But you've done this before... Right ?



  • edited December 2010
    Not if you want to travel through Time safely :)... but anyway, Doc might take that secret to the grave.
  • edited December 2010
    Or pass it on to Jules. Even discounting the cartoon, Jules seemed to be the more responsible of the two Brown kids.

    And as for Marty "inheriting" it...well, he still has that problem thinking 4th dimensionally. lol
  • edited December 2010
  • edited December 2010
    Wow, so much discussion over a facial expression!
  • edited December 2010
    Sort of skimmed over this thread, and I have no idea what's going on, but I have to say, that squinting expression he does in the trailer seems perfect to me, both as an example of how one might react to the "traveling through time sparks," and also as an example of Telltale's model doing an excellent job of looking and acting a lot like Marty McFly. Made me happy to see it.
  • edited December 2010
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Sort of skimmed over this thread, and I have no idea what's going on

    Yeah, sorry about that, the thread has been a bit chaotic for the last 2 pages :)
  • edited December 2010
    Lol.....BttF topics ending up in heated time travel discussions is inevatible
  • edited December 2010
    It doesn't help things that Bob & Bob turned paradoxes into a BAD thing :)

    In Primer, for instance, paradoxes exist, but they are not BAD. Meaning, if you stop yourself from using a time machine, the only BAD side effect if that you have created a double of yourself.

    * Ok, people might say : But you can't create matter out of thin air ! Indeed you can't, without a time machine.

    For those who've seen Primer, the only BAD thing that happens is the 'Granger Incident', which is the closest we get to see a Paradox as we know it from BTTF.

    The 2 main characters see someone (Granger) in the Street... They are suspicious and call his home to see if he's there. He picks up the phone and talks to them... They hang up and start running towards Granger who is obviously freaked out and disorientated.

    When they catch up to him, he collapses on the floor into a coma, which gets worse when ONE of the 2 main characters approaches him (meaning he's the one responsible for him to travel in time in the first place).

    That's the only problem I see... BTTF has some VERY strict rules that were established during the first movie and since we've seen paradoxes happen, they HAVE to follow their logic in order to create the new BTTF stories.

    But, hey... The pictures fading effect is memorable and still very effective even though the whole "Time Ripples" concept is pretty unscientific :)
  • edited December 2010
    Carlos85G wrote: »
    But how much would be "too long" for the Space-Time Continuum and why? :o

    And the alternate 1985 still baffles me with questions :p

    Actually time has no meaning for it. (No pun intended)

    When they traveled to 2015 there were older versions, because it was very likely that eventually they would return.

    Only an event that makes that unlikely would cause the ripple effect to eliminate the older versions.

    And the same reason protected Marty from fading when he traveled back to 1955.
    It was very likely that his previous incarnation would fix the problems..as long as he doesn't go and interfere with that.
    (If he would have done that, he would have suffered the same fading as the younger version of himself)
  • edited December 2010
    Krohn wrote: »
    When they traveled to 2015 there were older versions, because it was very likely that eventually they would return.

    Only an event that makes that unlikely would cause the ripple effect to eliminate the older versions.
    In that case, the 2015 McFly family should have faded when Old Biff stole the DeLorean and went to 1955, since at that point in time, 1985 Marty and Jennifer had no way of getting back to 1985. But the 2015ers don't fade. Frankly, that's probably a mistake on the part of the movie. :cool:
  • edited December 2010
    They might have faded away at the moment Biff gets back from 1955, when the damage was already done, transforming everything around Doc, Marty, Jennifer and Einstein.

    But yes, 2015 McFlys should fade at that moment.
  • edited December 2010
    And they probably did offscreen. Bob Gale has talked about that one. ;)
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