Actual Time of Release?/ Answer: Not defined!

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Ok, I am sure it is here somewhere in this mess of 300+ page threads (I look through the "last page" and if it isn't there I am not searching through 300+ pages to find the post).

What time does this game come out?

Someone said 9PM GMT+1 (which is 2PM Eastern) but I have no idea if they were mistaken.

Can anyone help me out as to the specific time of release?

Disclaimer: Please do not come in here and tell me it's been posted but not give me the info, that's the worst. As if the server would overload if this info were helpfully given just one more time. If you post in a thread and give no useful information while simultaneously calling the original poster a troll, or get on them for making pointless or redundant posts, you are officially an idiot (not to mention a hypocrite).

So thanks in advance to all the helpful people, I am sorry you had to read it but, believe me, that disclaimer was ABSOLUTELY necessary.
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