Age of Empires III for 10 cents!
Yes its real and for today only. I know this sounds like a ad, but its a good game and its for 10 cents!
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Microsoft charged me ten whole pence as opposed to the six or so it should be with the exchange rate, I need to pen an angry letter now
In Canada its more like 15 cents but still..... the sale ends at 9 PM PST if anyone's interested.
Any ideas?
Buy a case. Be sure to toss the CD inside away afterward though; that's useless, you won't need it.
Perfect for me.
wait this isnt an online pay to play game is it?
Nope, just an awesome deal. I don't really play RTS games, but at 10 cents, this seems like a good starting point.
To promote Age of Empires Online, slated for next year.
Heck yeah.
Of course poker night comes first.
Age of Empires II is the best of the series in my opinion, but this one is pretty fun, if a bit easy.
That's because you're German. Germans have obscenely exacting tastes in strategy titles. =P
And now it's over...
So; I guess that was it's purpose
Don't forget to get their crappy pretender to the Steam throne on as many comps as possible.
Oh now come on. I'd buy Big Rigs for ten cents!
I don't know. You cannot get better than Age of Kings in the real time strategy genre. Really all that game needs is a patch that fixes errors on newer GPUs and OSes. Not a Sequel even if it is only 10 Cents.
So that is why I have no code.
Yes! Yes! Yes! I lost my activation code for my second copy of Age of Kings (first was "borrowed indefinitely" by a friend) a few years ago and have been missing it enormously ever since. I've been considering buying yet another copy, but I don't think it will run on either of my computers. T_T
Very, very sad, especially considering that Age of Kings and the Conquerors expansion were to me what CoMI and DotT were to many people on these forums.
I still like AoE III, but it really is missing something from the original two games. I don't know what, though.
Aaaaah, the good old days...
They work fine for me (XP though)
My Game needs no code. Are you sure you are talking about Age of Empires 2?
Yeah, the version I got had a product key code on the box that you have to type in at some point during the install. I remember throwing it for my second copy away quite vividly. I guess I'll just see if I can find the code that came with my first copy of the game and then mix and match. Or I'll just head off to my local used games store and buy copy number three....
Do A search on the internet. Some games didn't have unique codes. I went years thinking I would never play Sim City 3000 again, after I lost the code, but a quick google a few months ago turned up a code which worked!
Edit: Turns out it worked anyway, without the magic code that seems to have been a figment of my imagination. Now I really wonder what the hell it was I threw out all those years ago...
If I was a person with a little less integrity, I would have pirated it, justifying my actions by saying that I would have bought it had I known it was on sale, and that I'm only cheating the company out of 10c. But I'm not that sort of person.
That, would be me gentlemen
The home town concept ruined it a bit for me. I still like the game though, it just doesn't have the casualness I liked so much in the first two games and AoM. It also feels somewhat less epic.