

  • edited December 2010
    To be honest....I wouldn't even mind if they left it ambigious. I prefer everything else over a
    newly build DeLorean
    Sorry :(
  • edited December 2010
    It'll either be explained, or it won't. I think it all depends on what happens to it at the end.
    I can't imagine it won't be explained. Shouldn't that be Marty's first question to Doc: Where/When did the DeLorean come from? Since, ya know, he saw the thing obliterated in front of his eyes by a train. I mean, I'd be curious, too...
  • edited December 2010
    I am so happy. ^^
    *dances out of joy*

    My two fears for this game were THIS and that they would've followed the non-canonical novels and made Doc 13-14 in 1931.
  • edited December 2010
    Markeres, more likely Marty will be more worried about what's kept Doc from coming back for six months.

    And no offense Origami, but if it's not a newly built time machine, or a new replacement doesn't turn up by the end of the game, then I don't have much faith in a BTTF Season 2 cause based on comments I've seen, most would prefer the DeLorean as the time machine than that clunker of a train. If it's the original DeLorean, then it has to be returned by the end. :(
  • edited December 2010
    But I'd rather have them making one epic BttF season instead of wearing it out with follow-up seasons.

    Either way, they have a long time before coming up with a story for BttF season 2.
    First JP then probably a return to two familiar licenses and probably also one new license.
  • edited December 2010
    Markeres, more likely Marty will be more worried about what's kept Doc from coming back for six months.
    Well, that would be his second question. :p
  • edited December 2010
    The video has a nice Biff reveal. Glad Kid Tannen is Biff's dad, I always wondered why he had no parents, and that insane grandma. LOL
  • edited December 2010
    I also love how Doc's father is a judge. It feels so NOT out-of-character.
    It makes a lot of sense with the family being wealthy and well known in Hill Valley.
  • edited December 2010
    Could someone help me by convincing me that Biff's father looking like a mafia member with an italian accent is not weird at all?

    I like the decision of making Biff's father a criminal but some aspects feel off.
    Someone tell me that he's just a ganster and that I am being racist by calling a New Yorkish accent an italian one?
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Could someone help me by convincing me that Biff's father looking like a mafia member with an italian accent is not weird at all?

    I like the decision of making Biff's father a criminal but some aspects feel off.
    Someone tell me that he's just a ganster and that I am being racist by calling a New Yorkish accent an italian one?

    He has a stereotypical Italian-American New Yorker accent, yes. He sounds like he grew up in a predominantly Italian-American neighborhood in New York. He does not sound like he's from Italy or like Italian is his first language.
  • edited December 2010
    Jeej somewhat.
    Now someone needs to convince me that walking in a gangster suit like that doesn't automatically make you a member of the mafia.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    But I'd rather have them making one epic BttF season instead of wearing it out with follow-up seasons.

    Either way, they have a long time before coming up with a story for BttF season 2.
    First JP then probably a return to two familiar licenses and probably also one new license.

    Well, I for one wouldn't mind more Bone. :p As for BTTF...I think more seasons would work, but it'd be hard to get used to if, say, Christopher Lloyd couldn't do anymore or if Bob Gale didn't give any further input.
  • edited December 2010
    As for BTTF...I think more seasons would work, but it'd be hard to get used to if, say, Christopher Lloyd couldn't do anymore or if Bob Gale didn't give any further input.
    That's why they should get started right away with "Back to the Future: The Game Part II" after the season and not wait a year or two. :)

    Actually, I think it would be awesome if the Universal deal was for two or three games for each franchise and Telltale just hasn't told us this yet. It would be a nice surprise.
  • edited December 2010
    I dunno...we can only revisit so much area's from the original trilogy. If we're going to visit area's again presented in BttF1 it's going to feel rehashed.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    I dunno...we can only revisit so much area's from the original trilogy. If we're going to visit area's again presented in BttF1 it's going to feel rehashed.
    No revisiting necessary. There's tons of time periods left to explore in Hill Valley. I'll quote myself from another thread:
    markeres wrote:
    1890s, 1900s, 1910s, 1920s, 1940s (though that's pretty close to 1950s), 1960s (which was the original conception of BTTFII), 1970s (you could have some fun with Marty as a kid, having to avoid his own younger self). If they wanted to do the future: 1990s, 2000s (the BTTF universe versions), or the far future.
    Assuming 1931 and 1986A are the only time periods we're going to see for any extended amount of time in the game, that leaves plenty of time periods for sequel games to explore.
  • edited December 2010
    This is true. And of course, assuming we don't revisit time periods from BTTF1, 2, or 3 in this game, which they've pretty well stated that they're not doing...though that last concept image throws a bit of doubt in there. :p
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Jeej somewhat.
    Now someone needs to convince me that walking in a gangster suit like that doesn't automatically make you a member of the mafia.

    I have "gangster suits". Trust me people are very stupid.
  • edited December 2010
    Another preview article: http://www.gamepro.com/article/previews/217660/back-to-the-future-the-game-preview/

    As always, spoiler warnings apply. The only major new piece of info is that the location of the opening scene of the game is confirmed.
  • edited December 2010
    I think I might be wrong.

    1985 Twin Pine Mall part is probably a dream sequence like some stated. If that's true I fear there might be a new DeLorean. :(
  • edited December 2010
    Origami, there are far worse things than a new DeLorean. Such as, will Doc want this one destroyed after the adventure's over? :eek:
  • edited December 2010
    I wrote this bit for my It's a Wonderful Life theory:
    (Marty hails a cab, steps in. Cut the taxi interior, driver turns around on his seat)
    Goldie Wilson: Where to kid.
    Marty: Ah...1640 Riverside Drive
    Goldie Wilson: Sure thing.
    (Goldie looks through the mirror suspiciously at Marty who is muttering and running his hands through his hair. Cab stops.)
    Goldie: Here's your stop, kid.
    Marty: Yeah. Thanks.
    (Cut to Doc Brown's mansion exterior. The house looks old and delapadated, a tree has fallen in front of the door and taken some of the roof)
    (Cab remains parked as driver eyes Marty. Marty moves some cobwebs off the window.)
    Marty: What's happend? (steps over to the cab) What's going on here? Everybodys gone nuts!
    Goldie Wilson: I don't know what you're yammerin' about. No ones lived in that house for 30 years.
    (Shocked Marty runs off out of shot)
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