Sam & Max: The Fan Series!! possibly coming in 2011

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max
Next year, I'm thinking of making a stop-motion Sam & Max series starring me and my partner, Williamstanator (aka Missoliverandblossom). Of course I will give Almighty Steve the recognition as I say "From the creative mind of Steve Purcell," and I may need some more help, what do you guys think?


Sam: Missoliverandblossom

Max: me

Jimmy Two-Teeth:

Bosco: Missoliverandblossom


  • edited October 2010
    Better make voice acting well or it just ends up ruining the project. No point to add voice acting just sake of it, unless it is good. Some of the fan projects for various things including Predator has next to no voice acting expect in beginnig and then it is almost pure action.
  • edited October 2010
    it's not a fan GAME series, it's a fan VIDEO series
  • edited October 2010
    Making this poll multiple-choice is kinda pointless...
  • edited October 2010
    If you want to do it go ahead, no need to ask the internet for opinions.
  • edited October 2010
    You should make a casting call here! I almost got the Human LeChuck part in the "I Wonder What Happended" from ToMI :D
  • edited October 2010
    I'd like to see that. Heck, I'd even help do voices if you needed it.
  • edited October 2010
    well anyone who wnts to voice someone, send me an audition
  • edited October 2010
    are they based on the episodic games or you just make up the idea or other
  • edited October 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Making this poll multiple-choice is kinda pointless...

    I vote BOTH!
  • edited October 2010
    Personally I think your making a BIG mistake. do not rely on people who just "want to help" (VA or otherwise) because I've learned personally that most will help the mare minimum they can (or just vanish when the work starts) and those who stay will be unreliable and hold you back possibly weeks. This is NOT directed at anyone here, for all I know each and every one of you can and will help 100%, but my experience on every other forum I've asked for help with a video/game/book/etc project has left me high and dry doing all the work myself or backlogging me for weeks at a time when someone couldn't get online but "promised" they would (and rarely showed up or never showed up)

    The reason companies like TTG can do it? THEY PAY PEOPLE the rest who are simply volunteering for a project are just giving what time they have or feel like giving, and that may change radically over the course of production (imaging being 1/2 way through recording and your lead VA vanishes)

    Do it yourself or prepare for a trip through hell. to date in about 10 years of work I've found 1 person dedicated enough to work on a project together... _1_ not even my then-fiance could be bothered to help me on my projects...

    Good luck, your gonna need all of it you can get!
  • edited October 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    are they based on the episodic games or you just make up the idea or other

    a little bit of both
  • edited October 2010
    Trogdorman wrote: »
    a little bit of both

    is it more of the episode or more of your own thing
  • edited October 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    is it more of the episode or more of your own thing
    . ..
    Trogdorman wrote:
    a little bit of both
  • edited October 2010
    sure, go ahead, I'm interested to see the result! however, only start if you're prepared for the immense amount of work - especially the dirty 20% left when you feel you're 80% done ;)
  • edited October 2010
    sure, go ahead, I'm interested to see the result! however, only start if you're prepared for the immense amount of work - especially the dirty 20% left when you feel you're 80% done ;)

    You mean Post Production or *shudder* Marketing? (lol)
  • edited October 2010
    Ashton wrote: »
    You mean Post Production or *shudder* Marketing? (lol)

    I mean the last 20% of actual production, which usually turns out to be 60-80%
  • edited October 2010
    and now: episode plots:

    episode 01: The Big Sleep - Based of the webcomic of the same name.

    episode 02: Swedish blood balls - The Freelance Police find themselves captured by battle-hungry vikings.

    episode 03: The Boscoshank Redemption - Bosco's newest conspiracy forces Sam and Max to form a stake-out....for enemies unknown.

    ....and that's all I came up with so far
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