season 3 office

edited September 2010 in Sam & Max
Does the office is season 3 look similar to the season 1 depiction, or does it continue to change like on season 2? I was just wondering because I can't find a screen shot online of it.

Not that my opinion matters and I realize I'm part of the minority, but I like the original look of the office (season1). It had a classic look that was familiar to me, so I was kinda disappointed that it changed drastically in season 2.


  • edited September 2010
    The office is never seen in Season 3.
  • edited September 2010
    The office was bland, boring and overused. Why you would want that instead of brand new locations like we had in Season 3 is beyond me.
  • edited September 2010
    What do you mean "boring?" Sure, it serves little purpose, but it gives me nostolgia.
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    The office was bland, boring and overused. Why you would want that instead of brand new locations like we had in Season 3 is beyond me.

    BORING?! Three words. Whack-Da-Ratz.
  • edited September 2010
    kendo17 wrote: »
    Does the office is season 3 look similar to the season 1 depiction, or does it continue to change like on season 2? I was just wondering because I can't find a screen shot online of it.

    Not that my opinion matters and I realize I'm part of the minority, but I like the original look of the office (season1). It had a classic look that was familiar to me, so I was kinda disappointed that it changed drastically in season 2.

    episode 1:locked out
    episode 2:not even in their time
    episode 3:sam is never near the office until the plot twist that prevents them from entering
    episode 4: the samulacra(dogglegangers) invade the streets to the point you have to travel underground
    episode 5: the chaos is so bad that sam stays in a different street until the next part happens

    Tried my best for a no spoilers although i did spill out the samulacra but I guess thats it.
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    The office was bland, boring and overused. Why you would want that instead of brand new locations like we had in Season 3 is beyond me.

    I liked the office. I like opening up the closet and seeing the souvenir of the previous case.
    I couldn't stop laughing when I saw Leonard Steakcharmer all tied up!
  • edited September 2010
    Boring? Damn it, I played Whack-Da-Ratz once every episode. Because I could.
  • edited September 2010
    I kinda miss the office...

    I wanna see S+M's Apartment tho! (or wherever they live)
  • edited September 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    I kinda miss the office...

    I wanna see S+M's Apartment tho! (or wherever they live)

    In the comics and the cartoon they have a house in the suburbs. I don't think it's been mentioned in the TellTale series yet...
    That would make a fun new location!
  • edited September 2010
    The house was on the comics too? Can't say I remember it, but yeah, it'd be nice for a new location.
    The office was bland, boring and overused. Why you would want that instead of brand new locations like we had in Season 3 is beyond me.

    That's just you.
  • edited September 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    The house was on the comics too? Can't say I remember it, but yeah, it'd be nice for a new location.

    Yeah, I think it was. When Sam was reading Max a bedtime story. Right before the pillow smothering :D
    Was that the house?
  • edited September 2010
    There's also "The Damned Don't Dance," where Sam and Max have invited their families over for Christmas dinner.

    Just a personal theory, but I like to think they still have a house in the suburbs in the Telltale games. Some time back however, they returned to the office late one night and were too exhausted -- or lazy; probably the latter -- to head home as they usually would, so they slept in there. And then forgot they had a house altogether. They've even bought a set of bunk beds to use in a small side room whose door is always off-screen. It's been months (optimistically speaking) since the house has been occupied. At least by the owners.
  • edited September 2010
    Speaking of their families, it'd be nice to see some more of them don't you think? SPECIALLY Sam's grandma, best grandmother ever XD
  • edited September 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Speaking of their families, it'd be nice to see some more of them don't you think? SPECIALLY Sam's grandma, best grandmother ever XD

    Hey, SunnyGuy? Would you be a gent and stop reading my mind?

    Mostly about that part I bolded. Grandma Ruth rocks hard like few others do. Though I'd love to see other family members too.
  • edited September 2010
    Are you sure it's mind reading and we don't simply share a mind? XD
  • edited September 2010
    I vote to see their house in future Sam&Max games
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Speaking of their families, it'd be nice to see some more of them don't you think? SPECIALLY Sam's grandma, best grandmother ever XD
    Families? I remember Sam's awesome granny. I want to see Max's kin now!
  • edited September 2010
    I know it's been posted before around here or on the wikia, but since I can't find it I'll have to provide my own image

    ^Only proof in existence that Sam and Max are not orphans =P
  • edited September 2010
    Great uncles and cousins of the Louisiana Purchase and the in-laws on the Jerry Springer Show!
    I've never seen that before! I've only just started reading excerpts from the comics. I think I need to order Surfin' The Highway.
    That's just disturbingly adorable:D
  • edited September 2010
    Oh my god, look at all the lagomorphs!
  • edited September 2010
    The little lagomorphs are so cute! And thats coming from me!
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