he makes passes at her.

    Now that Lincoln has a body again I'd like to see him used a little, like 1 or two epps or maybe just as a minor appearance in several, I agree the baby ("freak of nature" as sam so apply put it) would be amusing to see just has to be played carefully to avoid the dreaded "Death By Baby" that would destroy all interest in Sibyl/Lincoln

    Flint is all-but required to appear at least once in S4

    I thought Paiperweit/Norington was gonna dissapear in 304, since he didnt I'd like to see him again (LOVE that accent lol) maybe just a a background character with Momma B, trying to get back to his own universe.
  • edited September 2010
    Superball - After being using so frequently for many random guarding roles, he’s sadly started to lose his magical touch for me, he’s still a fun character but I’m just hoping he’ll fade into the shadows for season 4, just so we can all get a breather from him.

    Are you kidding me? Superball should never fade into the shadows! In fact, I'm hoping he's president in Season 4 seeing that the new Max never went through the events of 104.
    It would be cool if Superball secretely engineered the events in Season 3 just because he was next in line to be president.

    Bosco could get a cameo, but no major role please. Same with Papierwaite. It's fun to bring them in for one or 2 episodes, but please. What we had in season 1 with Sybil and Bosco being in every episode; I hope that never happens again.
    In Season 3 I don't think any character was overused.

    And Flint Paper? Absolutely, he is the best supporting character ever! The thing with the hobos and him fighting off all the clones in 305 was pretty damn epic.

    And I wouldn't mind seeing Sybil/Abe again briefly, if only to see their kid. But the kid had better look cool, like this:

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