Sam & Mac music

edited March 2007 in Sam & Max
I just wanted to point out that the .aud extension of the music files are just ordinary renamed .ogg files. So, if you wanna listen to your favourite song from one of the episodes, just copy them somewhere else, rename them and load them in your favourite player.

I really, really, REALLY love the EndCredits song. It's the Casino song, but with vocals. Those vocals are performed so damn nice! I love it! :D


  • edited February 2007
    well, yes and no. there's some other information in there, so it may not work on all media players. That's what the Telltale Music Extractor is for.
  • edited February 2007
    I didn't realise there was a music extractor available. I just did a hexdump of the .aud files and saw vorbis mentioned all over the place, so i figured it had to be vorbis wrapped in .ogg.

    Anyways, i play them just fine in amarok for Linux, but i haven't tested them anywhere else. But if the extractor removes the extra data, i guess that's a better solution.

    EDIT: Maybe I'll write an open source QT application which removes the extra data. I'm a Linux user, so i'd need this anyways.
  • edited February 2007
    Well, probably it works in that app because it looks for the beginning of the ogg-vorbis header file and starts parsing there. But there's a bunch of stuff before that, if not ignored, could cause problems for playback.
  • edited March 2007
    could you convert the casino song and the credits song for ep 3 to mp3 and post it here?
  • edited March 2007
    While you're at it, can you see if you can convert that nice jazz number that plays in Eps. 4 when you buy the BoscoTech item of the month? I kind of like the way that little melody went.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    In Soviet Russia, nice jazz number makes musical allusion to you. (listen)
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