Release date?

edited November 2010 in Sam & Max
Any news on when the season 3 dvd will be released?


  • edited October 2010
    Yes! If you check the page it says "October 2010"

    you have a max of 16 days, that's just over 2 weeks at WORST, chill... It's done when it's done.
  • edited November 2010
    Seriously. It is now already the second week of November. When are we getting the series dvd?
  • edited November 2010
    Seriously. It is now already the second week of November. When are we getting the series dvd?

    It actually has been stated that it is finalizing at the moment. Dont think that is under telltale's fault right now.
  • edited November 2010
    Ok. Can I change my delivery address then?
  • edited November 2010
    well, as im a contest runner, i have chousen the sam and max pack, so I guess, i will have my pack when the dvd is relaized...or i want to think that, scinse i didnt have a reply when i chouse my pack... :7, hope the DVD be relaized before dicember.
  • edited November 2010
    I second that request - how can we change the delivery address?

    I've moved since the season started.
  • edited November 2010
    you shuld send a mail to the telltale personal, maybe to Alan or to the mail of telltale costummer srvice.:confused:
  • edited November 2010
    gilau wrote: »
    Well, as im a contest runner, i have chosen the sam and max pack, so I guess, i will have my pack when the dvd is released...or i want to think that, since i didn't have a reply when i chose my pack... :7, hope the DVD is released before december.
    gilau wrote: »
    You should send an email to the telltale personal, maybe to Alan or to the mail of telltale costomer service.:confused:

  • edited November 2010
    So, what is the email address? I cannot find any email addresses on the website.
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