So3 ost?

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
Where is it?


  • edited October 2010
    The low quality, ripped from in-game version may be appearing on YouTube soon. ;)
  • edited October 2010
    what is So3 ost
  • edited October 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    what is So3 ost

    Season 3 Original (or Official, not sure) Soundtrack
  • edited October 2010
    Teeth wrote: »
    The low quality, ripped from in-game version may be appearing on YouTube soon. ;)

    Which would SUCK because Jared and his team of musicians really should be getting paid for their work.

    Okay, they are getting paid for their work, but I mean as an extra bonus kind of thing. You know, in appreciation for their artistic talents and what not.
  • edited October 2010
    It's...awkward. I did say "may", I haven't decided fully if I'm going to do it or not - I'm hugely respectful of Jared's work, so I wouldn't want to impact the sales of a possible soundtrack release. But on the other hand, the quality of my soundtrack rip is the same as the music in-game, maybe lower, so I wouldn't be making any content public that couldn't be seen in gameplay videos and such.

    Mod edit: This is the third thread I found asking for the soundtrack. I'll close this one, but no offense! ;)
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