Make up alternate endings for 305! (Spoilers, obviously)

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
Personally, I would have loved to see an ending where the Real Max fell from the sky, and somehow managed to survive. It would have made more sense than the past Max ending, at least.

Sam: Holy (insert-extremely-sam-exclamation)! Max! You're alive!
Max: Yeah, looks like my body isn't affected by fall impact too much.
Sam: God bless your strange Lagomorph bone structure.

Now, how about you guys make up some endings and some dialogue along with 'em?

(yeah, I know my dialogue isn't too great. I'm not the best comedy writer.)


  • edited October 2010
    Mine would be pretty much the same honestly, with the exception that Max would fall on Sam, preferably after he leaves his hat.
  • edited October 2010
    Sam: But how did earth's gravity pulled you right onto the planet even after Skunkape's ship was so far away? Or how did you prevent turning into ashes by the air friction of our atmosphere? How did you even breathe in space?
    Max: I'm part amphibian.
    Sam: It doesn't answer my question at all.
    Max: Maybe it does; you haven't tried it, you don't know it.
    Sam: That makes little to no sense.
    Max: Thank god our audience is a sucker for scientific inconsistencies.
    Sam: Amen to that, little buddy.
  • edited October 2010
    Personally, I was hoping that the SuperEgo managed to change Max back to normal with just enough time for him to teleport again back to Sam (Perhaps in Stinky's Diner where Sam might be sitting in silent depression). That way we get the original Max back. The bomb, of course, would still be on the ship so Stinky, Skunkape and Sammun-Mak would still go kablooie!
  • edited October 2010
    The end credits are the same, but with a heavy storm, and as the credits end the camera pans up to the sky.
  • edited October 2010
    (Sam is standing alone, looking out at the Statue of Liberty, and takes off his hat in respect for the dead)

    Max: Hey, Sam! Turns out I wasn't really dead!
    Sam: Well, that's a fortunate turn of events.

    (Puts hat back on)

  • edited October 2010
    I must admit when Max returned I assumed that the 'time machine' was actually an elevator from the underground tunnels, and that when Giant Max went over Bosco's lab, Real Max seperated himself from Giant Max somehow, jumped out and wandered off into the tunnels, knowing that Giant Max couldn't eat him there. When the time was right he just went up and met Sam again. I know this isn't true, because of the 204 connection, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
  • edited October 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    (Sam is standing alone, looking out at the Statue of Liberty, and takes off his hat in respect for the dead)

    Max: Hey, Sam! Turns out I wasn't really dead!
    Sam: Well, that's a fortunate turn of events.

    (Puts hat back on)


    I like it! It's so simple and can easily fit into the world of Sam and Max. And it's funny. That always helps! :)
  • edited October 2010
    (earlier in the game, the PLAYER chose a dialogue option for SAM in which he waxed lyrical about all his exciting time-travel adventures with MAX)

    SAM and PAST MAX walk away from the site of the TIME POD, which has now vanished, to the DE-SOTO. They move to get into the car.

    PAST MAX: Where we going, Sam?

    SAM: Somewhere where we don't need roads, little buddy.

    The DE-SOTO zooms off into the sunset and vanishes in a flash of light, leaving only burning tyre-marks, a familiar theme-tune, and a promo for Telltale's next exciting game...*

    (Seriously, I can't believe they didn't do this! I mean, we got pirate-flag Max at the end of TOMI, right?)

    * No, not "Puzzle Agent".
  • edited October 2010
    Sam takes of his hat and looks at the Statue of Liberty, letting out a tear. A bubble appears in the torch, like the one when Junior was being summoned, but the bubble is white. A doggledanger, holding a stuffed rabbit, appears to have climbed the statue. He waves at Sam with a happy look on his face, and jumps in the bubble. A flash of light, then Max is ressurected in all his white, furry glory. Sam has an expression of shock on his face, which grows into a huge smile.

  • edited October 2010
    The saddest possible ending I could think of was one where Sam takes off his hat, puts it down, let's Sam Jr. go free, and jumps off the bridge.
  • edited October 2010
    [Max emerges from the sewer behind where Sam is standing.]
    Max: Sam!
    Sam: Max! You're still alive!
    Max: Yeah, you know how Satan owes us a favor for getting him his job back last seaso-I mean year?
    Sam: That he does, little buddy.
    Max: Well, he doesn't anymore.
    Sam: That's nice. I'll have to send him a thank-you card or something.
    Max: I'm pretty sure they don't send mail to hell, Sam.
    [Sam and Max are walking and debating about the US Postal system. Screen fades to black.]
    The End.
  • edited October 2010
    This is what I actualy thought was going to happen when the elevator appeared.

    Max:hiya sam
    Sam:Holy uh cant think of anything, max how are you alive?
    Max:the cloning machine had a delay, and when it was finally working, it exploded and sent me here.

    yes I actualy thought that was what would happen when it appeared.
  • edited October 2010
    WayneBrady wrote: »
    The saddest possible ending I could think of was one where Sam takes off his hat, puts it down, let's Sam Jr. go free, and jumps off the bridge.

