Back to the Future Platform Discussion
EDIT: I originally made this thread to speculate on what systems BttF will be released on. It's since been confirmed for PC, Mac, iPad, and PlayStation 3.
It will not be on the Xbox 360 or Wii, at least for now, presumably because Telltale's past experiences with WiiWare and XBLA haven't been as pleasant as theirs with PSN. However, bringing it to these systems later isn't out of the question.
It will not be on the Xbox 360 or Wii, at least for now, presumably because Telltale's past experiences with WiiWare and XBLA haven't been as pleasant as theirs with PSN. However, bringing it to these systems later isn't out of the question.
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Ah. Thanks for clearing that up, Alan. I guess I misread the press release.
I'll just say that it would be really cool if Telltale put a game on every system, then.
You're confusing 'Wii' with 'Wiiware'. The Wii can run games fine, bit their download service Wiiware has size restrictions which meant ToMI was compressed and had different audio.
Ah, I see! Sorry for the confusion then
I don't think there's been a game yet where the Wii version is every bit as good as its PS3/360 counterparts. (I heard the Wii version of Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is the same aside from a graphical downgrade, but I've never played it.) To be fair, point-and-click adventures aren't as graphics-and-gameplay-intensive as an action game, but that doesn't mean there can't be problems.
Beatles Rock Band.
Telltale has at least the guts to face the challenge tackling the systems limitations, but who knows how high they set the bar for both games?
Let's just be happy that at least those Franchises get another chance.
Look at the bottom. PC, Mac, iPad, and PS3.
I guess it's official, then.
Hooray for iPad. I hope this means that future games from Telltale also have a chance of making it on the iPad.
It's up for Pre-Order!!!
I'll get it on PC (& Mac) as a christmas present now, then get it on PS3 at christmas too!
Any idea what the PSN's price will be? £15ish?
Oh, and anybody want a Puzzle Agent gift? I've got the game like three times now.
Well then, how about PC, Mac, WiiWare and Xbox 360 for Jurassic Park, please?
I imagine it will be the same platorms for JP as the ones they've announced for BTTF.
And hopefully announcements of bundled Wii disc versions once the final episodes launch.
We'll see. The last two titles (Sam & Max / ToMI) have been only on PS3 (the latter was on Wii also).
I will be pre-ordering on PC and PS3 -- guess I'm crazy like that.
Hopefully info regarding the pre-order for PS3 will be unveiled soon.
Going forward, I believe they're coming out simultaneously on PC/Mac and PS3, much like Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse.
Each PS3 episode of The Devil's Playhouse only came out like a day or two after the PC/Mac release, right? You probably wouldn't have to wait too much.
This would be SPLENDID on the Wii !!!
I seriously hope TellTale don't ever cater for WiiWare again, having to squash games into 40MB just wasn't the best design choice around and I really think it's unfair that a game could potentially be compromised due to one platform having insane restrictions. At least with the Xbox 360 and PS3 the limit is 2GB to allow much more freedom and the hardware can handle a lot more, bringing it in line with PC.
From what I've gathered, Wiiware just didn't work for Monkey Island, from the downscaled music being MIDI to the pricing structure of the WiiWare Store meaning the Wii version cost like twice as much. The appeal of the PSN for TellTale was that the PSN now allowed a subscription, pay up front style, like what the TellTale store does for the PC/Mac versions, so the price works out near enough the same.
Considering the preview trailer is slated for Dec 2, I think you may be out of luck.
I can still hope for at least a major upadate on the 17.
Yeah, Telltale shouldn't try making a WiiWare version, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't try making a Wii version. Maybe after the series is finished they can put all the episodes on a disc for the Wii, like with the first two Sam and Max seasons.
But they should make sure it's a well-done port, unlike with the first two Sam and Max seasons.
And if they stated in the press-release that the games'll come out for any major plattform, then one game should at least release on either the Wii or the Xbox 360.
But in the end it's in any way the PC version to go for, so why bother?
According to this press release, the PC/Mac versions will be coming out first and the PS3/iPad versions will be released "shortly after".
Thanks for the heads-up. I wonder how long is "shortly after" -- if the way they released with Sam & Max is any indication, that will be a fairly quick turnaround.
I am a console gamer. I have a very few things on my computer, but it's really old and I don't know much about updating it. It's just easier for me to have a console. That being said, I try not to be a specific brand "fan-boy" either. I currently own a 360 and a first-generation PS2. I had a PS1 before that. I've liked the Playstation, but was in college back when the PS3 was first released - so I wasn't able to afford it. I, personally, think it was really stupid to take out the backwards compatibility factor, and refuse to buy a PS3 until they bring it back (and won't pay for a way-over priced used first-gen PS3 that has that ability).
Also, I'm completely new to TellTale games. It was the BTTF title that drew my attention and got me to sign up in these forums. The most-recent announcment regarding the platforms for BTTF leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I want to give TT my money - but I don't know if I have a system they will be releasing the game on.
I appreciate the news that the first episode will be available free - and will certainly try it on my computer, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up about it.
Also, the talk/rumors of TT possibily releasing BTTF on 360 after the season is complete does little to help. Will I buy it - you bet. But that means I'll have to wait until sometime later next year to play any of the BTTF game - long after most other players have completed the game. I know I don't want it to be spoiled, so that means I really can't particpate in the BTTF forum while I'm waiting for this "timed exclusive" to run out.