BTTF Gameplay
I'm going to admit that i'm a telltale newbie, I've never played a Telltale game except for Tales of Monkey Island (It's great,lol) and I'd never heard of an episodic game, or a point and click game. Reguardless, i'm so pumped for this game! I just wanted to discuss the gameplay style of Back to the Future. First, I think everyone should be excited/grateful that Telltale is working on a worthy BTTF game after the crap NES we've had for years
Second, this game should never be GTA, nor could it be. I don't understand why people are upset that it's not free roam, you can't time travel anywhere you want in a BTTF game,that sounds ridiculous. Common sense should tell you that. Just give me an adventure with Doc, Marty, Biff, Einstein and the Delorean with the BTTF overture and i'm a happy camper
If the Telltale Team are BTTF fans and know the trilogy you can't wrong., just don't throw bowling balls or make me avoid bees,lol. What do you think it will be like?

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