bug report, episode 3

edited February 2007 in Game Support
I dunno if this should go in here or in game support?

if you shoot Sybil with the cap gun after the camera is destroyed, it still plays the "Looks like he missed her" cutscene.


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Arggghh. Someone reported this on the press copy, and we tried to find it during testing, but couldn't. :S I was looking for it specifically.

    Oh well, thanks for reporting it.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    I noticed a little bit of lag in the casino too.

    Thanks for letting us know about the cursor. Is that consistent (anything you try to use in the casino?), or does it just happen sometimes?
  • edited February 2007
    I have a different bug entirely. My game farts out on me every five minutes, causing me to wait another five minutes before I can get back into the game.

    It normally happens in areas where when Sam walks into a location, he talks to the person immediately.
  • edited February 2007
    I have a really bad lag problem in episode 3, It doesn't happen in any other episode which is weird.
    I'm running

    Two dual core 2.66Ghz processos
    Ati Radeon 19000xt 512mb
    2Gb Ram

    I'm pretty sure it should be fine but the whole game acts weird. I get the last item staying in the cursor also.

    The game was really good but these errors did take the edge off a bit.
  • edited February 2007
    The game is laggy by me too (episode 3 only). I can see in the Task Manager that the game consumes more RAM with each scene change going up to at least 1.5 GB. I only have 1 GB RAM (AMD64 3000+, ATi Radeon X800Pro) so I found it useful to restart the game every time it gets too slow.
    Anyway, the memory consumption is really bad for the game that takes 200MB on the harddisk.
    edited February 2007
    Yes, I think this third episode has memory leaks somewhere. After some playing, the game starts to lag a lot, but it's remedied just saving, exiting the game to Windows, and then starting the game again, like "crds" says. Sometimes after exiting I see one of those tray notification balloons saying something about "low virtual memory" or something like that and the hard disk is "thrashing" a lot.

    Ok, I only have 512 MB RAM, but my computer is not that old (it's a Pentium IV 3,2 GHz.), and other people in this thread ("Slaphead-Media" and "Thriftweed") are both having the same lag problem with 2 GB RAM and modern dual processors! Also, this didn't happen in previous episodes. I hope this is fixed in the CD version. I had to exit and restart the game at least 3 times to have a playable gameplay (without jerky motion).

    I've also had the gun problem in the casino, but even worse: after using the gun and choosing another item, Sam's arm remained pointing to his front, but without any weapon in his hand!, and when trying to walk, he walked without stopping pointing! Entering another room solved the "rigid arm" problem :)
  • edited February 2007
    One thing I forgot to mention is another inconsistency.
    After the car chase, when going into the "under pain of death" door, the video monitors to the right of it are pretty clearly visible showing the bears and Steakcharmer still in the casino.
  • edited February 2007
    Along with the lag problem, I also had two (minor, and probably related) sound issues: the casino bear heads song and the end credits music didn't play. (Those are the only tech issues I've encountered in the series.)
  • edited February 2007
    Low frame rate issue here as well, running a Core Duo 2ghz with 1 gb ram. Restarting the game always cleared the issue, until changing rooms.

    Lag was most apparent in: The Casino; near the Desoto in the alley
    Other locations either had little or no issues.
    Arrkhal wrote: »
    One thing I forgot to mention is another inconsistency.
    After the car chase, when going into the "under pain of death" door, the video monitors to the right of it are pretty clearly visible showing the bears and Steakcharmer still in the casino.

    Yeah, I noticed that too... not game ruining, but would have been a nice touch to change the images :)
    no Ace card is visible on the clown nose, although it should be there since the Toy Mafia noticed that Sam threw it up there to win
  • edited February 2007
    I'm also suffering from major lag issues. At points it get's so bad it can be difficult to click on anything. I've noticed it never seems to lag on "close ups" ( people are talking, or when transitioning from one scene to another). I ran Situation Comedy a little to see if it was just an issue with my computer, but didn't experience any lag.

