I get your request and all, and I'm not going to tell you what to ask for or what you should want, but please avoid spamming just to bump this thread up?
Basically its the idea of not getting what you were advertised to get....we expected this shiny high detail badge...but all we got is giant blocky gold badge thats no better than the ones we already have.
Basically its the idea of not getting what you were advertised to get....we expected this shiny high detail badge...but all we got is giant blocky gold badge thats no better than the ones we already have.
I've already got the badge and in my opinion it looks great in the game. They flattened it out to fit the TF2 look, and when you see it pinned to a character, it really fits. I was surprised, too, when I first saw it, but it's really nice when seen on a character in the game.
I've already got the badge and in my opinion it looks great in the game. They flattened it out to fit the TF2 look, and when you see it pinned to a character, it really fits. I was surprised, too, when I first saw it, but it's really nice when seen on a character in the game.
I've already got the badge and in my opinion it looks great in the game. They flattened it out to fit the TF2 look, and when you see it pinned to a character, it really fits. I was surprised, too, when I first saw it, but it's really nice when seen on a character in the game.
Could you please release the fix for those who prefer the original promo version?
Is it so bad to want the stuff the way it was ment to be?
Actually the items were always "meant" to look however Valve wanted them to look. We had to release the trailer and other promotional material prior to valve finishing their art pass on the weapons, and I'm happy with the way they came out. I would have included the Valvefied badge if I could have.
I've already got the badge and in my opinion it looks great in the game. They flattened it out to fit the TF2 look, and when you see it pinned to a character, it really fits. I was surprised, too, when I first saw it, but it's really nice when seen on a character in the game.
How come YOU get the badge already.
its not like you had anything to do with this game.
Oh wait.
Could you please release the fix for those who prefer the original promo version?
That's ... not how it works, I don't think. TF2 is Valve's game and the TF2 team did what they thought would make it look like it belonged. As Shaun said, we would have had visual parity with Valve in our trailer and marketing stuff, but their versions of the items weren't done in time for our game, so they look slightly different in the two different universes.
I'm just happy I'll FINALLY be able to display a badge that isn't the generic "Merc" one, it's even better that the badge happens to be Sam & Max related, so I'm just happy to have it in the game!
Hopefully somebody will find a way to extract it from Poker Night, then everyone can be happy
(in truth I was probably going to edit it a little anyway, yours looks too detailed, their one looks too simplified)
Yeah, as soon as some one gets a skin of the original, everyone will be happy(that reminds me I found a skin where instead of intellegence, it is an NES so installing)
yeah. And I have a spare Pokernight preorder-key for steam. Just wait until I get home *X-mas comes early this year*
Unless you already have the game and just did not register it on steam.
yeah. And I have a spare Pokernight preorder-key for steam. Just wait until I get home *X-mas comes early this year*
Unless you already have the game and just did not register it on steam.
I have the Steam version, it's just still on my wishlist until it's released.
but thats not the point, it doesn't look like the original promo
The one in the promo is most likely made just for the trailer or the poker game; they usually look better than in-game graphics. It is like a wishing an actual 3d in-game model to look as nice as a CGI trailer. Since Team Fortress 2 uses a lower poloycount, having the badge super detail would clash with the style of the game.
@Neo Dement: if pretty much every single other item in the game is anything to go by, there will be resources inside TF2 that will let you model a higher-resolution version of it.
How's that contributing to anything?
Well the eagle is really wondering where the hell his wings went, and it was a response to the video i posted.
It looks like a lump of gold.
Lies! All sweet LIES!
Could you please release the fix for those who prefer the original promo version?
I really still don't like it, but it is an opinion.
Actually the items were always "meant" to look however Valve wanted them to look. We had to release the trailer and other promotional material prior to valve finishing their art pass on the weapons, and I'm happy with the way they came out. I would have included the Valvefied badge if I could have.
How come YOU get the badge already.
its not like you had anything to do with this game.
Oh wait.
That's ... not how it works, I don't think. TF2 is Valve's game and the TF2 team did what they thought would make it look like it belonged. As Shaun said, we would have had visual parity with Valve in our trailer and marketing stuff, but their versions of the items weren't done in time for our game, so they look slightly different in the two different universes.
Hopefully somebody will find a way to extract it from Poker Night, then everyone can be happy
(in truth I was probably going to edit it a little anyway, yours looks too detailed, their one looks too simplified)
Yeah, as soon as some one gets a skin of the original, everyone will be happy(that reminds me I found a skin where instead of intellegence, it is an NES so installing)
The promo materials are from the Poker Night assets, yeah.
He aleady played the steamversion for about 3 hours too. And that was weeks ago. He must be a mean hacker or something
I know. I discovered this weeks ago and thought: I want to play that too now!
Hey look my account is in that picture!
yeah. And I have a spare Pokernight preorder-key for steam. Just wait until I get home *X-mas comes early this year*
Unless you already have the game and just did not register it on steam.
I have the Steam version, it's just still on my wishlist until it's released.
The one in the promo is most likely made just for the trailer or the poker game; they usually look better than in-game graphics. It is like a wishing an actual 3d in-game model to look as nice as a CGI trailer. Since Team Fortress 2 uses a lower poloycount, having the badge super detail would clash with the style of the game.
I think it needs a little more colour.
(Yes, it was pretty bad before I tweaked it)
A cookie to whoever can guess which one I am!
That looks Fan-tastic, I want one like that.
You are awesome!
It does but I am not sure if that item might have to many polygons for a TF2-item.