Biggest disappointment for the season? spoilers

edited December 2010 in Sam & Max
And don't just say Max's fate because that goes without saying :( My disappointment was Stinky being evil. I'm not surprised and that's the problem for me. It was so obvious she was evil that I figured it was a red herring and that she was going to turn out to be a secret agent, health inspector, or maybe even the Commissioner something surprising. Instead she was evil but, it wasn't even epic evil...She just wanted to steal a restaurant. Max was minutes away from being nuked, I wouldn't have cared if she had taken over city and announced her wedding to Skunkape by then.


  • edited November 2010
    The Narrator changing his mind and trying to save Max at the end of 305. It would have been cool if he did something more than that before
  • edited November 2010
    I don't think we got as many opportunities to play around with the Toys of Power as we should have.
  • edited November 2010
    I thought that was the joke that she had this big evil plan that didn't illicit the result, sort of like the Coyote using bombs, magic, giant slingshots etc to catch Road Runner.
  • edited December 2010
    The "Twists" at the end of the epiosdes.

    301: Sam & Max see their dead selves.
    302: Max's Brain is Stolen
    303: Sam Clones are everywhere
    304: Max turns into a giant monster

    It just "happens" and seems like a bad way to transition from episode to episode. At the last 4 minutes, change the story's main plot.
  • edited December 2010
    The "Twists" at the end of the epiosdes.

    301: Sam & Max see their dead selves.
    302: Max's Brain is Stolen
    303: Sam Clones are everywhere
    304: Max turns into a giant monster

    It just "happens" and seems like a bad way to transition from episode to episode. At the last 4 minutes, change the story's main plot.

    It's sort of customary for Telltale to end an episode with a "transition twist," though, to remind you there's still more to come. Tales of Monkey Island, Sam and Max Save the World, and SBCG4AP all did the same thing.
  • edited December 2010
    Sammy wrote: »
    The Narrator changing his mind and trying to save Max at the end of 305. It would have been cool if he did something more than that before
    Yeah, but the Narrator still got the sweet, cold release of death he had been yearning for. How do we know he didn't just say that to get rid of Sam, Sybil, Papierwaite, and Norrington?

    My biggest disappointment was that there wasn't a puzzle where we got to do brain surgery on Max. That would have been awesome!
  • edited December 2010
    Biggest disappointment would be the puzzles, they were just way to easy.
    Secondly the inside of Max' body were just so dull and repetitive, I mean what indications do we have that Max has some thing about 70's furniture.
  • edited December 2010
    The sudden reversal on Stinky's origin was my big disappointment. Especially since there didn't seem to be any point to doing it.
  • edited December 2010
    The "Twists" at the end of the epiosdes.

    301: Sam & Max see their dead selves.
    302: Max's Brain is Stolen
    303: Sam Clones are everywhere
    304: Max turns into a giant monster

    It just "happens" and seems like a bad way to transition from episode to episode. At the last 4 minutes, change the story's main plot.

    I sort of disagree. Sort of completely. If you combine all threads together, these twists were not at all out of place (if you remember that you're in the Sam&Max universe) - only the narration made them unexpected. Which is fine.

    Also, no disappointments for me in Season 3 - I didn't enjoy it as much as Season 2, but it was still a lot of fun.
  • edited December 2010
    Biggest disappointment for me was original Stinky's body death.
  • edited December 2010
    Not enough noir Sam and 305 being too easy, other than that can't really say I was disappointed.
  • edited December 2010
    Stinky was a funny character and I think we will see her again?
    It's in poker night and in 204(?) when you go to your future office, you see that stinky is alive and with a lot of money thanks to the glue formula
  • edited December 2010
    Dude, there can never be enough Noir Sam. EVER
  • FlyFly
    edited December 2010
    That there was only two games in the season (1 and 4) that had
    • Sam
    • and Max
    • together
    • and actually themselves

    In 302 we have Sameth and Maximus; in 305 we have Sam, Sybil, Papierwaite, and various aspects of Max (Giant Max, the Spores, the Narrator) none of whom are really Max as we know him; and in 303 we start off with Noir Sam (technically neither Sam nor Max), then go to Sam and Sammun-Mak, and finish up with Max and Brainwashed!Sam.

    Don't get me wrong. While I am disappointed we didn't get a lot of them together, the fact that Telltale was ambitious enough to try to mix it up a little really was one of the things that impressed me the most about Season 3 - they could have done it strict to the formula and they didn't and that takes guts and confidence, both of which were visible in the game (thanks to Max, mostly the guts). After all, we haven't really seen them apart before, so it was a nice surprise how well Sam holds up on his own.

