Question (voice actors)
For the Heavy Weapons Guy is it the same voice actor as Team Fortress 2? As it doesn't sound the same to me just wondering as was curious which is ok as I'm not a cat

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I dont get all of this, but it was confirmed that the original voice of the heavy is in the game, he just isnt yelling because he is not caught up in the heat of battle.
sorry if it had been asked already it just sounded different that is all
1. It's difficult for voice actors to main consistency over the years. You might have noticed the Engineer's new lines added with the Engineer Update have a deeper inflection than his older ones.
2. The Heavy isn't screaming, as he almost always does.
Here is a line from the trailer with the pitch changed:
I really hope Telltale makes it sound correct in the game.
Cool. lets hope they tweak it a bit here
man i love Heavy, fun character hehe.
yeah heard there is a problem with the medic's voice actor that he has not been able to get a hold of to do meet the medic let alone in game voices bad times.
i wish they'd make one for the medic
This is the only time that the Heavy's voice sounds so light and articulate though. Either this video was done very early in the process, or his lines were reworked before the game came out. When you compare it to recently recorded lines from new Team Fortress 2 updates, the Heavy's voice sounds deeper and gravelly and he's speaks with simple words, which makes him funny.
For example:
Can you give us an hmmm lets call it "example" of heavys deaper voice.
lol I hope so too may come when they realise the medic polycount pack who knows!
Because English isn't his first language, when he's out on the battlefield, he has too many things to think about and doesn't focus on his language. As a result, he speaks a very broken form of English.
He's not screaming because he's not in the heat of the battle and is able to calm down.
Speaking of TF2, we're apparently supposed to bug you about creating a real MOTD for the TellTale server.