dvd's for steam

edited November 2010 in Sam & Max
SURE...there have probably been threads like this before for BUT COME ON....COME OOONNNN....*ahem*

i dont know maybe like a link telltale account with steam account or a proof of purchase....BUT COME ON....(ok i should stop that now)

(also i put in in here cause i have season 3 on steam)


  • edited October 2010
    You know, if you Pre-Ordered from here, TellTales website, you also get it on Steam to. ;)
  • edited October 2010
    Tbf if you buy it through Steam and then want disc's its your own fault.

    The whole concept of Steam is bringing games to you online, without the cost, shipping, space-cnsuming etc faff of discs. Steam is to gaming what itunes is to music.

    Eg don't get a game on there if you want the disc.
  • edited October 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    You know, if you Pre-Ordered from here, TellTales website, you also get it on Steam to. ;)

    No, you don't anymore. That was only when the hats were available.
  • edited November 2010
    I bought Season 3 through steam to get the tf2 items and then when the seasons were on sale for 10 bucks on the telltale website I bought all 3 to get the discs
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