    Max, however, isn't that strong when he's the player character - probably because having to be a player character means he can't be as unpredictable as he normally is. I'm not opposed to them trying again to make him the player character, though, since it could just have been that his ability to make cute sharky facial expressions and torture people with giant guns was limited by the fact that he was a disembodied brain, one of the great career killing conditions in the slapstick profession.
  • edited December 2010
    Vyse220 wrote: »
    Stinky was a funny character and I think we will see her again?
    It's in poker night and in 204(?) when you go to your future office, you see that stinky is alive and with a lot of money thanks to the glue formula

    But in 301 we can see that the future can change like when Skunkape takes the viewmaster. That future may now never happen.
  • edited December 2010
    But in 301 we can see that the future can change like when Skunkape takes the viewmaster. That future may now never happen.

    mh... well... in one ending they take the time machine and everything could be possible right? maybe they will end up in the dimension where the past max came and stinky is still alive.

  • edited December 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    The sudden reversal on Stinky's origin was my big disappointment. Especially since there didn't seem to be any point to doing it.
    ... Reversal?

    Did you pay attention to Flint Paper's dialogue in the earlier games? THE MAN HAD NO CLUE WHAT WAS GOING ON AROUND HIM. It's not a reversal, he just didn't get it. Tailing Bosco and never realizing it was Momma Bosco's son, the interrogation scene, the man is just not cut out to be an investigator. I don't think his secret reveal about Stinky is correct in any way.
  • edited December 2010
    Foxhack wrote: »
    ... Reversal?

    Did you pay attention to Flint Paper's dialogue in the earlier games? THE MAN HAD NO CLUE WHAT WAS GOING ON AROUND HIM. It's not a reversal, he just didn't get it. Tailing Bosco and never realizing it was Momma Bosco's son, the interrogation scene, the man is just not cut out to be an investigator. I don't think his secret reveal about Stinky is correct in any way.
    I dunno, I take Girl Stinky's "Really Sam, try to keep up." line after Flint reveals it to be a pretty good confirmation.
  • edited December 2010
    lombre wrote: »
    I dunno, I take Girl Stinky's "Really Sam, try to keep up." line after Flint reveals it to be a pretty good confirmation.

    Stinky doesn't know she's actually a Cake of the Damned. She never did find out. Remember that Grandpa Stinky asked Sam and Max to keep that part of her origin a secret.

    So to me, this doesn't change a thing.

    Besides, Stinky DOES lie all the time, you know.
  • edited December 2010
    The "Twists" at the end of the epiosdes.

    301: Sam & Max see their dead selves.
    302: Max's Brain is Stolen
    303: Sam Clones are everywhere
    304: Max turns into a giant monster

    It just "happens" and seems like a bad way to transition from episode to episode. At the last 4 minutes, change the story's main plot.

    Completely dissagree. Except for the one in 303, I was shocked by the twist endings. They may change the story too quickly (although 304's did make a lot of sense), but they were awesome!
  • edited December 2010
    Foxhack wrote: »
    Stinky doesn't know she's actually a Cake of the Damned. She never did find out. Remember that Grandpa Stinky asked Sam and Max to keep that part of her origin a secret.

    So to me, this doesn't change a thing.

    Besides, Stinky DOES lie all the time, you know.

    There's also the "Mermaid & The Cockroach" posters from Tomb of Sammun-Mak..
    Plus, Flint Paper isn't entirely clueless. The reason he didn't say he was looking for Bosco to Mama Bosco was because "[he] thought it was obvious". :/
    But, eh, who knows?
  • edited December 2010
    Remember this?

    The Cake of the Damned IS a lie.
  • edited December 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Remember this?

    The Cake of the Damned IS a lie.

    Almost forgot about that.
    Yaaay, confirmation!
  • edited December 2010
    Besides, she had a projector with a photo of the cake on here hideout, how does that alone not comfirm that Flint was right all along? =P
  • edited December 2010
    The only thing I'm confused about is, if the Cake of the Damned doesn't actually work, what the heck did Sam and Max create at the end of 205 during the @#$% Popper boss fight?

    My only disappointment for this season was that there was no final boss. 201, 202, 203, and 204 each had boss fights, I couldn't wait to see the final boss. Then it never appeared.

    I also would have liked if there was a wider array of settings and themes. Season 1 covered TV, mobsters/casinos, politics, the internet, and the moon. Season 2 had Christmas, tropical islands/myths, vampire/horror, mariachi/time travel, and Hell. Season 3 pretty much just had Egypt and space. It had a few others, but I felt that they just weren't as strong as the themes in the previous seasons.

    Oh, and like previously mentioned, there weren't many instances when Sam and Max were together in their full glory.

    I also miss the office. I like to have a home, or a sort of base to go to whenever I'm stumped, and with the office gone, I had nowhere to go. Also, I wanted to see all the junk Sam and Max have collected.

    I'm also disappointed about how Grandpa Stinky lost his body. I'd much rather have a grumpy old sailor than a space gorilla minion.

    Oh, and I miss Bosco.

