Sam and max season 1 case file card set!? and merch I missed!

edited December 2010 in Sam & Max
Heya all

ive been looking for oh, a while now for a complete set of the cards from the season 1 case files

I bought like idk 9 or 10 of them and have 4 of the same soda popers cards and no where near a complete deck.
anyone have spares or something willing to sell a full deck?

I have complete case files to trade..
or something!

Anyway never hurts to ask even after this long.
Also I seek a telltale heart band and the button pack #1 for monkey island!


  • edited November 2010
    YOu must mean the Season Two case file, as the Season One case file didn't have any charact cards.

    I'm stuck with 5 out of 6 cards. I have two Max cards, no Sam. It's a terrible shame.
  • edited November 2010
    What exactly was in the Season One file, anyway?
  • edited November 2010
    sorry season 2 LOL, yes yes forgive me

    season one had like
    the goggles, alien love triangle page from unheard of mag (made up), the ted e bear thing, and a max pin,

    a few other things.... but right now I can only find my season 2 stuffs so Im doing this off the top of my head

    and seriously I bought MANY season 2 case files and only seemed to get copies of the same case file! And this was over months until somewhat recently. Seems a shame they never sold those separately and no one here or anywhere seems to want to help

    I was offered a soda poppers card, which I have many of! But thats it.

    Hope someone can help
    @Rather dashing do you have any doubles? minus the soda poppers?
    heck at this point id pay for the whole set but... sigh. seems like a lost cause.
    dont know HOW you got all but one! Lucky!!! im envious!
  • edited November 2010
    To be fair, you're asking during off hours on the slowest day of the week around here. Someone might be interested in trading tomorrow.

    I only have one case file, though, with a Bosco card, so I can't really be of any help.
  • edited November 2010
    I'm stuck with 5 out of 6 cards. I have two Max cards, no Sam. It's a terrible shame.

    I have two Sams. Wanna trade?
  • edited November 2010
    YOu must mean the Season Two case file, as the Season One case file didn't have any charact cards.

    I'm stuck with 5 out of 6 cards. I have two Max cards, no Sam. It's a terrible shame.

    I also have two Sams. And I'm cooler than Ginny. Wanna trade?
  • edited November 2010
    If I was gonna trade, I'd need to wait a week or two. I'm on campus and my cards are in my room at my mother's place.
  • edited November 2010
    Go ahead, international shipping take a while anyway :) I'm nearer than Highway, that must count for something! ;)
  • edited November 2010
    You guys mean the timecards, right? Ive got superball if anyone wants it...
  • edited November 2010
    I have an extra Superball and Bosco. I'm still looking for a Soda Poppers or Ms Bosco card, but I'm willing to trade for another Sam or Max. Please help. ^^
  • edited November 2010
    sigh... trades... well I only have dupes of the poppers..
    so looks like im out of luck

    and this isnt just a post for A DAY.. but for the last ohhh
    idk year or so?

    ive had a few threads on it before.. begging for a full set. (back in the way back in unlocked something I cant remember LOL)
  • edited November 2010
    I only have a Bosco card, if anyone's looking for it. I'd really like a Superball one!
  • edited December 2010
    Now I have an extra Superball, Bosco, and Max. I still need the Soda Poppers. Does anyone want to trade/buy? Just contact me!
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