If you could go back in time...
...then what would you change?
(I thought it'd be fun to post a thread like this seeing as how we're all in a BTTF mood at the moment)
We all have things that we regret, we all have things that we wish went differently, we all have things that we wish we had somehow prevented, we all have passed up opportunities and then later thought what could have been.
So here's a bit of a dream thread, where we can all share what we would change if given the ability to travel back through time, or perhaps re-live a part of your life.
If I could travel back in time, then I'd stop my mum from throwing out all of my PC game boxes when I was younger.
(I thought it'd be fun to post a thread like this seeing as how we're all in a BTTF mood at the moment)
We all have things that we regret, we all have things that we wish went differently, we all have things that we wish we had somehow prevented, we all have passed up opportunities and then later thought what could have been.
So here's a bit of a dream thread, where we can all share what we would change if given the ability to travel back through time, or perhaps re-live a part of your life.
If I could travel back in time, then I'd stop my mum from throwing out all of my PC game boxes when I was younger.
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Also, I'd leave 4chan memes embedded in religious texts. Furthermore, the first letters of the first words of each paragraph in all holy books ever would add up to: "No Gods or Kings, Only Men." Furthermore, the Constitution would be filled with raucous conjecture on the virtue of the King of England's parentage.
Oh, and I'd ask Jim Henson to go to a doctor about that thing he's fussing about.
Though that'd probably be easier to do now, so I dunno.
Swedish awesome vs. Canadian suck. What would you chose?
Invader Zim would never have been cancelled. Adolf (or Adolph, I don't know/care. I could call him Squippy and it would change nothing.) Hitler would have been aborted. All human caused disasters would have been averted quickly! I WOULD BE MADE SUPREME RULER OF THE EARTH!
okay, I got a little carried away with that last one, but the rest still stand
Then, I'd go forward in time and tell the BBC that they'd be stupid to tape over the second and third seasons of Doctor Who. If they didn't listen to me, I'd steal all the episodes for mysterious re-release in a few years.
Or I would change my name to Sherlock Holmes, and become a highly intelligent British detective in the 1800s who even manages to catch Jack the Ripper.
I'd then troll every major artist, musician and writer in history by going back to the day before they start their greatest work, and releasing it myself.
For my grand finale, I'd go back to 2010 and tell everybody at a random gaming forum about the major events that'll be coming up. The robot war, the zombie invasion, Half Life 2 Episode 3's cancellation, the invention of the bacon tree, and of course that meteor that'll be wiping out all life on January 1st, 201-... Shit. Who turned on the time machine when I wasn't looking? They aren't supposed to know about the meteor just yet! And why am I typing everything I'm supposed to be saying out loud?
EDIT: And why did I click Post? Furthermore, why aren't I deleting all of this before anybody can read it?
If you ever followed through on that, I'd be contractually obliged to go back and change my name to Moriarty, acquire a tenure as a Professor and use my considerable talents to outwit you.
Hey Dash, wanna be Watson?
I think it would make him more awesome, personally.
Oh, and I'd tell my old elementary school principal horror stories about the woman hired to replace him when he was asked to move schools to help out one that was struggling, including the fact that this woman fired my mother under very shady circumstances. He's said that if he knew what would happen to the school he worked so hard to build up, he never would've left.
Lastly, aside from fixing past mistakes, I would take whatever steps necessary to acquire enough 1967 money (possibly involving a present day sports almanac), and I would go back and buy a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. If I could, I would bring the car back with me. If not, I would prepare it for long term storage for my retrieval in the future.
On a pettier level, I'd probably go back to fall '09 and tell myself to drop Latin 2 so I wouldn't have to deal with the fall out of basically bombing that class.
If you were running for congress, I'd vote for you.
Anyhoo, if I could change the past, I would probably give Tim Schafer my copy of Full Throttle right before he starts working on it, then tell him to use the budget they were gonna use to expand it instead.
Then I'd take a picture with either Adam and Eve, or monkeys, and shock the world.
Because leaves naturally stick to their privates. Also, my monkeys are always more amazing.
It's all good. Just take every game/system ever with you and release them all yourself.
... Is it plagiarism when time travel is involved?
Alternate idea: Only show them in private to select people. Namely, people who carry no clout and have a history of telling outrageous lies like "I was abducted by Elvis!" or "There shall come a game by the name of Crysis! And we shall know this game by the version number branded on it's splash screen... v. 6.66! The patch of the beast!"
I am tired of being scared, timid and shy of everything and everyone. I am tired of not being able to do anything without thinking about it so much that I get sick. Being able to go to work without being scared of serving costumers or asking my colleagues for help.
But most of all, I would change my self so much that my self-esteem is the highest, I am tired of hating my self because I do something wrong.
So yeah, I would go back and change myself in to a person that I have always wanted to be.
You could never prove it, but still yes.
Unless the time traveler accidentally came back in time witht the Patent.
Also, I'd change the numbers on my lottery ticket to the winning ones. (surprised no one said that before)
Oh, and I'd also leak every last detail of Smash Bros Brawl not long after its reveal. Man that'd be hilarious to watch the consequences of considering how things were before its release.
I'd go back and stop that silly line in the second amendment that states "the right to bear arms" and in doing so save millions of lives, because there would be a lot more red tape required to possess a gun, which in turn causes a lot less guns on the street for criminals to get a hold of.
I'd go back and kick my own shy ass in high school and make myself ask that one girl out.
In fact, going back to high school with the knowledge and confidence I have now would be so awesome
(15 years later.. :rolleyes:).
Perhaps not so seriously, I'd go back to the end of the second world war and say "Hey, you know that second atomic bomb bound for Nagasaki? I have a better idea. Drop that mofo on the Middle East. You'll save the whole world a headache in years to come..."
And people like you are the reason time travel and other miracles of science should be avoided, and the very idea of these miracles put to shame.
You realize I was joking, right? It's a thread about time travel, for fuck's sake.
Wow. I haven't been able to say anything lately without somebody getting on my ass for it.
I liked your plan.
I am actually the creator of Monkey Island, but Ron Gilbert went back in time and stole the idea from me. Jerk.
Whats the secret?!
True, that would be a likely result.
Yeah that's the thing. If you go back with intentions to stop horrors like Hiroshima and Nagasaki, then there's always the chance it makes things worse, not better. Butterfly effect, I suppose.
That's stupid. Criminals, who I promise you care nothing about gun laws, will just go get them where they are legal. I, for one, would much rather have firearms be legal so that law abiding citizens may legally defend themselves.
That's entirely different. I can guarantee that there's no nuclear weapon out there that won't kill innocent people. A firearm is more like a tool; in the wrong hands it can cause grievous harm, but in the right hands it can save (innocent) lives. I'd much rather shoot an attacker than wait for the police to show up when I might already be dead.