Walking through The Inventory at the beginning...
...was really cool. It's impressive how Telltale designed this huge, expansive area just to be briefly seen. It makes me wish we could just wander around the place. (Everyone else gets to look around after they're eliminated, why can't we?)
Who else wants to see more of The Inventory?
Who else wants to see more of The Inventory?
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Though at the same time, it'd almost be cool if they left it how it is. Like you said, there's something impressive about Telltale spending so much time on the place just to make the opening scene awesome.
"Murder at the Inventory" would be really cool. Something in the direction of the Clue games perhaps?
The Raptor did it... In the kitchen... With the housekeeper.
Wait, that sounded wrong...
Cake-Stinky did it.
I never said it would be a challenging game. :rolleyes: