Anyone ever had a Sam & Max dream?

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
Okey, so after every season ends, I replay the whole season like it was one long movie. I also have a very limited number of TV programs I can tolerate, & I usually watch them On Demand when the season has ended so I can watch the full in one day.

After season 2, I had a crossover dream with the Monk series; Bosco was Adrien Monk, Girl Stinky was Natalie Teeger, Grampa Stinky was Captain Stottlemeyer, Sybil was Dr Kroger/Bell, Whizzer was Randy Disher.

After season 3, I was reasing the Monk book series & had just replayed the entire 3 seasons of sam & Max. So I had another Monk crossover dream, but this time Sam was Natalie & Max was Monk, & Nephertiti was Julie. I was also informed (after being rudely awakened) that I was laughing my ass off in my sleep.


  • edited October 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    After season 3, I was reasing the Monk book series & had just replayed the entire 3 seasons of sam & Max. So I had another Monk crossover dream, but this time Sam was Natalie & Max was Monk, & Nephertiti was Julie.

    I understand that this is a dream and dosen't have to make sense, but besides ruining the character of Julie with Nephertiti, how would that even WORK?
  • edited October 2010
    I have! :D
    I had a strange S&M related dream a couple months ago. Apparently me, Sam and Max were running from something up a flight of stairs in what looked like sammun-mak's tomb. I stopped to turn around and i saw the Stinkys at the bottom. :confused: I think that's when I woke up.

    ...Lol I swear my dreams barely make any sense these days. :p

    ...Well it's mostly true. ;) lol
  • edited October 2010
    I dreamed about "Beyond the Alley of the Dolls" the night before the game was released. For some reason, Max had to walk across a thin bridge of rocks above a pool of lava with a plush Yorkshire terrier. And Stinky's Diner was right next to a pier.
  • edited October 2010
    I had a very fun S+M dream right after I played the whole season... though like most of my dreams I remembered it for like 48 hours and forgot it since... was cool though, I remember that much :p lol
  • edited October 2010
    I've only had 3 dreams about 2 video games.

    2 were of Ultima Online(the second of which was years after I quit, lol).

    The third was just the other day...about a game I've never even PLAYED! All I did was watch 4 or so videos(2 about strategy, 2 visual displays), and my brain evidently tried to fill in the blanks about stuff they only alluded to...

    But I'd be scared to have a dream about Sam & Max, hehehe.
  • edited October 2010
    does it count if part of you dream was sam and max
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