You know what I just realized? (305 spoilers)

edited November 2010 in Sam & Max
In the end of The City That Dares Not Sleep, they put Cthulu-Max's snot into the clone machine. When it opens, there's nothing in there.
Does that necessarily mean it failed? What about the Adventuring ending where the elevator opens and Max is nowhere in sight?

What if there's a second Max running around (again)? What if he's EEEVIL?


  • edited November 2010
    If the adventure ending Max is the clone of the real Max that would be awesome!
  • edited November 2010
    No, I think the clone resulting of the snot would be a diminutive Chtulhumax. Which would have rocked as he tramples playmobil and lego cities around.
  • edited November 2010
    crfh wrote: »
    No, I think the clone resulting of the snot would be a diminutive Chtulhumax. Which would have rocked as he tramples playmobil and lego cities around.

    That's kinda what I was thinking. It was already clear how Momma Bosco's clone machine wasn't perfect, so I don't think he'd come back as a giant monster again. But even after knowing this, he could still be PUUUUURE EEEEVIL.
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