    1.6GHz Pentium M, 512MB ram
  • edited February 2007
    Here are a few other minor bugs:
    If you have the 10M when you first talk to Bosco, he doesn't shock you with the price but you instead pay up right away (without even hearing the price first).
    You are then left with a single token which you can use on Leonard to win 10M again.
    When Max returns the box into the store after it gets blown out you don't really see him carrying it or handing it over. (Possibly not a bug, but it weirds me out all the same.)
    When you use the bug on the mole in the last room a piece of the screen remains darkened. It's transparant enough that you need to look closely to notice, but it's definitely visible.
  • edited February 2007
    Two minor bugs I haven't read here yet:
    • After placing the Bear in Bosco's, if you leave the store, you can see the mafia guy right outside the door facing the doorway, but once you're outside, he's gone
    • In this same scenario, once you're outside, you can talk to Max about the fact that you're being spied upon (I don't remember the exact verbage) despite the fact that the mafia guy is no longer there

    Other than that, I was having the memory leak issue like everyone else. I hope this gets fixed in ep 4 and eventually in ep 3 when they get released together on disc; it gets annoying to have to exit the game every 10-15 min to get it playable again.
  • edited February 2007
    After you solve the
    puzzle, the dialogue doesn't seem to change, which is weird because
    she talks as if there's still a cup of coffee in front of her
  • edited February 2007
    After solving the
    Bosco mafia
    puzzle, I got into Sybil's office and clicked on her coffee.
    The mouse cursor disappeared. Alt-tabbing to desktop and back fixed this.

    Apparently, Sam picked up the cup after waiting for the right moment. (and I missed the animation when alt-tabbing)
    I've watched Sybil pick it up and put it down several times before thinking it was a bug, though.
    Should it take so long?

    Edit 2:
    Somehow I managed to get the inventory items to be transparent (unless I click them and they turn int the mouse cursor), and have the menu system display only the text, with the game behind it (no "folder" graphic, no black options bar at the top). Restarting the game worked. I can't reproduce it.
  • edited February 2007
    After placing the Bear in Bosco's, if you leave the store, you can see the mafia guy right outside the door facing the doorway, but once you're outside, he's gone
    I noticed this too.
  • edited February 2007
    I'm not sure if this is reproducible (I might go try it again to see), but after I
    "shot" Sybil and the cutscene played
    the muzzle-flash sprite was still "attached" to Sam's hand, even though the gun was not being held. You could see it floating in and out of the floor in front of Sam as his right hand moved. After selecting a gun, the sprite disappeared.
    I was experiencing quite a bit of lag at the time, so that may have played a role in the glitch.

    Edit: Definately reproducible, and also definately lag-related. Apparently the cutscene animation has a frame that "turns off" the muzzle flash. If you lag past that one, the last displayed frame of the muzzle flash effect remains affixed to Sam's hand. The last time I tried, it actually ended up at a much larger effect than the first time I saw the glitch. Practically looked like the floor was going super-nova at Sam's feet.
    When I closed and re-opened Ep 3, and loaded a savegame (to clear the lag) the cutscene clearly showed the muzzle flash come and go and the effect was not present when the cutscene ended.
  • edited February 2007
    Don't know if this has been mentioned already, since I didn't want to read the white spoiler lines (by the way, how can they be done?)... anyway, here's the "bug" I found:

    I clicked through the password whispering of that teddy bear guy so quickly (right mouse button), the door hadn't opened completely yet, when their dialog was finished. So he walked through the half way opened door (I could even do it faster one time and the door was even more closed). I mean... back in the days, polygon intersection was cool... but look at this:


    Full picture

    Just wanted to let you know :)
  • edited February 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    I noticed a little bit of lag in the casino too.

    Thanks for letting us know about the cursor. Is that consistent (anything you try to use in the casino?), or does it just happen sometimes?

    Emily: I'm getting this sometimes as well. It's not consistent, but it's not just in the Casino, either.
  • edited February 2007
    Another one from me (couldn't do a screenshot this time -- don't know why, but that's probably a different thing), so just a verbal description:

    I was in Bosco's Store, then I left the store. While exiting it, I switched the to Frefox. A little later I switched back, Sam & Max being on the street already. Now when I opened the inventory, it tipped over, but I couldn't see coming anything out of it (even though the objects were there, which I could see by hovering the places where they should display, that is, at least their names were displayed then).

