The voice and music behind Sam & Max?

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey, Ladies and Gents, it's my first post here :)

A while back I remember seeing a video posted on the Telltale blog featuring a behind the scenes look at the voice acting and music composition for the Sam & Max series, I can't find it on youtube, and the link on the site doesn't seem to work, does anybody know any sites that have it uploaded as I'd love to see it (Sam and max withdrawal symptoms after series 3, you see)

Speaking of which, how long does it take between series? I'm desperate for S4!


  • edited October 2010
    While I'm afraid I can't help you with your first question, I can tell you that there is no set amount of time between seasons. Telltale make the seasons when, and if, they want to. As of yet, a fourth season isn't even confirmed, so there is ultimately no release date.

    Edit: There was about a year's gap between the end of Season 1 and the end of Season 2, and then two-and-a-bit years from the end of Season 2 to the end of Season 3... so, who can say when we will see a fourth season? Hopefully soon :).
  • edited October 2010
    Thanks, although Season 3 sure did leave on a cliffhanger, now just to play the waiting game of confirmation/denial of a fourth series!
  • edited October 2010
    GeorgeC wrote: »
    Thanks, although Season 3 sure did leave on a cliffhanger, now just to play the waiting game of confirmation/denial of a fourth series!

    Easier said than done :).
  • edited October 2010
  • edited October 2010
    Trenchfoot wrote: »

    Thats the one, Cheers Trenchfoot!
  • edited October 2010
    It's great that we get to see what David Nowlin looks like, but I really want to see what William Kasten looks like as well. :p
  • edited October 2010
    Teeth wrote: »
    It's great that we get to see what David Nowlin looks like, but I really want to see what William Kasten looks like as well. :p

    The irony here is I think Nowlin does look a little like Sam... if that means Kasten looks a little like max, then he's a short, hyper, violent midget... oooooohhhhh he sounds awesome! ;) lol
  • edited October 2010
    I think I had- I just.... OHHH!
    I need to see more of this. That was so awesome! Production is what I'm about, you see.:D:D:D
  • edited October 2010
    Gohaku wrote: »
    I think I had- I just.... OHHH!
    I need to see more of this. That was so awesome! Production is what I'm about, you see.:D:D:D

    There's more links on that page trenchfoot linked us to with some pretty interesting production videos on, one of them being Sam and max puppets with a backdrop of their office in the game, it's a good laugh too
  • edited October 2010
    GeorgeC wrote: »
    There's more links on that page trenchfoot linked us to with some pretty interesting production videos on, one of them being Sam and max puppets with a backdrop of their office in the game, it's a good laugh too

    Thanks! I've watched majority of those videos, though. Somehow I managed not seeing that particular behind the scenes.
    Hmm. I couldn't find the puppet one...
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