Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - Special Edition (Please)

edited October 2010 in General Chat
I've done a search for 'Indiana Jones' and 'Fate of Atlantis' in this forum, and I haven't yet come across a thread dedicated specifically to this topic, but if one exists, please excuse my creating a new thread. I would simply like to reiterate the point if it's already been made:

I would love to see TellTale Games develop a Special Edition of 'Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis'. If an original Indy game in the same style could be developed, that would also be very welcome. FoA was such a great game with an excellent soundtrack as well!


  • edited October 2010
    Telltale didn't make the Special Editions of SoMI and MI:2, Lechucks Revenge.
  • edited October 2010
    'Twas the work of LucasArts, and good luck getting them to listen to their fans.
  • edited October 2010
    Thanks for clearing that up. Well, you're right...the likelihood that LucasArts will remake Indy FoA is very slim indeed, I would imagine. Oh well...thanks Steam, ScummVM and DOSBox. I wish the fan-based games were a little further along. That said, I worry about the quality of writing in some of the demos and screenshots I've seen. =(
  • edited October 2010 Fate of Atlantis is TOO good for a remake. It's a classic.

    I understand Monkey Island 1 and 2 are considered classics, untouchable but FOA is a stand alone CLASSIC, TIMELESS. MI series has 4 sequels and constant and active whiny fan boys.

    Just like the Final Fantasy series that is remaking all their classics...

    FOA is not a game in the same boat, it's a one time hit wonder, it's a CLASSIC Indiana Jones game.

    They should leave it alone, just like they should leave LC alone.

    It's not current, it serves as a one hit wonder in time, it's timeless. It doesn't need current whiny fan boys' sugar coating the franchise...*ECK*

    leave FOA alone...

    It's as rotten an idea as Star Wars special edition.
  • edited October 2010
    They need to remake it and add CGI gophers, a flying fridge, CGI monkeys, and Shia LeBeouf. It would be amazing. I'll go e-mail George Lucas the idea. Oh and make the game in 3D only. Have the Nazis always shoot first and have a rapping fly alien.
  • edited October 2010

    Look, it's perfect already.
  • edited October 2010
    The only reason I see for a FoA remake is adding voices, just like the MI remakes...
    Oh, wait, FoA already have voices. There's no need to remake, since it's just PERFECT as is.
  • edited October 2010
    There's no need to remake, since it's just PERFECT as is.
  • edited October 2010
    Only if they can get Harrison Ford to do Indy's voice.
  • edited October 2010
    I'd be fore an FoA remake. FoA is my fav adventure game, and I wouldn't mind redone graphics as long as they don't go for a stylized cartoonish look, which works for MI, but wouldn't work for Indy. Or maybe they can make a wholly original Indy adventure game :). They never did finish Iron Phoenix....
  • edited October 2010
    I always thought Indy was automatic gold in whatever anyone put him in until the most recent movie. Then I realized that there are some things you just don't mess with, and the awesomeness that is the Indiana Jones franchise is one of them. There is no need for remakes or improvements or sequels. It's all good.
  • edited October 2010
    An Indiana Jones movie is still better than a vast majority of movies out there today. Even KotCS.
  • edited October 2010
    Crystal Skull > Temple of Doom.

    There, I said it.
  • edited October 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    Crystal Skull > Temple of Doom.

    There, I said it.

    No, it's more like

    KOTCS= TOD + LC + 50s adventure movies
  • edited October 2010
    They should remake it... as an animated feature for the big screen, with the voice of Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones.
  • edited October 2010
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    They should remake it... as an animated feature for the big screen, with the voice of Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones.

    Why would it have to be animated?
  • edited October 2010
    I really hated the ending of crystal skull
    Why did there have to be ugly aliens involved
  • edited October 2010
    A few years ago, before KotCS, I read the Tintin comic "Flight 714", and I though that a Indiana Jones adventure involving ancient civilizations worshipping aliens could work quite well.
  • edited October 2010
    bosbeetle wrote: »
    I really hated the ending of crystal skull
    Why did there have to be ugly aliens involved

    Because it was the fifties. Every Indiana Jones movie is a different genre from the era it takes place in--"Raiders" is a 30s adventure serial, "Last Crusade" is a 30s road comedy, so it makes sense that "Crystal Skull" would be a 50s Sci-Fi movie.
  • edited October 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    Because it was the fifties. Every Indiana Jones movie is a different genre from the era it takes place in--"Raiders" is a 30s adventure serial, "Last Crusade" is a 30s road comedy, so it makes sense that "Crystal Skull" would be a 50s Sci-Fi movie.

    I've said it 100s of times before but I'm saying it again, I think KOTCS reminds me best of the original Journey To The Center of The Earth.
  • edited October 2010
    Why would it have to be animated?

