Bonus Discs - Concept Art

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
Does anyone know whether there is more concept artwork on the Telltale discs than on the retail versions? On the season 1 retail disc, there's 22 images. Is there more than that on the Telltale disc?

Also, is the concept artwork purely as a 'montage' on the Telltale discs or are they also on there as .jpgs?

If anyone happens to have a complete detailed breakdown of the stuff on the bonus discs, that would be great. (when I say 'detailed', I mean more detailed than on the Telltale store - i.e. The number of trailers, the number of mp3s, the number of images etc.) My discs are winging their way to me, but I guess it'll be some weeks until they reach the UK shores. :-(


  • edited October 2010
    Woah, you get RETAIL disks in the UK?
    You are lucky, there aren't any in Australia.
    I never bothered counting the amount of images but its only a montage.
    There are some wallpapers though!
  • edited October 2010
    Zetta wrote: »
    Woah, you get RETAIL disks in the UK?
    You are lucky, there aren't any in Australia.
    I never bothered counting the amount of images but its only a montage.
    There are some wallpapers though!

    You haven't looked very hard then. I see them all the time in EBgames.

    Sorry I can't help, I don't own either discs. :(
  • edited October 2010
    Thanks for the responses. Guess I'll have to wait for the discs to arrive. Ah well, it'll be worth the wait, I'm sure.
  • edited October 2010
    I'm still waiting for a soundtrack.:(
  • edited October 2010
    MP3s: Attack the Dog, Bosco's 2.0, City Streets, Combat Begin!!, Consecutive Office, Cooking Without Looking, Don Ted E. Bear Waltz, Lefty's 2.0, Lincoln vs. Max, Midtown Cowboys, Millionaire, Moonscape, More Than Jerks, Opening Credits, Quiet on the Set, Roy G Biv, Ted E. Bear's Casino and The Office. NOTE: These are just the songs on the DVD, not the complete soundtrack.

    Wallpapers: (Attached) Note: I uploaded them in 800X600 resolution, but there are other resolutions on the disc. Also, due to the attachment limit, I will have to post the rest in another post.

    Commentaries: The disc has 3 commentaries for each episode, which can all be seen here.

    Shorts: The disc includes bonus shorts, they are: Frank Discussion, Trainspotting, A Painstaking Search, Reality Blights, Egregious Philosophy Platter, Kitchen Consequential, Interrogation, Coffee, The Blank Blank Blank, War Games, The Teapot Drone Scandal, Saving the Economy, Artichoke, Bosco, A Fireside Chat and all the S&M segments from the Independent Games Festival.

    Trailers: Trailers for each episode, and the E3 2006 Trailer.

    Blooper Reel: Which can be seen here

    Concept Art: This is just a montage and are not JPEGs, sorry!
  • edited October 2010
    Here are the rest of the wallpapers.
  • edited October 2010
    Many thanks for this. Exactly the info I was after. Should be great to get these. Thanks again.
  • edited October 2010
    You haven't looked very hard then. I see them all the time in EBgames.

    Well, there aren't any in Victoria anyway.
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