    That's actually what I thought was going to happen at first. :(
  • edited October 2010
    (credits play normally until the end, Sam reaches the ledge, puts down his hat)

    (sound effect behind him. but it's not an elevator ding, it's the sound of a pay phone a few feet over ringing)

    (Max appears in a flash of light)

    Sam: By the Flying Buttresses of the Good Ship Lollipop Dropped in the Sand and Covered in Ants!! Max, your alive! (puts hat back on)

    Max: Oh hi Sam. Man, did I get put on hold when bouncing through satellites over the Eastern Hemisphere.

    Sam: But you're not an ungodly eldritch abomination anymore!

    Max: Boy am I going to miss being that! When I teleported to Skunkape's ship the Maimtrons got forcefully removed like a kid's braces when playing next to an electromagnetic crane. So I decided to come back. My freakishly un-cute body got thrown off during the busy line in Tokyo. Won't the Japanese be surprised in the morning.

    Sam: I'm sure they have insurance for that. But how do you even know the number for this pay phone?

    Max: Are you kidding, this is where I make all of my prank phone calls from Sam.

    (main theme begins, Sam & Max walk back into the city like the crime fighting ending)

    Sam: So how's that Superego working out for you?

    Max: I think I've got it satiated. I have the uncontrollable urge to go see the ballet.

    Sam: I thought you hated dance steps with French names.

    Max: Somewhat, but I'm mainly interested with what the ballerinas would do when I set their tutus on fire!

    Sam: You crack me up little buddy.

  • edited October 2010
    *Time machine appears, out steps Past Sam*

    Sam: "Well this is awkward..."
    Sam: "Did your best friend also turn into a giant monster with psychic powers, forcing you to kill him?"
    Sam: "Yeah, pretty much."
    Sam: "You crack me up, identical buddy!"

    And then they walk into the city with the text "Sam & Sam" showing up on the screen.
  • edited October 2010
    *Time machine appears, out steps Past Sam*

    Sam: "Well this is awkward..."
    Sam: "Did your best friend also turn into a giant monster with psychic powers, forcing you to kill him?"
    Sam: "Yeah, pretty much."
    Sam: "You crack me up, identical buddy!"

    And then they walk into the city with the text "Sam & Sam" showing up on the screen.



    Knowing that Max will blow up, Sam also saves Superego from Max's body. Max blows up in the depth of space (although if what made Max regain his personality IS Max's Superego curing his tumor, this creates a plothole), and Sam finds Past Max in the elevator again. Max, later faces his Superego.

    Sam: So, we can't call you Max's Superego all the time. You have the vast freedom of choosing yourself a name, now that you're completely free from the restrictment of Max's personality and behavior.
    Max: But make sure your name forms some kind of a pun or throwback to being a part of personality or something. People dig that kind of stuff.
    Superego: No! I am now a completely different entity. I'm now responsible about my sanity, not yours. So it should be unique. Say, I was thinking of the name-
    Max: Ooh! Ooh... EDMUND REGO!
    Sam: Well...
    Superego: No.
    Sam: Why? I don't hate it...
    Max: 'sup, E. Rego!
    Sam: Oh... Well... At least you don't have to live with these hilariously painful jokes for the rest of your life.
  • edited October 2010
    *Sam looks at Statue of Liberty*
    Narrator: I HAVE YOU NOW!
    Narrator pulls out a time bomb. He clicks the detonate button.
    The world then explodes as we see Sam's hat in OUUUUUUUUTER SPACE as more credits roll.
  • edited October 2010
    Here's mine:

    Same setup as regular ending
    *Sam stares at the Statue of Liberty with respect and then Time Elevator pops up*

    Sam: Holy... It's The past Max with his time elevator!
    Max X: Hi, Sam!
    Sam: But how?
    Max X: Eeh, funny story, turns out you got turned into a giant electromagnetic monster and we had to blow you up... It was horrible!

    *Suddenly Real Max (I'll call him this way for the sake of comparison) pops out of the water and then...)*

    Real Max: Phew, that was close Sam, my Superego got me back to my old self before the bomb explod...

    *Then Real Max Notices Max X and Says:*

    Real Max: What the hell is this??
    Max X: Move it, me! I was here first!
    Real Max: The hell I will, I was gonna surprise Sam!

    *Sam stares at both of them with a confused look while both Maxs argue*

    Sam: Uhhhhh... You crack me up, little... buddies...

    *Then a familiar To Be Concluded pops up as the confusion builds up and the screen turns to black :D*
  • edited October 2010
    SlasherMan wrote: »
    Here's mine:

    Same setup as regular ending
    *Sam stares at the Statue of Liberty with respect and then Time Elevator pops up*

    Sam: Holy... It's The past Max with his time elevator!
    Max X: Hi, Sam!
    Sam: But how?
    Max X: Eeh, funny story, turns out you got turned into a giant electromagnetic monster and we had to blow you up... It was horrible!

