This website
I don't want to be mean or insulting, but I gotta say, Telltale ought to revamp this website before they start really marketing this game. It is truly an ugly and confusing-to-navigate website. It's the first corporate site I've seen that looks like something from Geocities. When they start putting out ads for this game and people come to check it out, I think the amateurish look of the website will cause many people to not even give the game a chance.
The company logo also leaves something to be desired.
The company logo also leaves something to be desired.
This discussion has been closed.
( although they make good games ), have a pretty bad site compared to Telltale.
I'm actually kind of surprised that people are disagreeing. The first time I saw this website, within two seconds, the first thing in my mind was how ugly it looked.
I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm legitimately concerned that a new adventure games company will not get the business it needs to keep making games.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
I don't mean any offence, but I think your over analyzing this.
It was later when Bone was announced and I saw a screenshot on another site that I thought maybe they do know what they're doing and it's the website that's the problem.
Check out if you want to see a site that makes a strong and lasting first impression.
Telltale Games is reliant on the fanbase they have from previous games, and its important that they keep that fanbase thinking about them, anticipating and eagar, which is the purpose of this website.
We might have high hopes for such a company, but we should not be so eagar as to defend their every move. I, for one, want to see Telltale grow, and we shoudn't defend them every time they do something that seems a little below standards.
that being said, i have also noticed the aliased graphics, the gaps in the thingie, and the gif floating, but i don't think the company logo is bad (again, less is more). there's room for improvement, and i've learned from my own site (, that people constantly can't find the secondary menus (which are pretty similar on our page). the "cluttered" frontpage is cool by me, it gives alot of info and shortcuts to most things, and informs of the most important stuff on the site, which is good. so all in all, you got some good pointers on the design, which i think are viable, whereas others are just a matter of taste/preference.
I don't think tenfour is trying to "hate" on Telltale, I am interpreting the comments as trying to be helpful. So even though we appreciate the votes of loyalty, I don't think there is any need to chase folks like tenfour away.
Everyone here has made good points.
We are more than happy to hear constructive criticism on anything we do, whether it be games, comics, blogs, web-site, or Kevin's lime bars. We won't interpret these criticisms as "anti-telltale" and we encourage our dear loyal fans not to interpret them this way either.
Construct away!
I know this has nothing to do with telltale but, Sorry apignarb, its just that I check out your site, and I takes WAY to long to load. The statistics are that people go away from any site that takes more then 15 sec to load, and it took over a minute for me (i have fast cable connection) becuase of the long page (maybe make more pages or at least remove images at the bottom of your pages). Just trying to help. Oh and since it takes alot to put your site out there for people to judge, and then somebody tell you whats wrong with it, I have to say that otherwise, your site looks very good!
I'm also not entirely keen on the construction of the website, but it works well enough I suppose. I'm not big on the pale blue color, but maybe it will change again sometime. It's at least a bit better than the wood panelling
I don't know how a newcomer would react to the website, but I haven't stormed off in disgust just because it doesn't look exactly like I would want. I think most websites aren't that perfect anyway, but I still visit them because of the content. Better navigability on most websites would alleviate most of the problems I personally have, though. Also, the forum is kinda buggy, so that's frustrating.
It seems that I'm mostly wrong if most people didn't notice any of this.
But like someone else just said, when it comes to design, less is more. This website could be sharper and easier to navigate without losing any of its content. The logo could be improved by making it simpler looking (and perhaps a little more stylistic).
and while we got people being overy critical of websites everyone got check mine and give me sum feedback
But if we're all going to make such a big deal about this, how about being able to customize the site to each of our own personal tastes? One of the things I like about the is I can change how the page is formatted from the color of the background to the layout of the information. I really don't think it's necessary, though, since the Telltale page isn't my starting homepage anyway, and Telltale is still so new, I'm currently more interested in seeing where they grow and take off than how I can control or manipulate how they look to me. If that makes any sense... However, I still like the color change, so boy am I appeased!
They're going on tour? :O Neato... I thought those days were all over, but I guess not. Certainly a very informative site, and more than I thought I'd ever care to know about JJ&FP.
nice to see that thing are starting to happen here.
imo if u can make the whole site look like the bone section it would be great...
pls excuse my bad english...
Yeah, I think the background looks better without a pattern, but the dark blue/bright white contrast is a little blinding.
Anyway - I think it is great that people have some constructive criticisms. Let them rail away. Anytime you get too complacent it is bad - it is always good to have some dialogue going on about EVERYTHING. Some people don't like the new colors - good, if everyone was satisfied with everything this company did then they wouldn't have much motivation to turn out really great stuff, and that goes all the way up from website design to games to who has to be locked in the closet with Brendan.
Speaking of criticisms: I like the dark color, but I don't like how on my browser it snaps up light blue for a second, and then goes to the new color. Also some of the forum pages are not set to autofit to the size of my browser window - some of them run off the right side and my monitor is too small to see everything at once.
EDIT: That color thing has been fixed! Thanks guys
If you really want to customize the site I recommend a few lines of greasemonkey code (assuming you're using firefox).
this is the first post thats not closed