    Switching the scene (e.g. getting back into store) solved the problem. Getting out of it without switching tasks didn't produce the "ghost inventory" :)

    P.S.: I run the game in full screen (800x600, which is different from my actual screen resolution).
  • edited February 2007
    Ok, another two things, one of them being really strange:

    When I tried shooting at the ketchup cup after giving it back to Sybil, Sam "aimed" at it for a really, really long time (action (like Sybil drinking) went on, so I guessed it wasn't like loading or something)
    . I clicked around (not having a cursor or something), and when Sam eventually fired -- before he did, the gun in his hands shrunk?! I know, this sounds crazy, and I really tried to reproduce it by doing the same things again, but it didn't happen again :(

    2. After trying to reproduce the latter bug several times and clicking quickly through the subsequent dialogs, I had Sam still having a muzzleflash right at his feet. When he walks, it stays same distance from his hand, always coming along with him. After leaving the scene, it was fixed.


    Full picture
  • edited February 2007
    Another one... (well, I know this isn't exactly a bug)

    While in office (
    I tried when that Steakcharmer guy was already there and all bundled up, but I guess it works before as well
    ) wait until Max, who is strolling around the scene as usual, has walked behind Sam's desk (behind the TV set, that is). Then turn TV on. At first, you will see Max behind the TV set, but suddenly he disappears to allow the "cutscene" where he's standing in front of it to tell Sam to turn the TV off because he doesn't like his voice on tape :)

    P.S.: Does anyone read this at all? Is there a comprehensive bug list to check before claiming to have found one, that's in fact already known?
  • edited February 2007
    I don't know if it's for my notebook that's lagging a little, or maybe the graphics card isn't 100% capable, but I noticed the mafiosi kind of "blinking" (like shading on/off) twice:
    • when the mafioso came into Bosco's shop after I delivered the toy (his jacket "blinked")
    • during the car chase, the head of the mafioso on the left (pink head) is "blinking" too

    Frequency was about a little faster than twice per second (similar to a text cursor's blinking speed maybe)

    Sorry for not being able to suggest a reason what I did to produce this :). As mentioned, I guess it's maybe due to the general lagging (which only occurs sporadically though)
  • edited February 2007
    Lee Harvey, I think telltale should hire you as a beta tester! :)

    As for me, I found two things that bothered me:

    After making the poker player (whathisname - boris krinkle?) cry, when you talk to the dealer, and the dealer asks "Wanna play card?" while he's looking at you waiting for a reply, you can also see boris, looking at you without crying. (he seems crying again the second the conversation ends)

    After making the B-tads camera go away, when Sam talks to Max and asks him about the camera, Max is talking as if the camera is still there.
  • edited February 2007
    Funny you should mention it, my brother was a beta tester for Al Emmo :)
  • edited February 2007
    Were there two tiki's in sybil's office in previous episodes too? Or is the vase-thingy at the back wall assigned a wrong id?

    I also found it a bit strange that Sybil still behaves the same after getting shot. Some slightly different dialogs would be nice.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    P.S.: Does anyone read this at all? Is there a comprehensive bug list to check before claiming to have found one, that's in fact already known?

    I'm reading it right now to send some bugs over to one of the developers. :p
  • edited February 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    I'm reading it right now to send some bugs over to one of the developers. :p

    Noooo! Don't send them any more bugs, it seems they already have bugs galore!

    ...Just kidding :P
  • edited February 2007
    Lee Harvey wrote: »
    Ok, another two things, one of them being really strange:

    When I tried shooting at the ketchup cup after giving it back to Sybil, Sam "aimed" at it for a really, really long time (action (like Sybil drinking) went on, so I guessed it wasn't like loading or something)

    I've also got this bug and even reloading the game doesn't fix it. Curiously though i can make Sam put his gun away (by right clicking) but the cursor doesn't come back and also pressing esc won't bring up the menu
  • edited February 2007
    Ok, after spending some time messing around on other things and leaving the game alone the bug seemed to correct itself. Strange, seems to be working now, oh, and I'm also getting the same lag everyone else seems to be getting
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