Sam and Max deleted my Games

edited October 2010 in Sam & Max

i found some kind of bug:
I had installed Sam and Max into the wrong directory.
i wanted D:\Games\Sam and Max Season Two\
but i choose D:\Games\
No Problem i think: So i deinstalled the Game but after 15 Minutes Deinstalling i take note that he is deleting Left 4 Dead so i thought: "WTF??!?!?!?!?!?!"
as i see the deinstaller only delete the directory (i didn't know that Sam and Max haven't any Regesty entry. Thats why i used the deinstaller)
So i lost over 100 Gigabytes of Games (Miiror's Edge, Steam with over 20 Games, World of Warcraft Cataclysm Beta and many more).
So i'm now hardy pissed off and i hope Season two is great than Season one.
Thanks telltale for this GREAT end of my Birthday..

Greeting Tomelyr.


  • edited October 2010
    That's your own fault for installing it in such a weird directory
  • edited October 2010
    That sucks, but it's really not that weird, or even Telltales' fault. Steam is VERY fragile. The other day L4D2 was installing the sacrifice and the power went out for a couple of seconds. BAM, Steam hosed. I'm still downloading games. :(

    Steam will let you download everything again with your username.

    But I have learned. I'm making back-ups of everything. :mad:
  • edited October 2010
    That's your own fault for installing it in such a weird directory

    That's not stupid at all, I often install games into D:\Games as many games will then run without reinstalling even if I had to reformat C: drive.

    It has annoyed me for years that most games when you select which directory to install into will create a subdirectory yet an annoying few do not, but do not warn you that they will not.

    Of course in this case its even worse, failing to create a subdirectory and then also failing to use a installation log to make sure you do not remove something preinstalled in that directory, a very silly move indeed.
  • edited October 2010
    woow thats sucks =(..... i have PS3 =) infamous 2 will be awesome XD
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