Back to the Future Price

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
I was wondering why Back to the Future is so cheaper than the other major telltale releases like Monkey and Sam and Max? Does this mean less resources/work has been spent on BTTF?


  • edited December 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    I was wondering why Back to the Future is so cheaper than the other major telltale releases like Monkey and Sam and Max? Does this mean less resources/work has been spent on BTTF?

    No. It's just a marketing/sales decision.
  • edited December 2010
    I think it's appropriate since titles such as Sam and Max or Monkey Island appeals to only a limited amount of people who actually know and like the franchises, whereas Back to the Future has a MUCH larger fandom. So they aim for selling more episodes rather than just trying to make profit from smaller fandoms.
  • edited December 2010
    No, that means they're giving the first episode to anybody for free.

    So it would be super lame to make you pay for this episode for the full game.
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    No, that means they're giving the first episode to anybody for free.

    So it would be super lame to make you pay for this episode for the full game.

    This and what falanca said.
  • edited December 2010
    So this means that the game will be easier than those?
  • edited December 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    So this means that the game will be easier than those?

    What? Where are you getting that? I think it'll be just as hard as the rest of Telltale's games.
  • edited December 2010
    If they want to drop the price and appeal to a greater audience, they have to make it easier, or they will not be back for later episodes. Their games are already not that easy and need a lot of patience.
  • edited December 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    If they want to drop the price and appeal to a greater audience, they have to make it easier, or they will not be back for later episodes. Their games are already not that easy and need a lot of patience.

    It's cute that finally someone thinks that the games are hard. Mostly everyone states the games are dead easy to boost self-esteem and all.

    No, they're not hard at all. It's been pointed out by players AND developers that games are intentionally made easy (or with mediocre difficulty, which is easy compared to oldschool adventure games) to revive a gaming genre which was long forgotten and attract as many people as possible. Instead you can just live with it and see the games as a brain training, really. You can figure them out easily.
  • edited December 2010
    I told you it's going to be easy! :)
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