When are the episodes supposed to take place, relative to one another? The calendar still says September. Then again, it's presumably still September 2002, but how do they go through them at a rate of "about one per year" if they never flip to a new page?
Episode 1
Sam: "Last month's donuts."
Episode 2
Sam: "These donuts are at least three months old."
Sam: "Aren't these the same two weenies from a month ago?"
Bosco: "Are you the same two weenies that were in here a month ago?"
If there was, we'd probably run into Conroy Bumpus again, or at the very least, Bruno.
It's nice to see the gumball machine and newspaper change every month, for instance. More things like that would help diversify the retreaded areas... or something.
& I thought those were just kinda jokes about the games being released on a monthly basis (with the same in-game objects)