    And click-walking.

    ... And grainlessness.

    Okay, so to be brutally honest, there were quite a few issues I was disappointed with in this season. I loved it to death, but I enjoyed Season 2 more.
  • edited December 2010
    SushiGummy wrote: »
    The only thing I'm confused about is, if the Cake of the Damned doesn't actually work, what the heck did Sam and Max create at the end of 205 during the @#$% Popper boss fight?

    A Cake of the Damned, it just wasn't magical afterall.
  • edited December 2010
    What was more anoying then disapointing was Noir Sam going into normal Sam for a line or two.
  • edited December 2010
    I can think of a few parodies in the episodes: Lovecraft, Noir, Fantastic Voyage, kaiju, zombie movies, murder mysteries, tomb exploring, Egypt and sci-fi.
  • edited December 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Remember this?

    The Cake of the Damned IS a lie.

    I only have one thing to say to that.


  • edited December 2010
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    Remember this?

    The Cake of the Damned IS a lie.

    I will never accept this. The pulled that out of their a$$ in the last second and nothing they write will ever change my mind about that. Girl-Stinky will always be cake-Stinky to me.
  • edited December 2010
    I found Series 3 to be.. a bit of a let down but i just wondered if that was my tastes. TellTale games are always short, which is why the 'series' idea (episodic game play is far from new and mostly it's in small episodes short bits) but series 3 seamed.. shorter to me.. maybe cause in series one and two there seamed to be a lot more going on around the place, you could walk down the same street and all this familiar but different things were going on..

    Also, I got a bit of the old 'We got money now, so lets loose content' feeling with the fact Sybil wasn't there until the end (and Lincoln got a new body.. somehow that wasn't explained.. not even in a brief "oh, by the way" and everyone just took it that it was normal), Bosco is gone (replaced by a mother who.. anyone figure out how come she got about 20-30 years younger? and again, no comments on how come... and, of course, she has given up trying to find out who killed her), i'm not really gonna bother with why the street is the shorter 'cut down version' in the past cause there are probebly a few ways to get around that (like.. removing the road at some point in the future, knocking down alot of buildings and putting up new ones in there stead), much of the back up support cast seamed cut down, yes, there was 2 returns of Jurgen (Okay.. maybe it would be funny calling him a european if i wasn't english.. but then lumping such a wide range of cultures into the 'euro-trash' field is nothing new (and something i never understand...)) but well.. sure, the first time was in the past so you got all that, but then just do a cheap off-hand comment to explain why you haven't done an updated version of his modern outfit... (which always seamed more Bondage then Goth).. I didn't think there was as much of the feeling of a bunch of stories that all tie together as there was with the first series.. even the second seamed to have a bit more of this feeling then this third one.. This third one was too much 1 story cut up then a bunch of connected stories.. It's what i feel is one of the banes of modern TV shows.. Sure, big stories are good but why lose the art of telling complete stories in small parts? I have faced some trouble with my own work that shows its not easy to always keep a full story down in size but I'm just a small-timer.. people that get paid way more then i do should have way better skills.. (Side note.. Look at Early Simpsons episodes.. Full stories, look at later ones, you don't feel like you get a whole story and it often leaves too many hanging bits for no reason).

    Also.. I hate Time Clones or such like as a get out for a dead character.. The character has still died and replaced by another character which is pretty much the same but NOT.. It's bad enough in TV shows from the 80s and 90s that used all the 'Oh, our version of the character has died, and in your world, all but that one has died so we will take him in as our own' but must every form of media do the same thing? By the looks of things, Sam has forgotten that his best friend Max is dead and replaced by one from parallel time span in which the spaceship from series 2 wasn't fully destroyed (cause the time machine is there.. though it might be a different one) and the whole of this series didn't happen for him, but a different one where Sam became the monster did (and means, a hell of a lot of changing)..

    As Games go.. this series was okay but.. It leaves one with a feeling that it's more of an amateur job and goes a bit too far beyond 'Leave them wanting more'.. Also, did the engine take a step backwards? No longer able to point your gun at things...

    ah well.. my views normally aren't of much intrest unless its insults so.. feel free to pay no notice to me and chalk me up as another classic gamer that prefers to live in the past.. no, really, I won't and don't take offense at that..
  • edited December 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    I will never accept this. The pulled that out of their a$$ in the last second and nothing they write will ever change my mind about that. Girl-Stinky will always be cake-Stinky to me.

    There were hints to it all over Season 3. It's clear this had been planned for a while.
  • edited December 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    I will never accept this. The pulled that out of their a$$ in the last second and nothing they write will ever change my mind about that. Girl-Stinky will always be cake-Stinky to me.

    It doesn't matter now that she's dead.
  • edited December 2010
    Sammy wrote: »
    It doesn't matter now that she's dead.

    Or is she?
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