    Because Harrison Ford is just too old to be Indiana Jones in Nazi time.
  • edited October 2010
    Temple of Doom is not a bad movie or a bad Indiana Jones movie. I don't get why people hate it; it's AWESOME. I'm glad to see some defenders of KotCS too.

    That said; I'm for an animated series, especially if it adapts some of the comics or books.
  • edited October 2010
    Temple of Doom is not a bad movie or a bad Indiana Jones movie. I don't get why people hate it; it's AWESOME. I'm glad to see some defenders of KotCS too.

    That said; I'm for an animated series, especially if it adapts some of the comics or books.

    I too really like ToD, mainly because I saw it first as a kid :) I also think KOTCS is underrated, but is still the worst of the 4. Last Crusade is my favorite.
  • edited October 2010
    I love KOTCS. The best thing I remember from that movie is that I was smiling from ear to ear when I first watched on the cinema. After all that "dark" movies, it was nice to have an old-fashioned light-hearted film.
  • edited October 2010
    I too really like ToD, mainly because I saw it first as a kid :) I also think KOTCS is underrated, but is still the worst of the 4. Last Crusade is my favorite.
  • edited October 2010
    Temple of Doom is not a bad movie or a bad Indiana Jones movie. I don't get why people hate it; it's AWESOME. I'm glad to see some defenders of KotCS too.

    That said; I'm for an animated series, especially if it adapts some of the comics or books.

    In ToD there is this highly annoying kid that ruins the entire movie for me. In KotCS there are a lot of stupid scenes and it has Shia LaBitch in one of the leading roles. Enough reasons to make it the worst movie in the series.
  • edited October 2010
    Temple of Doom is not a bad movie or a bad Indiana Jones movie. I don't get why people hate it; it's AWESOME.

    I can only speak for myself, but the main reason I hate Temple of Doom is that Indy hardly does anything in the movie. Everything he does is reactionary. Raiders had lots of memorable scenes of Indy doing things, like shooting the guy in the marketplace or fighting the nazi near the plane.

    What's Temple of Doom's most memorable scene? The heart being ripped from the chest. A scene that doesn't involve Indy, aside from as a spectator. Even in the action sequence with the biggest coolness potential, the mine cart scene, basically the most action Indy takes is ducking.

    When I go to an Indiana Jones movie, it's to see Indiana Jones do things. Not to see him watch things happen.

    Of course, it doesn't help that both Willie and Short Round are incredibly obnoxious. Willie especially ruins things, because a lot of the romantic screwball comedy bits could have been fun had it involved a girl I actually cared about. And the inexplicable decision to make the movie a prequel raises too many questions when Indy says at the beginning of Raiders that he "doesn't believe in magic, a lot of superstitious hocus pocus."

    Then again, I didn't see the movie until I was an adult, and everyone I know who loves the movie saw it when they were kids. My theory? If you saw Temple of Doom as a kid, you enjoyed it because (A) it was dark, like a "grown-up" movie, and (B) you saw Short Round, a kid who got to hang out with Indiana Jones, and subconsciously, you wanted to be that kid hanging out with Indiana Jones. Just a theory, of course.
  • edited October 2010
    I only recently watched it in it's entirety because it used to scare me. Bottom line: it is dark. It's like a pulp adventure novel; in fact it's much more like the sort of story you'd see in one of the Shadow novels than an Indy story. But I love that. Like everything else; it's a movie about the hero going up against overwhelming odds; in this case voodoo/sorcery and black magic. And it's awesome.

    And there are quite a few memorable scenes. The crushing room. The dining table. The mine cart. The bridge where Indy goes badass with my favorite line from the movie. The fight on the collapsed bridge. The gun not being there as a reference to Raiders. The heart. Indy turning evil. Indy on the conveyor belt fighting while being hurt with a voodoo doll. The opening scene in the diner. The falling raft from the airplane. The child stumbling out of the darkness into Indy's arms. The fortune and glory line. The scene where Indy hangs the guy with his whip (a VERY dark pulp adventure sort of thing). Really, I think you have to be a lover of those old pulp novels and pulp serials to really get full enjoyment out of the brilliant things in the movie; there are a lot of cool scenes in that vein. Oh and I remembered all of these scenes without having to watch the movie again.

