Voice actors.

edited December 2010 in Sam & Max
The voice actors for Sam and Max have always been something of a point of contention, haven't they? I got a private message and thought it would be interesting to see this forum's opinions.

Who do you think are the best voice actors for Sam and Max?


  • edited October 2010
    David and Will!! David can make Sam sound calm even in the darkest of times. And Will's voice matches Max's hyperactively crazy personality
  • edited October 2010
    They call it voice acting for a reason... I think every actor has given the characters a different twist and/or interpretation. Frankly I think they all fit, but I'm a big fan of the current Sam and Max.
  • edited October 2010
    I think every Max has done and awesome job. Harvey Atkin sounds like a great-uncle. >_>
  • edited October 2010
    To me all the voices are awesome, but David Nowlin & William Kasten are the best, they are just the perfect voices for Sam & Max
  • edited October 2010
    I can't really choose. They were all good for the different styles. I suppose though I'm most used to the Telltale versions, but I couldn't say they were better than the others as they all fitted the characters perfectly.
  • edited November 2010
    Is it me or does anyone else find it strange hearing the voices from the Lucas Arts game despite playing that first; I guess I have gotten used to the tt voices. David's rendition of Sam is so different than Bill's despite that the delivery seems spot on.
  • edited November 2010
    One of the things I like best about current Sam and Max is that they sound in the same age bracket. Sam and Max are supposed to be the same age, but previous voice acting make Sam sound significantly older.
  • edited November 2010
    Harvey and Robert are my favorite, but they were all perfect for their time (Except Andrew Chaikin He's awesome, but his Max was not Max.)
  • edited November 2010
    If you're interested, these are the results I got when I ran the poll on Sam & Max.co.uk through June to August. It's hard to judge the data, mind - you can't know that everyone who voted will have heard each take on the voice.

  • edited November 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Harvey and Robert are my favorite, but they were all perfect for their time (Except Andrew Chaikin He's awesome, but his Max was not Max.)

    To be fair to Andrew Chaikin, he didn't have any time to develop his Max voice. I mean, William Kasten sounded pretty weird in Situation: Comedy, but he grew into the role over time. If Chaikin stayed on he probably would've improved too.
  • edited November 2010
    Chaikin's voice wasn't that bad at all, his voice was only just a little thicker. I'm not sure, I guess the change was for the best. I don't think they'd go for letting him voice Papierwaite and Narrator if he already had to do Max, too. His works on both characters are just SPLENDID.
    Well, maybe they'd let him voice Narrator for obvious reasons, but not Papierwaite, I'm sure.
  • edited November 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Chaikin's voice wasn't that bad at all, his voice was only just a little thicker. I'm not sure, I guess the change was for the best. I don't think they'd go for letting him voice Papierwaite and Narrator if he already had to do Max, too. His works on both characters are just SPLENDID.
    Well, maybe they'd let him voice Narrator for obvious reasons, but not Papierwaite, I'm sure.

    To be fair, they let William Kasten voice Jurgen, didn't they?
  • edited November 2010
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yWnnk9fyJE ... until I went back and messed with the game again I'd forgotten how much Max originally sounded like a slightly-more-Jerseyfied Bugs Bunny!

    -TG :cool:
  • edited November 2010
    I like both Animated Series and Telltale Nowlin-Kasten duo, but, forgive me all their fans, I detest 'Hit the Road' voices of Sam and Max.

    EDIT: 404 posts! Whoo! :p
  • edited November 2010
    I was actually a big fan of the Animated Sam voice...untill I heard David's Sam. Now, I can't even imagine Sam without David's voice.

    Also, I really liked Andrew's Max better than Willam's...at first, but Willam has grown on me over the years and I enjoy his work to. I'm just glad they got Andrew back to do other voices now, so its kinda the best of both worlds for me.
  • edited November 2010
    Probably my best voices would be the ones now, my favourite Sam would be Bill Farmer and my favourite Max would be William Kasten.
  • edited December 2010
    Oooh, oooh, I have to post in this! I picked the cartoon voices, Harvey Atkins and Robert Tinkler, but that might be cause I'm new to the games. I've played the demo of Devil'd Playhouse and the voices in that seem great.

    I think that voices really seem to fit with the different media, to me, from what I've seen. The cartoons are non-stop non-interactive wackiness and the voices really seem to fit that, I think. Judging by the Season 3 demo, the voices in that seem more suited to the whole puzzle solving adventure game format than the cartoon voices would be, in my opinion.

    I also like how Sam in the cartoon is the same guy from the Leon's commercials: it really cracks me up. Like he's gonna turn around and start trying to convince Max of some sale on matresses or something :D

    After watching some youtube video comparing Max's voices, I must say I find it sorta difficult telling Chaikin from Kasten. Is that normal or will I learn with practice?
  • edited December 2010
    Zepton wrote: »
    Oooh, oooh, I have to post in this! I picked the cartoon voices, Harvey Atkins and Robert Tinkler, but that might be cause I'm new to the games. I've played the demo of Devil'd Playhouse and the voices in that seem great.

    I think that voices really seem to fit with the different media, to me, from what I've seen. The cartoons are non-stop non-interactive wackiness and the voices really seem to fit that, I think. Judging by the Season 3 demo, the voices in that seem more suited to the whole puzzle solving adventure game format than the cartoon voices would be, in my opinion.

    I also like how Sam in the cartoon is the same guy from the Leon's commercials: it really cracks me up. Like he's gonna turn around and start trying to convince Max of some sale on matresses or something :D

    After watching some youtube video comparing Max's voices, I must say I find it sorta difficult telling Chaikin from Kasten. Is that normal or will I learn with practice?

    There is a slight different. Chaikin sounds more likt the Max from the cartoons whereas Kasten sounds more like Max from Hit the Road, w/o the brooklyn accent.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, I searched the hit the road voices, and they sound sorta weird to me, sorta don't quite sit straight with me, Max sounds like a gangster or something... and Sam & Max both sound a bit off to me.

    I guess I can kinda see what you're saying... sorta. Kasten, Chaikin, & Tinkler all sound very similar to me, though. Max's Hit the Road voice is the only one that sounds noticably different to me of the Max voices. Sam's voices are all distuingshable, though, for sure.
  • edited December 2010
    I always loved Harvey Atkin's gruff, reassuring voice. It really grows on you after 1 season of child friendly hi-jinx. (I also prefer the Super Mario Super Show Mario voice to Charles Martinet's.)

    I do like the Telltale (s1e2 and beyond) voices though, but I can't see David Nowlin voicing a cartoon character with that voice. They work better for the medium they're in.
  • edited December 2010
    I'll be honest, I LOVE the Tinkler version of Max... but I'm pretty sure it is inappropriate for Telltale's darker material. It's a little TOO excitable and young for that, but it was perfect in the cartoon. I still have trouble listening to Jameson Max- I think it has something to do with being born and raised in New Jersey. I know a number of people who ACTUALLY talk like that. *shudder*
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