Most Difficult Episode

edited December 2010 in Sam & Max
Apologies if this has been discussed before but I was wondering which episode people found the most challenging? For me I think I'd have to say Chariot Of The Dogs - really enjoyed it overall but did find some of the puzzles pretty difficult


  • edited November 2010
    Tomb for me. I completely missed several visual cues, like the holes in the shape of the golden bust. I had no idea sam and max could move while two dimensional on the wall. Some of the things were terribly misleading: you never needed the vampire-curse scroll yet everything indicated you needed to get it to either get past Jurgen or past the vampire elf.

    As novel as the gameplay was and as fun as Sameth and Maximus were with all the ambience and stuff, it was the most frustrating episode for me. At some point I considered simply abandoning it, and I didn't feel the impulse to keep on playing. At some points I'd even say it was something of a chore. It didn't help that a lot of the npcs had LOOOOONG boring dialogues, the bit about the comic strips with the cucumber cut lenghtwise come to mind.
  • edited November 2010
    It was 202 for me.
    Just in favor of the snail-on-gong puzzle.
  • edited November 2010
    For me it was 203 because
    I didn't know Max was actually considered holy and could make holy water. Even for a Sam and Max game, that made too little sense
  • edited November 2010
    202, it was the only game I had to find an answer twice.
  • edited November 2010
    Almost all of Season Two... *forshame*
  • edited November 2010
    202. The surfing minigame uaaaaagh.
  • edited November 2010
    Abe Lincoln Must Die for me. The whole using the bug on the phone, 'interpreting' Wizzer to the Pres., tricking Abe with the right cue cards, tring to get into the war room. Also, when I first played, I was stuck for about 2 hours, going in circles trying to find what I missed...then I finally saw the flyers next to Abe's podieum...Oh man, I can't believe I missed that.
  • edited November 2010
    I got properly stumped in 302, I didn't realize you had to switch between reels to solve puzzles. (O yeah and did solving the reel #1 require learning about the cucumber joke? It didn't seem to, that would be a major chance for a dead-end). The flyer bundle in 104 was a tough one too.

    However, I think the most difficult thing was to watch credits roll on 305.
  • edited November 2010
    I got properly stumped in 302, I didn't realize you had to switch between reels to solve puzzles. (O yeah and did solving the reel #1 require learning about the cucumber joke? It didn't seem to, that would be a major chance for a dead-end). The flyer bundle in 104 was a tough one too.

    However, I think the most difficult thing was to watch credits roll on 305.

    I believe beating Reel 1 without hearing the cucumber joke will make the game unwinnable.
  • edited November 2010
    However, I think the most difficult thing was to watch credits roll on 305.

    Too true, too true.
  • edited November 2010
    'Reality 2.0', actually. I was stuck for quite a long time; I struggled to get all of the coins and was really unsure as to where I could find one. I actually resorted to watching a commentary video in the hope of finding out what the heck I had to do (I try to avoid walkthroughs; they're an absolute last resort). I mean, if it was a game I really enjoyed, I might have worked up the motivation or had the encouragement to try every possible action in the game, but I can't say that 'Reality 2.0' was the most enjoyable episode of Sam & Max I've played (actually, I wasn't all that fond of Season 1 overall).
  • edited November 2010
    I did almost all of Reality 2.0 by myself, but until my last replay of it I couldn't even imagine why the puzzle with the car was solved the way it was, then I actually paid attention to the letters on the cars and I felt stupid...

    Honestly, I had to resort to a walkthrough for at least one thing in all of Season 1 and 2 though to be honest >__>

    Hmm, I think the most difficult episode for me was 202 too, which made me dislike it more than the rest of the episodes, when I replayed it knowing what to do I actually enjoyed it more.
  • edited November 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    'Reality 2.0', actually. I was stuck for quite a long time; I struggled to get all of the coins and was really unsure as to where I could find one. I actually resorted to watching a commentary video in the hope of finding out what the heck I had to do (I try to avoid walkthroughs; they're an absolute last resort). I mean, if it was a game I really enjoyed, I might have worked up the motivation or had the encouragement to try every possible action in the game, but I can't say that 'Reality 2.0' was the most enjoyable episode of Sam & Max I've played (actually, I wasn't all that fond of Season 1 overall).

    But I have to agree on Reality 2.0 being quite hard.
    Still my favourite Sam & Max episode of all time.
  • edited November 2010
    I believe beating Reel 1 without hearing the cucumber joke will make the game unwinnable.

    I've tried this. I'm pretty sure that even if you beat Reel #1 you can still keep going back to it if you haven't heard the cucumber joke yet. Once you've heard it, then it closes off.
  • edited November 2010
    I believe beating Reel 1 without hearing the cucumber joke will make the game unwinnable.

