What could T.H.E.Y stand for? [204 spoilers]

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
In episode 204, Bosco's bathroom has a message on the wall "If you explode it, T.H.E.Y will come", we know that T.H.E.M is the Temporal Headquarters of Enlightened Mariachis, but what is T.H.E.Y? Temporal Headquarters of Enlightened Yodelers?


  • edited October 2010
    T.H.E.Y is the other saying of T.H.E.M, he might have wrote that because it does not make sense if you say "if you explode T.H.E.M will come"
  • edited October 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    T.H.E.Y is the other saying of T.H.E.M, he might have wrote that because it does not make sense if you say "if you explode T.H.E.M will come"

    I got that. I created this thread in the hopes of people making up thier own ideas for what T.H.E.Y could stand for.
  • edited October 2010
    here is one "the haring of ecosystem yodeling "
  • edited October 2010
    I always thought it was that Bosco didn't realise it was an acronym, and so used T.H.E.M. mistakenly, but I haven't played this episode in a while so I can't remember exactly.
  • edited October 2010
    It's not an acronym, it's a representation of how Bosco spells out the word "them" rather than saying it outright.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited October 2010
    I'd hoped "THEM" stood the "THE Mariachis," but Vodco had only received part of the final and misinterpreted. But it was a cool acronym instead.

    THEY probably stands for "Th-- Hey!" but I'm bad at names.
  • edited October 2010
    The Human Entertainer Mariachis.

    T.H.E.Y. stands, however, for Totally Hot Evil Youngsters. They also have spaceships, you know.
  • edited October 2010
    I'm partial to Temporal Headquarters of Entertainers from Yucatan.
  • edited October 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    I'm partial to Temporal Headquarters of Entertainers from Yucatan.

    I was going to say bosco just says T.H.E.M so they don't hear him say "them" and thus think he is talking about "them" but then I read your link :o
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