Mac version trying to download and reinstall over itself??

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
I'm seeing some very, very odd behavior out of the Mac version of episode 1 here.

1. The game downloads via Safari at about 400 MB, auto extracts into my Downloads folder for a total size of 556.8 MB.
2. I launch the game to the launcher window. There's a play button.
3. I click Play, and the game proceeds to download something BIG. Again.
4. It finishes at 100%, and does nothing. No disk activity, no network activity. I try clicking the 100% and it animates back down to 0% and starts to download AGAIN!

Helluva first puzzle, guys.

Seriously, though, I did some investigation, and I'm finding that it's actually redownloading the exact same game's executable to ~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/BackToTheFuture101 DRM 15.05/, but never extracts it out of a zip file.

I'm stumped. HELP!

As a matter of info, here's some possibly important information:

MacBook Pro 15" Early 2010 model
2.66 Core i7
Latest Apple updates across the board

Other neighbors in the Telltale Application Support folder:



  • edited December 2010
    Exact problem here with iMac! Please help :(
  • edited December 2010
    happening here on my MBP too
  • edited December 2010
    Just delete and redownload--Telltale accidentally uploaded a faulty file originally, but its fixed now.
  • edited December 2010
    rafi wrote: »
    I'm seeing some very, very odd behavior out of the Mac version of episode 1 here.

    1. The game downloads via Safari at about 400 MB, auto extracts into my Downloads folder for a total size of 556.8 MB.
    2. I launch the game to the launcher window. There's a play button.
    3. I click Play, and the game proceeds to download something BIG. Again.
    4. It finishes at 100%, and does nothing. No disk activity, no network activity. I try clicking the 100% and it animates back down to 0% and starts to download AGAIN!

    Helluva first puzzle, guys.

    Seriously, though, I did some investigation, and I'm finding that it's actually redownloading the exact same game's executable to ~/Library/Application Support/Telltale Games/BackToTheFuture101 DRM 15.05/, but never extracts it out of a zip file.

    I'm stumped. HELP!

    As a matter of info, here's some possibly important information:

    MacBook Pro 15" Early 2010 model
    2.66 Core i7
    4 GB RAM
    Latest Apple updates across the board

    Other neighbors in the Telltale Application Support folder:


    EXACT problem I'm having except I have a PC / Microsoft Windows Vista.
  • edited December 2010
    The installer is seriously screwed up for the Mac. I've gone over my broadband allowance because of Telltale's shoddy play testing!!! Why games companies think that download distribution is an excuse for laziness is anyone's guess. This Back to the Future series will be the first and last download-only game I buy. Once bitten, twice shy :-(
  • edited December 2010
    Has anyone gotten this game to work on a Mac? THis is as far a I can get.
  • edited December 2010
    I had that problem with the first download, but downloading the revised launcher took care of it.
  • edited December 2010
    BigBiff wrote: »
    The installer is seriously screwed up for the Mac. I've gone over my broadband allowance because of Telltale's shoddy play testing!!! Why games companies think that download distribution is an excuse for laziness is anyone's guess. This Back to the Future series will be the first and last download-only game I buy. Once bitten, twice shy :-(

    Actually, as soon as the game episodes are complete, they'll send the DVD version out to your house.

    But, yeah, this is the first time I've had this kind of problems with a TellTale game. It still is giving me this problem. I thought they would have fixed the problem for the PC too - or maybe it's just my PC? I dunno... Shouldn't be a problem.
  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    I had that problem with the first download, but downloading the revised launcher took care of it.

    Not for me, sadly.
  • edited December 2010
    I have an iMac here and the installer app worked just fine.
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