The Toys of Power!

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
So what did you think of them?

Personally, I loved playing around with them. The downside was that there were too few of them at once most of the time, so that the list of options of what to use was just too short. Overall, I do think Telltale should try new ways to tackle the point-and-click adventure game genre, like this.
It was interestingly different from what I'm used to in adventure games. Playing around with items like this felt more Zelda-y than point-and-clicky, which is a nice change, of course! I really missed the ToP in 305.

How about you?


  • edited September 2010
    I was surprised at how they handled the psychic powers in 305, but it was a very innovative way to use the powers nonetheless. And we learned more about how the Astral Projector works. The way Sam used that power was brilliant.
  • edited September 2010
    they were great, I liked most of the toys puzzles - now if only they were more organically combined with item puzzles... ;)
  • edited September 2010
    I think they were at their best when the episode relied on a wide variety of toys. That's why Beyond the Alley of the Dolls and Tomb of Sammun-Mak excelled to me. They never focused too much one one particular toy. However, in The Penal Zone and They Stole Max's Brain, which focused way too much on Future Vision and Rhinoplasty, respectively, the puzzles got stale and repetitive to me.
  • edited September 2010
    I loved the toys of powere and am a little disapointed that the only toy still around is the cthonic destroyer and it really wont help them much do to it only affecting things from the dark demension, and the only thing from there as it is is itself and yog soggoth. There is of course the astro projector because, the only reason it was still around was because it was a part of max's mind, and because max has a hive mind, he would still remember that toy dispite it being Max X. All it is is just get it out of his mind, and BAM sam and max can project themselves into any suitable body.

    Hmmm. I smell a puzzle idea in season 4.
  • edited September 2010
    Max has the gift, yes. And I'm sure technically Max A can learn to use psychic powers though I suspect he'll still need the actual toys of power to trigger the memory of any additional powers.
    But, as was stated in 301, Max's brain will eventually catch fire and explode if he keeps using psychic powers.
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Max has the gift, yes. And I'm sure technically Max A can learn to use psychic powers

    maybe maybe not... remember they were caused by a deadly tumor, and we dont know when it formed, Max A might not have said tumor and thus be unable to use Max P's powers.
  • edited October 2010
    So what did you think of them?

    Personally, I loved playing around with them. The downside was that there were too few of them at once most of the time, so that the list of options of what to use was just too short.

    I liked them, but sure there could have been few more around. I think that TTG planned to add more of them, but cut some of them out of them game. In 305 there is a list of all psychic powers of the entire season and there was a psychic power which I didn't encounter in any of the episodes (So, either I'm a very bad player or all of the powers didn't make into the final version).
  • edited October 2010
    I liked them, but sure there could have been few more around. I think that TTG planned to add more of them, but cut some of them out of them game. In 305 there is a list of all psychic powers of the entire season and there was a psychic power which I didn't encounter in any of the episodes (So, either I'm a very bad player or all of the powers didn't make into the final version).

    The Nutrispecs only made it into the PS3 version (no idea why - people have easily hacked them into the PC version) As for all the others (such as those we see swirling aroung hte toybox in Tomb of Sammun-Mak, or the ones that float into the toybox in They stole Max's Brain) There were quite a few shown that were never used... I do wonder how many were acctually "planned" vs how many were "used"
  • edited October 2010
    I liked the toys of power, but found many of them varied from a cryptical use to an obvious one (e.g on a slide from obvious to cryptic: future vision, mind reading, can'o'nuts, rhinoplasty, telleportation, ventriliquisim, astral projection) and weren't intigrated with inventory puzzles enough.
  • edited October 2010
    I liked the Toys of Power, but I'm disappointed there weren't very many opportunities to play around with them and get some funny responses.

    It'd be great to see the Toys more in-depth in a future installment.
    Even though that can't happen.
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