    Oh, and I don't get the complaint with LeBeouf. You really think a different actor would have made the role better or different? Come on. He was perfect for that role, and I always wanted to see him in an Indy movie ever since I saw Holes. Spielberg thought the same thing. The kid looked good. Know who he reminded me of? Oh this will really get your spurs. I could get flamed for this one. Guybrush Threepwood. Yeah, he was like a modern Guybrush Threepwood if Guybrush said "I want to be a greaser!" Same curly hair, same determination to kick ass, same build, and when Mutt was swordfighting Spalko that pretty much sent the similarities over the edge. The monkeys too. And how can you call someone a bitch who got his hand slit open and still kept fighting. The only thing I REALLY didn't like was the temple and aliens at the end. It was boring; there was nothing to it; I saw better in National Treasure. I liked the rest though.
  • edited October 2010
    And there are quite a few memorable scenes. The crushing room. The dining table. The mine cart. The bridge where Indy goes badass with my favorite line from the movie. The fight on the collapsed bridge. The gun not being there as a reference to Raiders. The heart. Indy turning evil. Indy on the conveyor belt fighting while being hurt with a voodoo doll. The opening scene in the diner. The falling raft from the airplane. The child stumbling out of the darkness into Indy's arms. The fortune and glory line. The scene where Indy hangs the guy with his whip (a VERY dark pulp adventure sort of thing). Really, I think you have to be a lover of those old pulp novels and pulp serials to really get full enjoyment out of the brilliant things in the movie; there are a lot of cool scenes in that vein. Oh and I remembered all of these scenes without having to watch the movie again.

    I enjoy classic pulp adventure, but the majority of those bits made me go "meh" at best, and felt painfully stupid or out of place at worst. But, hey, different strokes, and all that. :)
  • edited October 2010
    I love the "nocturnal activities-I'll tell you in the morning-you'll be back in five minutes" scene.
  • edited October 2010
    Know who he reminded me of? Oh this will really get your spurs. I could get flamed for this one. Guybrush Threepwood.


    *Goes to secretly write a script for a Monkey Island movie starring Shia LeBeouf*
  • edited October 2010
    Personally I'd like to see FoA remade without the SCUMM parser. but I can live with it as it is. (that being said I never did well on it and never finished it, got stuck in the hotel on "team" mode and stuck in the ruins on the other two, never getting to the ending)
  • edited October 2010

    Oh, and I don't get the complaint with LeBeouf. You really think a different actor would have made the role better or different?

    It's cool to hate Shia LaBeouf, kind of like it used to be cool to hate Leonardo DiCaprio before people started to realize he was one of the best actors of the generation.

    The problem I have with KotCS has nothing to do with him, or even with the sometimes silly story. The problem is that it really didn't have the core of an Indiana Jones movie, except for the fact that Indiana Jones was in it.

    What I mean is that all the original Indy movies had a specific core: they were based on taking ancient religious mythology and (pseudo)history, twisting it up a bit, assuming it's all true, and then making a big adventure around it. There is a reason Indy was an archaeologist, and not, say, a detective. It's because the core of the movies is based around that sense of history, which was largely tossed aside in KotCS. It's not a *bad* movie, it's just not really an Indiana Jones movie.
  • edited October 2010
    I too really like ToD, mainly because I saw it first as a kid :) I also think KOTCS is underrated, but is still the worst of the 4. Last Crusade is my favorite.

  • edited October 2010
    I too really like ToD, mainly because I saw it first as a kid :) I also think KOTCS is underrated, but is still the worst of the 4. Last Crusade is my favorite.

    And there's a couple of fan edits out there that trim back a fair bit of the excess 'goofiness' of KotCS. Here's one. Here's another. They definitely make the film better, but it's still not as good as the others.
  • edited October 2010
    I refuse to watch the first fan edit; he got rid of the music from the motorcycle chase and the creepy dudes at the gravesite; not cool. The second one got rid of the library sequence and Indy's awesome line there; not cool.

    If an edit should be made it should take in the opinions of multiple Indy fans all over the world, not the editors own opinion of what everyone else should like.
  • edited October 2010
    I still think KotCS was cool. Sure it was silly, but that's what always made the Raiders series cool.

    It's also why I love The Librarian.
  • edited October 2010
    KuroShiro wrote: »
    It's cool to hate Shia LaBeouf, kind of like it used to be cool to hate Leonardo DiCaprio before people started to realize he was one of the best actors of the generation.

    But Shia is not one of the best actors of his generation. He is pretty bad and completely overused.
  • Hi Guys, I started work on Fate of Atlantis remake, its realistic and looking very good. I wouldn't like to see Indiana Jones in ugly 3D or cartoon style. I even disagreed to see Monkey Island in cartoon, because it change everything, mood, atmosphere, story feeling etc. It just doesnt look like original, but its not up to me. So, I do it my way and I think is very good so far.

  • We have started Facebook page for all fans of this great game! If you wanna see all new updates and screenshots, please give us "like" it also proves you want this game to happen! Thanks

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