BTTF - Can't Turn Goals Box Off?

edited December 2010 in Game Support
I'm playing BTTF just fine, except I seemingly can't turn the goals box in the upper left corner off. I assume this is the thing mentioned in the options that should be able to be turned off? Any help? I have it set to off in the options and even said no when the game asked me when I started it for the first time. Not that big of a deal, but kind of annoying.


  • edited December 2010
    I'm getting the same problem with the goal box. The game is also offering me hints when I have the hints bar to the lowest setting (no bars highlighted) such as
    telling me to look at Doc's model of Hill Valley
    . The former is intrusive on the screen and something I can put up with, but the latter ruins the fun of the game, so I've halted my playing until there's a solution.
  • edited December 2010
    Never mind. The goals box is there by default through the Doc's lab scene. It goes away if you turn it off once that scene is over.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Never mind. The goals box is there by default through the Doc's lab scene. It goes away if you turn it off once that scene is over.

    Thanks for letting me know. I guess it's a tutorial of sorts. I'll see if the same happens with the hints.
  • edited December 2010
    Yes, it's just there. Still annoying though.
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