Evidence for sequel: Murder at the Inventory?
I was looking through the dialogue and I found a wierd conversation between Max and Winlsow.
Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvuLLT7gZ4A
Check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvuLLT7gZ4A
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I wonder what other stuff Telltale's hid in their voice files before. Not necessarily in Poker Night, just any game.
Also, I hope we get to see more characters this time. Seems that Winslow and Max are staying, so Tycho, The Heavy and Strong Bad are in too? Sam is a shoe-in probably, maybe even the main character? Like that "Make your scene" video from a while back...
One: Some sort of murder game. Telltale DID say they were going to make more "At the Inventory" games if Poker Night sold well enough.
Two: PAX dialog. Didn't PAX 2010 have a "make-a-scene" involving murder?
Yeah, A Raptor disguised as Tycho did it.
In which case, make a war game where gabe sam the scout, and homestar team up and you play as your choice of tycho strong bad heavy or max in order to defend bubs conscession stand.
Yeah, but that was voiced by the audience.
No. A velociraptor disguised as Tycho's early model did it.
As the proposer of "Murder at the Inventory", I now know that I have power.
Therefore, I demand that Telltale's next game be "Strong Mad's Cubeland Adventures!" followed closely by "Et tu, Brutus?: Brutus's Roman Game for Vengeful People!"
Fine, fine. Telltale, when (not if) you make the game, use the spelling Furrykef used. That way the Latin nazis don't come after you.
I know this.
Are we speculating too much? Eh, it's the TTForums, of course we are
Except that...there was no intro to it.
Out of curiosity, who was Tycho's voice right before his big reveal as a velociraptor? It doesn't sound like Kid Beyond (and, believe me, I would know after fangasming over his voice for two weeks now).
That would be Telltale designer Joe Pinney.
It'd even allow you to put the cube models from Strong Mad's canceled game to good use!
I only approve if we can heap stones on our enemies, making their bones bend and snap beneath the weight.
This information just makes it all the better!
No, not in an innuendo way. Just saying, because the first At The Inventory game was Poker Night.
Of course. What is a Tetris adventure game if not violent?
Actually, they prepicked the theme. I'm pretty sure there was far more vocal support for tax returns at the inventory. Or maybe that's just me. It either was that or something else that wasn't murder at the inventory. I can't quite remember.
Although only if they were to replace the female Penny Arcade character with a VG Cats character. The only female popular enough to be in a video game would have to be Annarchy, and nobody's waiting to see her naked.
Although, nobody's waiting to see the Administrator naked as well...
Thats where Winslow has the host comes in handy he can step in for all his fans.
Now, time for srs bss.
If The Inventory does continue to admit the likes of us to it's shenanigans, I assume that the characters would be definitely some Sam and Max people. I mean, if Telltale are making it, then there a'course they're gonna put in their flagship series. As for other licenses, who knows, but I do know that murder games are much more exciting with more than just 4 witnesses.
I'm for that. Totally.