No email telling me Ep3 was released... :(

For some reason I have not received any emails telling me that the latest episode of Sam & Max has been released... I was once your "favorite customer" *sob*!

Any idea why I've not received any notification despite having bought the whole season way in advance?

- Johnny


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2007
    Aww... you're still one of our favorites!

    Sometimes the emails get tagged as spam - sometimes even before they reach you, if the server is blocking our emails for some reason. Also some notifcation emails get bounced back to us because the user has specified not to receive emails with embedded graphics (which ours have). If you have a an email verification / anti-spam autoresponse set up, we do try to respond to those so our emails go through, but sometimes it can be hard to because the return address when we respond isn't the same as the return address on the original mail.

    If you have another email address, we can change it on the order. Maybe you'd have better luck receiving the mail at another address.

    I will PM you with a download link for episode 3, since you didn't get your mail.
  • edited February 2007
    Thanks, Emily. Currently installing Ep3!
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