Did anyone notice that this season was Max's Saga?

edited November 2010 in Sam & Max
It has a lot of firsts for Max in this season. The first time you can control him' (and I don't count the Jurgen battle in season two) the first time where he wasn't captured, or trapped at the end of the episode waiting for Sam to save him, He even saved the day throughout the series. We also find out a lot about Max that we didn't know, hell we find out stuff he didn't know. What did you learn about our favorite rabbity-thing?


  • edited October 2010
    He keeps his money in his sock.
  • edited November 2010
    His junk is a level below his inventory.:p

    Seriously though, I found out that he can be unselfish when he feels like it.
    You know, even though this season seemed to point out a lot about Max I felt it pointed out a lot about Sam as well. Their personalities were given a lot more depth throughout the story.
  • edited November 2010
    I also think this season was more about Sam than Max although it was nicely balance between the two. I think 303 was more interesting in the first half (the Sam half) than the second half where Max does Sam's job. 304 had the Samulacra and 305 was pretty emotional for Sam. Max got the psychic powers but this season felt more about Sam and dealing with Max's powers.
  • edited November 2010
    Yeah, this was definitely Sam's season. Max does loads of cool stuff, but this is the first time Sam as an individual is explored. We find out so much about his personality.

    The next season could have Sam gaining a new skill, while Max gets tons of character development. ;)
  • edited November 2010
    Im just going to go through all this

    Penal Zone: Max still was getting used to his new powers, but was able to cleverly solve at least 2 puzzles on his own(when being attacked my skunkapes minion, and was attacking grandpa stinky)

    Tomb of Sammunmak: Was more about Maximus then Max, and we dont know any firsts, besides he was new to his powers as well. Max's brain is stolen in this episdode

    They Stole Max's Brain: For once Sam massivly screws up, and Max saves the day, AS A BRAIN IN A JAR!!! Heck yeah

    Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: Max actually was serious in trying to defeat
    Charlie Ho-Tep
    and was able to use his powers correctly(with a little humor but still) in the showdown

    The City that Dares Not Sleep: Max's character in a way really shined here, sacrificing himself to save the world(but mainly Sam) and was able to gain enough power for a final goodbye and teleports for his final momemts in space.

    We also played as a new form of Max in each episode

    Penal Zone:Max with powers
    They stole max's brain:Max's brain
    Beyond the ally of the dolls:Physcic Max
    City the dare not sleep:Maxzilla.
  • edited November 2010
    This was something that annoyed me about some of the endings of Telltale's Sam and Max games, it had one of them trapped by the villain and the other one would have to save him. It just felt out of character for them, I never really pictured either of the two as a damsel and it just seemed like a cliche.
  • edited November 2010
    Mystic wrote: »
    the first time where he wasn't captured, or trapped at the end of the episode waiting for Sam to save him

    Wait, what? I can only think of a few times that Max was trapped at the end of the episode, unless you're counting times when both him and Sam were both trapped, which also happened in most of Season 3's episodes.
  • edited November 2010
    302 Sammeth was trapped by
    , in 303 Sam was under
    Sammunmak's power
    and in 304 he was trapped by
    Charlie Hotep
    . That's about 60% of episodes and if your looking for times were Max was trapped 201, 203 and 206.
  • edited November 2010
    101, Max held hostage by Brady Culture, Sam has to overcome hypnosis and save him
    106, Sam has to put Max back together after Hugh Bliss creates his 3 vices
    302, Sameth is left dangling over a pit, and Maximus has to save him
    303, Sam is left in a state of hypnosis, and Max has to set everything right
    304, Sam is under the control of Charlie Ho-Tep and Max has to destroy the toybox and save everything
    305, Max has been turned into an elder god and Sam must save him

    Every instance of this
  • edited November 2010
    Lets count...

    Sam: I guess 205 counts, 302, 303, 304
    Max: Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple (Sam failed though), Hit the Road, 101, would 106 count?, 302/303, 305 in a way

    Unless I'm forgetting any moments from the cartoon and BTaS, that's about all the times they've needed to be rescued by each other.
  • edited November 2010
    I dunno guys a lot of those times it's not like one was passively waiting while the other guy rescued him, the only instance I can think about is Culture Shock. When Sameth is dangling over the pit of ants, HE is the one who gives Maximus Charlie-Hotep, then Maximus tricks Paperwaite. In the Charlie-Hotep one, Max rescues Sam but Sam helps him by changing the music. And so and so...
  • edited November 2010
    Yeah, they're usually helping each other out even while captured, the exceptions I can think of are:

    Monkeys Violating the Heavenly Temple
    -Max gets captured and the only thing he does to help is write (and misspell) where they're going. They both get captured in the end anyways and get saved by spontanious combustion >.>

    Hit the Road
    -Not much Max can do trapped inside a glass box surrounded by alligators.

    Culture Shock
    -Max gets captured, Sam gets hypnotised and has to break out of it to save Max.

    Bright Side of the Moon
    -Well, it's Sam saving Max I guess and it's not like Max did anything to help.

    The rest of the time they help each other out.
    -205 (Sam helps Max enter his personal hell, Max maims demon Peepers)
    -302 (Sameth helps Maximus get Charlie Hotep)
    -303 (Sam helps brain-in-a-jar Max and he leads brainwashed Sam to what they needed to do)
    -304 (Sam changes songs, Max does the psychic stuff)
  • edited November 2010
    Well yeah but in Bright Side, the whole putting Max together is not at the end. At the end Sam is trapped in various magic show artifacts and he saves himself
  • edited November 2010
    Yeah, I'm just counting every time it's happened.
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