Which season should I buy?

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
I've been wanting a full season of Sam & Max for a while, but I don't know which one. I was thinking of getting season 3 since it was the most recent and costs the least, but I'd like to know what the more experienced Sam & Max players think.


  • edited October 2010
    any one is good
  • edited October 2010
    IMO, I recommend you start with Season 1. Although, if Season 3 appeals to you, then get that one. They do make references to Season 1 & 2. Although, they explain the character's backstories a tiny bit, and there are some minor spoilers (Stinky's intro comes to mind), but other than that, it is fine to start there. Plus, you may very well need to buy all of them quite soon after. Like me. I couldn't wait for season 2, so I bought it a month before I was originally planing to (It was only £12 after all) and the day after I finished? I bought Season 3. Sigh, and now it is finished... :(
  • edited October 2010
    Another factor is that there's certain new features in later seasons that you may miss having in earlier seasons if you play out of order. For example, when I first played season one, I didn't think anything of how fast Sam walked, but after playing season two, it drives me nuts that I can't run when I play season one.
  • edited October 2010
    Unless you want bonus discs, watch STEAM for specials, I paid less than the S3 price and got ALL TTG games (minus CSI) around xmas time.

    yeah, always go in order 1-2-3 or there will be spoilers!
  • edited October 2010
    I like everyone else reccomend to play them in order.
    Telltale has done a pretty good job with season 3 for new people though.
  • edited October 2010
    Up until The City That Dare Not Sleep happened, I would have said that Season 3 was an okay starting place. But that episode contains so many references to Season 2 that it's almost necessary to play them in order.
  • edited October 2010
    I'd suggest getting them in order too
  • edited October 2010
    It's not about only storyline or the spoilers, really. Since Season 3 is the superior season, you'll feel the absence of SOMETHING if you play the third season first and then the others.

    I think you should try to get the whole Sam and Max pack for 40$.
  • edited October 2010
    Yep, I also say play them in order. Although season 1 is my least favourite, you should definitely start there. If you were to start with either season 2 or 3, you would miss a LOT of references.
  • edited October 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    I think you should try to get the whole Sam and Max pack for 40$.

    That's definitely the best option, and I'm talking from personal experience. Trust me when I say it's the cheapest way (at least in this website).
  • edited October 2010
    These games are fantastic definitions of the point and click adventure genre. You could technically start anywhere, but to experience the full potency and impact of the series, I suggest that you play them in order.
  • edited October 2010
    Aye, play the seasons in order. You'll get the best playing experience that way and the story will make more sense as you will see in the character developments.
  • edited October 2010
    Well, I suggest playing them in order.

    Weird no one else suggested such as far :p.
  • edited October 2010
    And by order we mean Hit the Road first, then 101, then 102, then 103, then 104, then 105, then 106, then 201, then 202, then 203, then 204, then 205, then 301, then 302, then 303, then 304 and finally 305.
  • edited October 2010
    Just to be different, I would suggest starting with season one. There are many recurring characters, so I think youd miss out on half of it if you started later.
  • edited October 2010
    I'm familiar with a lot of the characters, including what they do and what happens to them, so I wasn't really worried about not getting references to earlier seasons, so I just ended up buying The Devil's Playhouse :P But so far the only thing I'm disappointed with is the inability to go inside the office and Bosco's Inconvenience like in Season 1 (Of which I have two demos and a full episode).
  • edited October 2010
    Oh, I mean only the Telltale series in order. Not anyone is able to go through Hit the Road, and you can live without at least getting all the Hit the Road references, really. Maybe you can watch some clips of HtR on Youtube afterwards.
  • edited October 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Oh, I mean only the Telltale series in order. Not anyone is able to go through Hit the Road, and you can live without at least getting all the Hit the Road references, really. Maybe you can watch some clips of HtR on Youtube afterwards.

    I second this. I played through about 5 puzzles in HtR and got stuck, but between the comics and TV series, I had no problem dropping into the TTG series --- keep in mind also there WILL be some references to the comics, even if they are very subtle usually. though oddly enough I've seen no real references to the TV series.... o_O
  • edited October 2010
    If you want only one Season get Season 2.
    If you consider getting all 3 anyways start with the first.
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