    *Suddenly Real Max (I'll call him this way for the sake of comparison) pops out of the water and then...)*

    Real Max: Phew, that was close Sam, my Superego got me back to my old self before the bomb explod...

    *Then Real Max Notices Max X and Says:*

    Real Max: What the hell is this??
    Max X: Move it, me! I was here first!
    Real Max: The hell I will, I was gonna surprise Sam!

    *Sam stares at both of them with a confused look while both Maxs argue*

    Sam: Uhhhhh... You crack me up, little... buddies...

    *Then a familiar To Be Concluded pops up as the confusion builds up and the screen turns to black :D*

    Sam & Max's?
  • edited October 2010
    SlasherMan wrote: »
    Here's mine:

    Same setup as regular ending
    *Sam stares at the Statue of Liberty with respect and then Time Elevator pops up*

    Sam: Holy... It's The past Max with his time elevator!
    Max X: Hi, Sam!
    Sam: But how?
    Max X: Eeh, funny story, turns out you got turned into a giant electromagnetic monster and we had to blow you up... It was horrible!

    *Suddenly Real Max (I'll call him this way for the sake of comparison) pops out of the water and then...)*

    Real Max: Phew, that was close Sam, my Superego got me back to my old self before the bomb explod...

    *Then Real Max Notices Max X and Says:*

    Real Max: What the hell is this??
    Max X: Move it, me! I was here first!
    Real Max: The hell I will, I was gonna surprise Sam!

    *Sam stares at both of them with a confused look while both Maxs argue*

    Sam: Uhhhhh... You crack me up, little... buddies...

    *Then a familiar To Be Concluded pops up as the confusion builds up and the screen turns to black :D*

    That would've been such a perfect ending and setup for season 4 XD
  • edited October 2010
    The depressing Terry Gilliam/Brazil ending: After Sam and the replacement Max walk into the sunset, you realize Max's return was all in Sam's mind. :(
  • edited October 2010
    WayneBrady wrote: »
    The saddest possible ending I could think of was one where Sam takes off his hat, puts it down, let's Sam Jr. go free, and jumps off the bridge.

    Even crueler, three seconds after the splash Max shows up in the elevator, just in time to see Sam's hat get blown away in the breeze.
  • edited October 2010
    Does anyone remember that space mole from Sam and Max Hit the Road? I'd have it that he returns Max at the end of the game.
  • edited October 2010
    (end credits are the same)

    Sam looks out to the Statue of Liberty.

    Sam: I'm gonna get my little buddy back! No matter what it takes!

  • edited October 2010
    (same ol' end credits)
    Satan appears in a puff of flames, snaps his fingers, and Max appears as well.

    Satan: You can thank me later. (puff of flames, disappears)
  • edited October 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    Even crueler, three seconds after the splash Max shows up in the elevator, just in time to see Sam's hat get blown away in the breeze.

    "Hey, guess what! I'm not really dead...

    ooh, AWKWAAAARD."
  • edited October 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    (same ol' end credits)
    Satan appears in a puff of flames, snaps his fingers, and Max appears as well.

    Satan: You can thank me later. (puff of flames, disappears)

    I would have Satan complaining about Max entirely too unpleasant before returning him.
  • edited October 2010
    Scnew wrote: »
    I would have Satan complaining about Max entirely too unpleasant before returning him.

    Not a bad idea! This is what I pay you for! Except I don't pay you and never will.

    Satan: Sam...
    Sam: Satan! But why?
    Satan: I don't know how you live with the beast. You can have him back any day of the week.
    Max: I may have chewed up his leather chair.
  • edited October 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    Not a bad idea! This is what I pay you for! Except I don't pay you and never will.

    Satan: Sam...
    Sam: Satan! But why?
    Satan: I don't know how you live with the beast. You can have him back any day of the week.
    Max: I may have chewed up his leather chair.

    Satan: You don't even want to know what he did to Cerberus.
  • edited October 2010
    As Sam looked at the Statue of Liberty, thinking of retiring after he lost his partner, he hears a familiar sound coming from behind him.

    It was the time elevator. The door slid open to reveal Max.

    Max: Thank God, you're here, non-senile Sam!

    Sam: Future Max? B-but, Present You just died!

    Max: Who? Oh, 2010 Me? Nah, after I turned back into my irresistibly adorable self, I hopped into the Time Elevator just in time!

    Sam: But what's the Time Elevator doing on Skunkape's ship?!

    Max: Uh, hello? It was birthday? Some friend you are.

    Sam: Oh, uh, right...

    Max: However! Someone needs to ride the Time-Elevator to 2010 Me first before any of this will make sense! Unfortunately, this one can only make one more trip, so we need to find a new one in... THE FUTURE!!

    Sam: Wow! How far in the future?

    Max: March 2011. They're having a big Time Elevator sale down at the mall.

    Sam: Oh, okay, but don't we need to find a birthday card of someone whose birthday is in March?

    Max: Birthday cards? Where we're going, we don't need Birthday Cards!

    Sam: ...

    Max: We have Facebook, now.

    Sam: Oh, right.

    Then they went into the elevator, and disappear.
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