    You couldn't return to a previous reel, when it was finished? I don't know myself, since I never tried. I examine and listen to everything (and still get stumped,do'h!) so I never had any misfortune to possibly run across an unwinnable situation. But seriously, there isn't any are there?
  • edited November 2010
    Reality 2.0 for me. Even though it was quite tricky at times, I thought the puzzles were very cleverly done. For example
    how something in the real world would change into something else in the virtual world (such as the insect bug becomes a computer bug).

    It's a lot easier to think of an episode which was the easiest. (Which, by the way, would have to be the Mole, the Mob and the Meatball).
  • edited December 2010
    Well, for fear of being beaten up by angry TTG employees, I'm NOT going to say that Hit the Road was the hardest Sam and Max game :D

    Out of the 16 episodes, I had the most trouble with Moai Better Blues and Bright Side of the Moon. Season 3 was altogether two easy to pick a hardest episode.
  • edited December 2010
    mathman77 wrote: »
    For me it was 203 because
    I didn't know Max was actually considered holy and could make holy water. Even for a Sam and Max game, that made too little sense

  • edited December 2010
    i would say episode 302 and 105 it took me hours to figure out what im doing wrong and the puzzles i missed out on??? ... i love season 1 and 2 .. season 3 didnt have enough Tougher puzzles like S1 and 2 did ... i liked S3 302 puzzle it felt like im playing S1 and S2 again =)
  • edited December 2010
    I got properly stumped in 302, I didn't realize you had to switch between reels to solve puzzles.

    this and
    However, I think the most difficult thing was to watch credits roll on 305.

  • edited December 2010
    106, without dubt. How I was supposed to know that a poker player had the declaration of independence of the United States in his entrails? stucked for hours. I thing that's theonly episode that I looked a walkthrought.
  • edited December 2010
    Because if you had checked the closet before Max would've mentioned it. I guess you expected them to say the same things they do when checking the closet every other episode so you didn't bother doing that.
  • edited December 2010
    I say the hardest Sam & Max episode was the first one! I found The Devil's Playhouse to be well, too easy. =/
  • edited December 2010
    It's hard to say which single episode was most difficult, but I can say which puzzles were the most difficult for me to figure out.
    - Leonard puking out the deed of the USA in The Bright Side of the Moon.
    - Using computer bug on COPS in Reality 2.0.
    - Max turning water into holy water in The Night of the Raving Dead.
    Ironically, the most difficult thing for me in the first two seasons was Sam & Max's office because I usually spend several minutes clicking on everything in there, often for no effect since you don't have to use the office during the whole episode. And than, when I just finally ignore the office, that's when you suddenly have to use the office to progress. Good thing it was removed in season three.
  • edited December 2010
    I believe beating Reel 1 without hearing the cucumber joke will make the game unwinnable.

    you believe wrong, cause completing reel 1 automatically unlocks the option of cucumber cut lenghwise while stuck on the wall in reel 2
  • edited December 2010
    202, probably. Actually, I might be a tad biased, because I didn't enjoy that episode very much... but most of Season 2 resulted in me minimizing the game window to look up walkthroughs. D: I didn't realize how handy the Hint System was beforehand, though.

    In Season 3, though, 302 was quite difficult. (Amelia Earheart, PLEASE shut up and let us live!) It was probably because that was the first season I'd ever played - hence I had no idea that Jurgen was destined to be a vampire...
  • edited December 2010
    1nky wrote: »
    202, probably. Actually, I might be a tad biased, because I didn't enjoy that episode very much... but most of Season 2 resulted in me minimizing the game window to look up walkthroughs. D: I didn't realize how handy the Hint System was beforehand, though.

    In Season 3, though, 302 was quite difficult. (Amelia Earheart, PLEASE shut up and let us live!) It was probably because that was the first season I'd ever played - hence I had no idea that Jurgen was destined to be a vampire...

    Well I guess the knowledge of Jurgen is important.
    But if you think it through, Jurgen has a room full of vampire repellents, and then he even says how worried he is about all of this. And you need to be in his room but he is always there so the vampire thing does sort of go in there.
    But yeah not even knowing who Jurgen was probably wouldn't work.
  • edited December 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Well I guess the knowledge of Jurgen is important.
    But if you think it through, Jurgen has a room full of vampire repellents, and then he even says how worried he is about all of this. And you need to be in his room but he is always there so the vampire thing does sort of go in there.
    But yeah not even knowing who Jurgen was probably wouldn't work.

    I probably should've put two and two together. XD Nope! Walkthroughs were looked at...
  • edited December 2010
    Once again, I am the one person without a negative thing to say about 202. I thought it was fine.

    M pick would probably have to be 302. I had to look at the guide 3 times!
  • edited December 2010
    I found chariots of the dogs quite difficult. The only puzzle I couldn't solve by myself though, was the fake birthday puzzle,which i still don't completely get.
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